Motif ID: Cbfb

Z-value: 0.416

Transcription factors associated with Cbfb:

Gene SymbolEntrez IDGene Name
Cbfb ENSMUSG00000031885.7 Cbfb

Activity-expression correlation:

Gene SymbolPromoterPearson corr. coef.P-valuePlot

Activity profile for motif Cbfb.

activity profile for motif Cbfb

Sorted Z-values histogram for motif Cbfb

Sorted Z-values for motif Cbfb

Network of associatons between targets according to the STRING database.

First level regulatory network of Cbfb

PNG image of the network

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Top targets:

Promoter Score Refseq Gene Symbol Gene Name
chr15_-_66801577 5.054 ENSMUST00000168589.1
src-like adaptor
chr14_+_101729907 2.881 ENSMUST00000100337.3
LIM domain only 7
chr12_+_95692212 1.591 ENSMUST00000057324.3
fibronectin leucine rich transmembrane protein 2
chr14_-_101729690 1.462 ENSMUST00000066461.3
predicted gene 9922
chr8_+_27260327 1.211 ENSMUST00000033880.5
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 1
chr4_-_6990774 1.196 ENSMUST00000039987.3
thymocyte selection-associated high mobility group box
chr2_+_32721055 1.051 ENSMUST00000074248.4
SH2 domain containing 3C
chr11_-_83649349 0.868 ENSMUST00000001008.5
chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3
chr7_-_90129339 0.734 ENSMUST00000181189.1
RIKEN cDNA 2310010J17 gene
chr2_+_164948219 0.641 ENSMUST00000017881.2
matrix metallopeptidase 9
chr19_-_50678485 0.578 ENSMUST00000111756.3
VPS10 domain receptor protein SORCS 1
chr17_-_64331817 0.485 ENSMUST00000172733.1

praja 2, RING-H2 motif containing

chr5_+_104435112 0.438 ENSMUST00000031243.8

secreted phosphoprotein 1

chr19_-_50678642 0.427 ENSMUST00000072685.6

VPS10 domain receptor protein SORCS 1

chr5_+_24364804 0.407 ENSMUST00000030834.4

nitric oxide synthase 3, endothelial cell

chr1_-_16656843 0.259 ENSMUST00000115352.3
transcription elongation factor B (SIII), polypeptide 1
chr15_+_99393219 0.249 ENSMUST00000159209.1
transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6
chr4_+_108847827 0.239 ENSMUST00000102738.2
KTI12 homolog, chromatin associated (S. cerevisiae)
chr10_+_69925954 0.228 ENSMUST00000181974.1

ankyrin 3, epithelial

chr15_+_99392948 0.206 ENSMUST00000161250.1

transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6

chr1_-_174921813 0.177 ENSMUST00000055294.3
gremlin 2 homolog, cysteine knot superfamily (Xenopus laevis)
chr17_+_12119274 0.147 ENSMUST00000024594.2
1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 4 (lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, delta)
chr1_+_63176818 0.133 ENSMUST00000129339.1
eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 beta 2
chr4_-_117891994 0.123 ENSMUST00000030265.3
DPH2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
chr2_+_72297895 0.116 ENSMUST00000144111.1
sterile alpha motif and leucine zipper containing kinase AZK
chr1_+_151755339 0.062 ENSMUST00000059498.5
ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 3
chr11_-_74724670 0.062 ENSMUST00000021091.8
platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase, isoform 1b, subunit 1
chr3_+_121291725 0.043 ENSMUST00000039442.7
asparagine-linked glycosylation 14
chr15_+_99393574 0.028 ENSMUST00000162624.1
transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6

Gene Ontology Analysis

Gene overrepresentation in biological_process category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.2 1.2 GO:1990928 response to amino acid starvation(GO:1990928)
0.2 1.6 GO:0061343 cell adhesion involved in heart morphogenesis(GO:0061343)
0.1 0.4 GO:0003100 regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by endothelin(GO:0003100) regulation of muscle hyperplasia(GO:0014738) muscle hyperplasia(GO:0014900)
0.1 0.6 GO:1900122 positive regulation of receptor binding(GO:1900122)
0.1 0.4 GO:0035937 androgen catabolic process(GO:0006710) estrogen secretion(GO:0035937) estradiol secretion(GO:0035938) regulation of estrogen secretion(GO:2000861) regulation of estradiol secretion(GO:2000864)
0.1 0.9 GO:0043615 astrocyte cell migration(GO:0043615)
0.1 0.4 GO:1904721 regulation of mRNA cleavage(GO:0031437) negative regulation of mRNA cleavage(GO:0031438) negative regulation of immunoglobulin secretion(GO:0051025) regulation of mRNA endonucleolytic cleavage involved in unfolded protein response(GO:1904720) negative regulation of mRNA endonucleolytic cleavage involved in unfolded protein response(GO:1904721)
0.1 5.1 GO:0038083 peptidyl-tyrosine autophosphorylation(GO:0038083)
0.0 0.1 GO:0017183 peptidyl-diphthamide metabolic process(GO:0017182) peptidyl-diphthamide biosynthetic process from peptidyl-histidine(GO:0017183)
0.0 0.2 GO:1900116 sequestering of extracellular ligand from receptor(GO:0035581) extracellular regulation of signal transduction(GO:1900115) extracellular negative regulation of signal transduction(GO:1900116)
0.0 0.2 GO:0010650 positive regulation of cell communication by electrical coupling(GO:0010650) positive regulation of membrane depolarization during cardiac muscle cell action potential(GO:1900827)
0.0 0.5 GO:0010738 regulation of protein kinase A signaling(GO:0010738)
0.0 0.1 GO:0036508 protein deglycosylation involved in glycoprotein catabolic process(GO:0035977) protein demannosylation(GO:0036507) protein alpha-1,2-demannosylation(GO:0036508) glycoprotein ERAD pathway(GO:0097466) mannose trimming involved in glycoprotein ERAD pathway(GO:1904382)
0.0 0.1 GO:0051661 maintenance of centrosome location(GO:0051661)

Gene overrepresentation in cellular_component category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.0 5.1 GO:0031234 extrinsic component of cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane(GO:0031234)
0.0 2.9 GO:0005913 cell-cell adherens junction(GO:0005913)
0.0 0.1 GO:0005853 eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 complex(GO:0005853)
0.0 0.2 GO:0014731 spectrin-associated cytoskeleton(GO:0014731)
0.0 0.1 GO:0000235 astral microtubule(GO:0000235)

Gene overrepresentation in molecular_function category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.2 6.1 GO:0005070 SH3/SH2 adaptor activity(GO:0005070)
0.1 0.4 GO:0004517 nitric-oxide synthase activity(GO:0004517)
0.1 1.2 GO:0008190 eukaryotic initiation factor 4E binding(GO:0008190)
0.1 1.6 GO:0045499 chemorepellent activity(GO:0045499)
0.1 2.9 GO:0042805 actinin binding(GO:0042805)
0.1 0.4 GO:0060698 endoribonuclease inhibitor activity(GO:0060698)
0.0 0.9 GO:0048020 CCR chemokine receptor binding(GO:0048020)
0.0 0.5 GO:0034236 protein kinase A catalytic subunit binding(GO:0034236)
0.0 0.6 GO:0001968 fibronectin binding(GO:0001968)
0.0 0.2 GO:0036122 BMP binding(GO:0036122)
0.0 0.4 GO:0050840 extracellular matrix binding(GO:0050840)

Gene overrepresentation in C2:CP category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.0 1.0 PID_FRA_PATHWAY Validated transcriptional targets of AP1 family members Fra1 and Fra2
0.0 5.1 PID_PDGFRB_PATHWAY PDGFR-beta signaling pathway
0.0 1.2 PID_P38_ALPHA_BETA_DOWNSTREAM_PATHWAY Signaling mediated by p38-alpha and p38-beta
0.0 0.4 PID_AVB3_OPN_PATHWAY Osteopontin-mediated events
0.0 0.9 PID_IL12_2PATHWAY IL12-mediated signaling events
0.0 0.3 PID_HIF1A_PATHWAY Hypoxic and oxygen homeostasis regulation of HIF-1-alpha

Gene overrepresentation in C2:CP:REACTOME category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.1 1.2 REACTOME_MTORC1_MEDIATED_SIGNALLING Genes involved in mTORC1-mediated signalling
0.0 0.6 REACTOME_DEGRADATION_OF_THE_EXTRACELLULAR_MATRIX Genes involved in Degradation of the extracellular matrix
0.0 0.9 REACTOME_CHEMOKINE_RECEPTORS_BIND_CHEMOKINES Genes involved in Chemokine receptors bind chemokines
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_TETRAHYDROBIOPTERIN_BH4_SYNTHESIS_RECYCLING_SALVAGE_AND_REGULATION Genes involved in Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) synthesis, recycling, salvage and regulation
0.0 0.3 REACTOME_OXYGEN_DEPENDENT_PROLINE_HYDROXYLATION_OF_HYPOXIA_INDUCIBLE_FACTOR_ALPHA Genes involved in Oxygen-dependent Proline Hydroxylation of Hypoxia-inducible Factor Alpha