Motif ID: Mybl1

Z-value: 1.560

Transcription factors associated with Mybl1:

Gene SymbolEntrez IDGene Name
Mybl1 ENSMUSG00000025912.10 Mybl1

Activity-expression correlation:

Gene SymbolPromoterPearson corr. coef.P-valuePlot

Activity profile for motif Mybl1.

activity profile for motif Mybl1

Sorted Z-values histogram for motif Mybl1

Sorted Z-values for motif Mybl1

Network of associatons between targets according to the STRING database.

First level regulatory network of Mybl1

PNG image of the network

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Top targets:

Promoter Score Refseq Gene Symbol Gene Name
chr8_+_94172618 15.804 ENSMUST00000034214.6
metallothionein 2
chr2_+_118814237 13.326 ENSMUST00000028803.7

kinetochore-localized astrin/SPAG5 binding

chr2_+_118814195 12.544 ENSMUST00000110842.1
kinetochore-localized astrin/SPAG5 binding
chr2_+_118813995 12.492 ENSMUST00000134661.1
kinetochore-localized astrin/SPAG5 binding
chr4_-_118437331 10.594 ENSMUST00000006565.6
cell division cycle 20
chr14_+_46760526 10.405 ENSMUST00000067426.4
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 3
chr6_+_124829540 9.534 ENSMUST00000150120.1
cell division cycle associated 3
chr5_+_75075464 9.245 ENSMUST00000160104.1

GS homeobox 2

chr9_+_78191966 9.232 ENSMUST00000034903.5
glutathione S-transferase, alpha 4
chr7_+_126862431 8.866 ENSMUST00000132808.1
HIRA interacting protein 3
chr15_-_88978958 8.821 ENSMUST00000042594.6

megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts 1 homolog (human)

chr6_+_124829582 8.797 ENSMUST00000024270.7
cell division cycle associated 3
chr4_-_43499608 8.650 ENSMUST00000136005.1

Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 39

chr14_+_65806066 8.234 ENSMUST00000139644.1
PDZ binding kinase
chr11_-_106999369 7.963 ENSMUST00000106768.1

karyopherin (importin) alpha 2

chr9_+_7764041 7.923 ENSMUST00000052865.9
transmembrane protein 123
chr3_+_137623672 7.786 ENSMUST00000053855.7
DNA-damage-inducible transcript 4-like
chr12_-_99883429 7.620 ENSMUST00000046485.3
EF-hand calcium binding domain 11
chr4_-_117182623 7.334 ENSMUST00000065896.2
kinesin family member 2C
chr2_-_105399286 7.308 ENSMUST00000006128.6
reticulocalbin 1
chr4_-_41695442 7.243 ENSMUST00000102961.3

ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor

chr1_+_57995971 6.890 ENSMUST00000027202.8
shugoshin-like 2 (S. pombe)
chr3_+_145758674 6.861 ENSMUST00000029845.8
dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 1
chr14_-_20181773 6.854 ENSMUST00000024011.8
potassium channel, subfamily K, member 5
chr11_-_69921190 6.734 ENSMUST00000108607.1
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A
chr7_+_79660196 6.612 ENSMUST00000035977.7
TOPBP1-interacting checkpoint and replication regulator
chr17_+_29093763 6.584 ENSMUST00000023829.6
cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (P21)
chrX_-_102157065 6.568 ENSMUST00000056904.2
excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency complementation group 6 like
chr19_-_40271506 6.343 ENSMUST00000068439.6
PDZ and LIM domain 1 (elfin)
chr13_-_24761440 6.299 ENSMUST00000176890.1


chr11_-_106999482 6.191 ENSMUST00000018506.6
karyopherin (importin) alpha 2
chr1_-_120121030 6.185 ENSMUST00000027634.6
diazepam binding inhibitor
chr1_-_120120937 6.174 ENSMUST00000151708.1
diazepam binding inhibitor
chr19_+_60144682 6.033 ENSMUST00000065383.4
RIKEN cDNA E330013P04 gene
chr5_+_123749696 5.899 ENSMUST00000031366.7
kinetochore associated 1
chr2_-_150668198 5.891 ENSMUST00000028944.3
acyl-CoA synthetase short-chain family member 1
chr3_+_137624031 5.886 ENSMUST00000165845.1
DNA-damage-inducible transcript 4-like
chr17_-_26095487 5.858 ENSMUST00000025007.5
NME/NM23 nucleoside diphosphate kinase 4
chr13_-_24761861 5.710 ENSMUST00000006898.3


chr11_+_117809653 5.498 ENSMUST00000026649.7

synaptogyrin 2

predicted gene 20708
chr13_-_49652714 5.464 ENSMUST00000021818.7
centromere protein P
chr3_-_88410295 5.429 ENSMUST00000056370.7
polyamine-modulated factor 1
chr14_+_65805832 5.401 ENSMUST00000022612.3
PDZ binding kinase
chr8_+_83715504 5.350 ENSMUST00000109810.1
DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 39
chr2_+_156840966 5.258 ENSMUST00000109564.1
TGFB-induced factor homeobox 2
chr4_+_62559825 5.219 ENSMUST00000065870.7
regulator of G-protein signaling 3
chr8_+_83955507 5.092 ENSMUST00000005607.8
ASF1 anti-silencing function 1 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
chr13_+_108316395 5.087 ENSMUST00000171178.1
DEP domain containing 1B
chr12_+_112146187 5.048 ENSMUST00000128402.2
kinesin family member 26A
chr11_-_69921329 5.045 ENSMUST00000108613.3

eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A

chr11_-_100356078 4.942 ENSMUST00000103124.4
huntingtin-associated protein 1
chr2_+_163054682 4.888 ENSMUST00000018005.3
myeloblastosis oncogene-like 2
chr2_+_119112793 4.873 ENSMUST00000140939.1

RAD51 homolog

chrX_-_106485214 4.843 ENSMUST00000039447.7
fibronectin type III domain containing 3C1
chr4_-_41697040 4.783 ENSMUST00000102962.3

ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor

chr2_+_121506715 4.771 ENSMUST00000028676.5
WD repeat domain 76
chr8_-_94918012 4.705 ENSMUST00000077955.5
coiled-coil domain containing 102A
chr11_-_100356116 4.606 ENSMUST00000138603.2
huntingtin-associated protein 1
chr11_+_117809687 4.516 ENSMUST00000120928.1

synaptogyrin 2

chr1_-_44101982 4.512 ENSMUST00000127923.1
testis expressed 30
chrX_-_74353575 4.454 ENSMUST00000114152.1

L antigen family, member 3

chr2_+_121506748 4.450 ENSMUST00000099473.3

WD repeat domain 76

chr1_-_169531447 4.445 ENSMUST00000111368.1
NUF2, NDC80 kinetochore complex component, homolog (S. cerevisiae)
chr4_-_137766474 4.420 ENSMUST00000139951.1
alkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney
chr12_+_69168808 4.384 ENSMUST00000110621.1
leucine rich repeat protein 1
chr11_-_115808068 4.375 ENSMUST00000132780.1
CASK-interacting protein 2
chr13_-_23762378 4.335 ENSMUST00000091701.2
histone cluster 1, H3a
chr19_-_41802028 4.304 ENSMUST00000026150.8

Rho GTPase activating protein 19

chr11_-_106998483 4.298 ENSMUST00000124541.1
karyopherin (importin) alpha 2
chr4_+_111719975 4.274 ENSMUST00000038868.7

spermatogenesis associated 6

chr16_-_11066141 4.268 ENSMUST00000162323.1
LPS-induced TN factor
chr14_-_48662740 4.247 ENSMUST00000122009.1
orthodenticle homolog 2 (Drosophila)
chr7_+_144915100 4.219 ENSMUST00000128057.1
oral cancer overexpressed 1
chr4_-_95052188 4.139 ENSMUST00000107094.1
Jun oncogene
chrX_+_50841434 4.138 ENSMUST00000114887.2
RIKEN cDNA 2610018G03 gene
chr2_+_131234043 4.091 ENSMUST00000041362.5

mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein

chr12_-_91746020 4.049 ENSMUST00000166967.1
stonin 2
chr11_+_59306920 4.031 ENSMUST00000000128.3

wingless-type MMTV integration site 9A

chr1_-_120120138 3.946 ENSMUST00000112648.1

diazepam binding inhibitor

chr7_+_126861947 3.938 ENSMUST00000037248.3
HIRA interacting protein 3
chr11_-_78550777 3.925 ENSMUST00000103242.4
transmembrane protein 97
chr8_+_83715177 3.915 ENSMUST00000019576.8
DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 39
chr2_+_31950257 3.878 ENSMUST00000001920.7
allograft inflammatory factor 1-like
chr11_-_69921057 3.866 ENSMUST00000108609.1

eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A

chr4_+_111720187 3.850 ENSMUST00000084354.3
spermatogenesis associated 6
chr8_-_111876661 3.824 ENSMUST00000034431.1
transmembrane protein 170
chr9_+_60794468 3.770 ENSMUST00000050183.6
uveal autoantigen with coiled-coil domains and ankyrin repeats
chr10_-_128180265 3.696 ENSMUST00000099139.1
RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 2
chr16_+_93883895 3.674 ENSMUST00000023666.4

chromatin assembly factor 1, subunit B (p60)

chr15_+_99055164 3.519 ENSMUST00000047104.7


chr7_+_46847128 3.466 ENSMUST00000005051.4
lactate dehydrogenase A
chr4_+_65124174 3.465 ENSMUST00000084501.3
pregnancy-associated plasma protein A
chr4_-_107684228 3.460 ENSMUST00000069271.4
DMRT-like family B with proline-rich C-terminal, 1
chr1_-_191575534 3.437 ENSMUST00000027933.5
denticleless homolog (Drosophila)
chr14_-_13961202 3.436 ENSMUST00000065865.8
THO complex 7 homolog (Drosophila)
chr4_+_141239499 3.421 ENSMUST00000141834.2
Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) 19
chr1_-_44102362 3.406 ENSMUST00000147571.1

testis expressed 30

chr2_-_149798701 3.403 ENSMUST00000148202.1

predicted gene 14133

chr19_+_53142756 3.365 ENSMUST00000050096.7
adducin 3 (gamma)
chr9_+_53884082 3.360 ENSMUST00000077997.2
predicted pseudogene 16380
chr2_-_84670659 3.331 ENSMUST00000102646.1

RIKEN cDNA 2700094K13 gene

chr7_+_100285478 3.311 ENSMUST00000057023.5
procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase (proline 4-hydroxylase), alpha polypeptide III
chr3_-_69044697 3.289 ENSMUST00000136512.1

tripartite motif-containing 59

chr14_+_65358661 3.227 ENSMUST00000066994.6
zinc finger protein 395
chr4_+_137862270 3.208 ENSMUST00000130407.1
endothelin converting enzyme 1
chr11_-_69920892 3.159 ENSMUST00000152589.1

eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A

chr1_-_44102433 3.123 ENSMUST00000129702.1

testis expressed 30

chr18_+_34624621 3.120 ENSMUST00000167161.1
kinesin family member 20A
chr1_-_44102414 3.118 ENSMUST00000143327.1

testis expressed 30

chr5_+_110286306 3.109 ENSMUST00000007296.5

polymerase (DNA directed), epsilon

chr1_-_44102341 3.101 ENSMUST00000128190.1
testis expressed 30
chr11_+_32276400 3.085 ENSMUST00000020531.2
hemoglobin X, alpha-like embryonic chain in Hba complex
chr1_+_88227005 3.078 ENSMUST00000061013.6

maestro heat-like repeat family member 2A

chr3_+_153973436 3.022 ENSMUST00000089948.5
solute carrier family 44, member 5
chr3_+_96161981 3.020 ENSMUST00000054356.9
myotubularin related protein 11
chr5_-_33652296 2.967 ENSMUST00000151081.1

stem-loop binding protein

chr12_-_112829351 2.960 ENSMUST00000062092.5
cell division cycle associated 4
chr6_+_117906755 2.893 ENSMUST00000170346.1

heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F

chr11_-_84068554 2.887 ENSMUST00000164891.1
dual specificity phosphatase 14
chr16_+_90831113 2.886 ENSMUST00000037539.7

eva-1 homolog C (C. elegans)

chr16_+_45093611 2.882 ENSMUST00000099498.2
coiled-coil domain containing 80
chr9_+_102626278 2.882 ENSMUST00000038673.7
anaphase promoting complex subunit 13
chr5_+_115429585 2.868 ENSMUST00000150779.1
musashi RNA-binding protein 1
chr2_-_54085542 2.851 ENSMUST00000100089.2
reprimo, TP53 dependent G2 arrest mediator candidate
chr7_+_27486910 2.851 ENSMUST00000008528.7
SERTA domain containing 1
chr18_-_77047282 2.845 ENSMUST00000154665.1

katanin p60 subunit A-like 2

chrX_+_136245065 2.795 ENSMUST00000048687.4
WW domain binding protein 5
chr1_-_144004142 2.752 ENSMUST00000127206.1
regulator of G-protein signaling 2
chr11_+_95337012 2.744 ENSMUST00000037502.6
family with sequence similarity 117, member A
chr10_-_95564167 2.722 ENSMUST00000020217.5
nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 4
chr18_-_39490649 2.710 ENSMUST00000115567.1
nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1
chr5_+_38220628 2.691 ENSMUST00000114106.1
Ly1 antibody reactive clone
chr3_-_95995835 2.681 ENSMUST00000143485.1
pleckstrin homology domain containing, family O member 1
chrX_-_53269786 2.656 ENSMUST00000114841.1

family with sequence similarity 122, member B

chr8_-_106573461 2.625 ENSMUST00000073722.5
predicted pseudogene 10073
chr13_-_23571151 2.619 ENSMUST00000102969.3
histone cluster 1, H2ae
chr5_+_38220470 2.608 ENSMUST00000087514.2

Ly1 antibody reactive clone

chr10_+_41519493 2.602 ENSMUST00000019962.8
CD164 antigen
chr1_-_75219245 2.572 ENSMUST00000079464.6
tubulin, alpha 4A
chr16_+_58408443 2.561 ENSMUST00000046663.7
discoidin, CUB and LCCL domain containing 2
chr6_+_134035691 2.522 ENSMUST00000081028.6

ets variant gene 6 (TEL oncogene)

chr13_-_3918157 2.520 ENSMUST00000091853.4
neuroepithelial cell transforming gene 1
chr11_-_59787636 2.505 ENSMUST00000125307.1
phospholipase D family, member 6
chr2_-_25546872 2.429 ENSMUST00000114234.1

TNF receptor-associated factor 2

chr19_-_29325313 2.404 ENSMUST00000052380.4
insulin-like 6
chr8_+_83715239 2.392 ENSMUST00000172396.1
DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 39
chrX_+_58030999 2.380 ENSMUST00000088631.4

zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 3

chr7_-_127286385 2.360 ENSMUST00000172206.2
predicted gene, 17511
chr7_-_126792469 2.350 ENSMUST00000032936.6
protein phosphatase 4, catalytic subunit
chr5_+_76183880 2.339 ENSMUST00000031144.7
transmembrane protein 165
chr3_+_87906842 2.327 ENSMUST00000159492.1
hepatoma-derived growth factor
chr17_-_80062199 2.310 ENSMUST00000184635.1
heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L-like
chr4_+_128993224 2.233 ENSMUST00000030583.6

adenylate kinase 2

chr10_-_96409038 2.210 ENSMUST00000179683.1
predicted gene, 20091
chr4_-_45320580 2.192 ENSMUST00000030003.3
exosome component 3
chr1_+_180568913 2.184 ENSMUST00000027777.6
poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase family, member 1
chr9_-_55512156 2.179 ENSMUST00000034866.8
electron transferring flavoprotein, alpha polypeptide
chr2_+_109280738 2.143 ENSMUST00000028527.7
kinesin family member 18A
chr11_+_68901538 2.140 ENSMUST00000073471.6

ribosomal protein L26

chr6_+_30723541 2.133 ENSMUST00000115127.1
mesoderm specific transcript
chr17_-_35702040 2.123 ENSMUST00000166980.2

discoidin domain receptor family, member 1

chr15_-_83464595 2.122 ENSMUST00000171436.1
protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 2
chr19_-_4928241 2.119 ENSMUST00000025851.3
dipeptidylpeptidase 3
chr17_+_20570362 2.116 ENSMUST00000095633.3
predicted pseudogene 5145
chr7_+_125444635 2.094 ENSMUST00000033010.2

lysine (K)-specific demethylase 8

chr7_+_75455534 2.090 ENSMUST00000147005.1

A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 13

chr4_-_129558387 2.077 ENSMUST00000067240.4
lymphocyte protein tyrosine kinase
chr4_-_129558355 2.076 ENSMUST00000167288.1

lymphocyte protein tyrosine kinase

chr9_-_39603635 2.075 ENSMUST00000119722.1
expressed sequence AW551984
chr2_+_19371636 2.075 ENSMUST00000023856.8
methionine sulfoxide reductase B2
chr12_+_84773262 2.054 ENSMUST00000021667.5
iron-sulfur cluster assembly 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
chr17_-_23844155 2.050 ENSMUST00000122936.1

protease, serine, 41

chr16_-_33967032 2.045 ENSMUST00000023510.6
uridine monophosphate synthetase
chr11_-_68973840 2.035 ENSMUST00000038644.4
RAN guanine nucleotide release factor
chr2_-_127143410 2.026 ENSMUST00000132773.1
inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor interacting protein-like 1
chr16_-_36071515 2.011 ENSMUST00000004057.7
family with sequence similarity 162, member A
chr7_+_43444104 1.997 ENSMUST00000004729.3
electron transferring flavoprotein, beta polypeptide
chr14_+_115042752 1.992 ENSMUST00000134140.2
Mir17 host gene 1 (non-protein coding)
chr11_-_84068766 1.988 ENSMUST00000018792.5
dual specificity phosphatase 14
chr3_-_88577208 1.986 ENSMUST00000098952.2
predicted pseudogene 10704
chr15_+_88751649 1.976 ENSMUST00000041297.8
zinc finger, BED domain containing 4
chr4_-_41713491 1.969 ENSMUST00000038434.3
ribonuclease P/MRP 25 subunit-like
chr17_-_46629420 1.955 ENSMUST00000044442.8
PTK7 protein tyrosine kinase 7
chr18_+_34759551 1.951 ENSMUST00000097622.3
family with sequence similarity 53, member C
chr1_+_134182404 1.936 ENSMUST00000153856.1

chitinase 3-like 1

chrX_-_95026671 1.930 ENSMUST00000096367.3
spindlin family, member 4
chr13_+_119428583 1.916 ENSMUST00000109203.2
polyadenylate binding protein-interacting protein 1
chr14_+_24490678 1.907 ENSMUST00000169826.1

ribosomal protein S24

chr2_+_157737401 1.902 ENSMUST00000029178.6
catenin, beta like 1
chr4_+_45184815 1.897 ENSMUST00000134280.1

FERM and PDZ domain containing 1

chr11_-_89639631 1.893 ENSMUST00000128717.1
ankyrin-repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 1
chr7_+_127471484 1.885 ENSMUST00000033095.8
proline rich 14
chr18_+_34758890 1.877 ENSMUST00000049281.5
family with sequence similarity 53, member C
chr19_+_45018114 1.874 ENSMUST00000178087.1
leucine zipper, putative tumor suppressor 2
chr17_-_36958533 1.872 ENSMUST00000172518.1
zinc ribbon domain containing, 1
chr1_+_172148015 1.844 ENSMUST00000074144.5
DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 8
chr17_+_28328471 1.811 ENSMUST00000042334.8
ribosomal protein L10A
chr6_+_35252692 1.810 ENSMUST00000130875.1
RIKEN cDNA 1810058I24 gene
chr1_+_87264345 1.805 ENSMUST00000118687.1

EF hand domain containing 1

chr6_+_82402475 1.803 ENSMUST00000032122.8
tachykinin receptor 1

Gene Ontology Analysis

Gene overrepresentation in biological_process category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
3.3 16.3 GO:0036151 phosphatidylcholine acyl-chain remodeling(GO:0036151)
3.2 19.0 GO:0006452 translational frameshifting(GO:0006452) positive regulation of translational termination(GO:0045905)
3.0 12.0 GO:0003360 brainstem development(GO:0003360)
2.3 15.8 GO:0010273 detoxification of copper ion(GO:0010273) stress response to copper ion(GO:1990169)
2.1 38.4 GO:0051988 regulation of attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore(GO:0051988)
2.0 5.9 GO:0006083 acetate metabolic process(GO:0006083)
1.9 9.5 GO:0032901 positive regulation of neurotrophin production(GO:0032901)
1.6 4.9 GO:0051105 regulation of DNA ligation(GO:0051105) positive regulation of DNA ligation(GO:0051106)
1.6 4.7 GO:0044778 meiotic DNA integrity checkpoint(GO:0044778)
1.5 10.6 GO:0000279 M phase(GO:0000279)
1.5 7.3 GO:0030951 establishment or maintenance of microtubule cytoskeleton polarity(GO:0030951)
1.4 4.1 GO:0071649 regulation of chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 5 production(GO:0071649)
1.1 5.7 GO:0019659 fermentation(GO:0006113) glucose catabolic process to lactate(GO:0019659) glycolytic fermentation(GO:0019660) glucose catabolic process to lactate via pyruvate(GO:0019661)
1.1 3.4 GO:0009174 UMP biosynthetic process(GO:0006222) pyrimidine ribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process(GO:0009173) pyrimidine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process(GO:0009174) UMP metabolic process(GO:0046049)
1.1 3.2 GO:0010814 substance P catabolic process(GO:0010814) calcitonin catabolic process(GO:0010816) endothelin maturation(GO:0034959)
1.1 4.2 GO:0046552 eye photoreceptor cell fate commitment(GO:0042706) photoreceptor cell fate commitment(GO:0046552)
1.0 3.1 GO:0045004 DNA replication proofreading(GO:0045004)
0.9 6.6 GO:0033314 mitotic DNA replication checkpoint(GO:0033314)
0.9 5.5 GO:0034080 CENP-A containing nucleosome assembly(GO:0034080) CENP-A containing chromatin organization(GO:0061641)
0.9 8.8 GO:0071397 cellular response to cholesterol(GO:0071397)
0.9 1.7 GO:0090274 positive regulation of somatostatin secretion(GO:0090274)
0.8 4.1 GO:0051365 cellular response to potassium ion starvation(GO:0051365)
0.8 7.2 GO:1900169 regulation of glucocorticoid mediated signaling pathway(GO:1900169)
0.8 8.7 GO:0006977 DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator resulting in cell cycle arrest(GO:0006977)
0.7 6.0 GO:0070474 positive regulation of uterine smooth muscle contraction(GO:0070474)
0.7 17.5 GO:0006607 NLS-bearing protein import into nucleus(GO:0006607)
0.7 2.2 GO:1904760 myofibroblast differentiation(GO:0036446) regulation of myofibroblast differentiation(GO:1904760)
0.7 4.3 GO:0034587 piRNA metabolic process(GO:0034587)
0.7 3.4 GO:0046784 viral mRNA export from host cell nucleus(GO:0046784)
0.7 6.9 GO:0030322 stabilization of membrane potential(GO:0030322)
0.7 8.9 GO:0048853 forebrain morphogenesis(GO:0048853)
0.6 3.7 GO:0035469 determination of pancreatic left/right asymmetry(GO:0035469)
0.6 3.1 GO:0015671 oxygen transport(GO:0015671)
0.6 3.1 GO:0090666 scaRNA localization to Cajal body(GO:0090666)
0.6 1.8 GO:0060478 acrosomal vesicle exocytosis(GO:0060478)
0.6 2.4 GO:1903265 positive regulation of tumor necrosis factor-mediated signaling pathway(GO:1903265)
0.6 1.8 GO:1904742 regulation of telomeric DNA binding(GO:1904742)
0.6 1.8 GO:0035519 protein K29-linked ubiquitination(GO:0035519)
0.6 1.7 GO:0060830 ciliary receptor clustering involved in smoothened signaling pathway(GO:0060830)
0.6 1.7 GO:0090202 transcriptional activation by promoter-enhancer looping(GO:0071733) regulation of estrogen receptor binding(GO:0071898) negative regulation of estrogen receptor binding(GO:0071899) gene looping(GO:0090202) dsDNA loop formation(GO:0090579)
0.6 2.8 GO:0010519 negative regulation of phospholipase activity(GO:0010519)
0.5 2.2 GO:0071034 CUT catabolic process(GO:0071034) CUT metabolic process(GO:0071043) polyadenylation-dependent snoRNA 3'-end processing(GO:0071051)
0.5 1.6 GO:0019405 hexitol metabolic process(GO:0006059) alditol catabolic process(GO:0019405) fructose biosynthetic process(GO:0046370)
0.5 5.9 GO:0006228 UTP biosynthetic process(GO:0006228)
0.5 7.4 GO:1900038 negative regulation of cellular response to hypoxia(GO:1900038)
0.5 1.6 GO:0002447 eosinophil activation involved in immune response(GO:0002278) eosinophil mediated immunity(GO:0002447) eosinophil degranulation(GO:0043308) regulation of eosinophil activation(GO:1902566)
0.5 2.1 GO:0030091 protein repair(GO:0030091)
0.5 1.5 GO:0006419 alanyl-tRNA aminoacylation(GO:0006419)
0.5 4.0 GO:0006398 mRNA 3'-end processing by stem-loop binding and cleavage(GO:0006398)
0.5 1.5 GO:0034334 adherens junction maintenance(GO:0034334)
0.5 14.2 GO:0034723 DNA replication-dependent nucleosome assembly(GO:0006335) DNA replication-dependent nucleosome organization(GO:0034723)
0.5 2.3 GO:0032472 Golgi calcium ion transport(GO:0032472)
0.5 9.3 GO:0045793 positive regulation of cell size(GO:0045793)
0.5 0.9 GO:0031660 regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity involved in G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle(GO:0031660) positive regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity involved in G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle(GO:0031662)
0.4 8.0 GO:0042347 negative regulation of NF-kappaB import into nucleus(GO:0042347)
0.4 8.1 GO:0044458 motile cilium assembly(GO:0044458)
0.4 5.0 GO:0048484 enteric nervous system development(GO:0048484)
0.4 1.3 GO:1901187 regulation of ephrin receptor signaling pathway(GO:1901187)
0.4 1.2 GO:0060535 trachea cartilage morphogenesis(GO:0060535)
0.4 1.6 GO:0061188 regulation of chromatin silencing at rDNA(GO:0061187) negative regulation of chromatin silencing at rDNA(GO:0061188)
0.4 0.8 GO:0032714 positive regulation of T cell anergy(GO:0002669) positive regulation of lymphocyte anergy(GO:0002913) negative regulation of interleukin-5 production(GO:0032714)
0.4 1.6 GO:0019323 pentose catabolic process(GO:0019323)
0.4 2.3 GO:1901911 diphosphoinositol polyphosphate metabolic process(GO:0071543) diadenosine pentaphosphate metabolic process(GO:1901906) diadenosine pentaphosphate catabolic process(GO:1901907) diadenosine hexaphosphate metabolic process(GO:1901908) diadenosine hexaphosphate catabolic process(GO:1901909) adenosine 5'-(hexahydrogen pentaphosphate) metabolic process(GO:1901910) adenosine 5'-(hexahydrogen pentaphosphate) catabolic process(GO:1901911)
0.4 2.5 GO:0007296 vitellogenesis(GO:0007296)
0.4 1.4 GO:0042360 vitamin E metabolic process(GO:0042360)
0.3 7.7 GO:2000001 regulation of DNA damage checkpoint(GO:2000001)
0.3 2.4 GO:0044806 G-quadruplex DNA unwinding(GO:0044806)
0.3 2.0 GO:0086028 bundle of His cell to Purkinje myocyte signaling(GO:0086028) bundle of His cell action potential(GO:0086043)
0.3 1.0 GO:0035964 COPI-coated vesicle budding(GO:0035964)
0.3 5.9 GO:0008608 attachment of spindle microtubules to kinetochore(GO:0008608)
0.3 5.2 GO:0051451 myoblast migration(GO:0051451)
0.3 1.9 GO:0009211 pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process(GO:0009211)
0.3 1.9 GO:0035087 siRNA loading onto RISC involved in RNA interference(GO:0035087)
0.3 1.9 GO:0006363 termination of RNA polymerase I transcription(GO:0006363)
0.3 0.9 GO:0000973 posttranscriptional tethering of RNA polymerase II gene DNA at nuclear periphery(GO:0000973)
0.3 0.9 GO:0006428 isoleucyl-tRNA aminoacylation(GO:0006428)
0.3 2.1 GO:0060923 cardiac muscle cell fate commitment(GO:0060923)
0.3 0.9 GO:0045014 detection of carbohydrate stimulus(GO:0009730) detection of hexose stimulus(GO:0009732) detection of monosaccharide stimulus(GO:0034287) carbon catabolite repression of transcription(GO:0045013) negative regulation of transcription by glucose(GO:0045014) detection of glucose(GO:0051594)
0.3 1.8 GO:0003431 growth plate cartilage chondrocyte development(GO:0003431)
0.3 0.9 GO:2000312 regulation of kainate selective glutamate receptor activity(GO:2000312)
0.3 3.5 GO:0051292 nuclear pore complex assembly(GO:0051292)
0.3 2.0 GO:0045198 establishment of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity(GO:0045198)
0.3 2.0 GO:0035701 hematopoietic stem cell migration(GO:0035701)
0.3 1.1 GO:0072272 proximal/distal pattern formation involved in metanephric nephron development(GO:0072272)
0.3 1.3 GO:1902031 regulation of NADP metabolic process(GO:1902031)
0.3 3.4 GO:0019985 translesion synthesis(GO:0019985)
0.3 2.4 GO:0000055 ribosomal large subunit export from nucleus(GO:0000055)
0.3 0.5 GO:1904751 positive regulation of protein localization to nucleolus(GO:1904751)
0.3 2.0 GO:0050957 equilibrioception(GO:0050957)
0.3 1.0 GO:2001274 negative regulation of glucose import in response to insulin stimulus(GO:2001274)
0.2 1.0 GO:0006121 mitochondrial electron transport, succinate to ubiquinone(GO:0006121)
0.2 0.7 GO:1902044 regulation of Fas signaling pathway(GO:1902044) negative regulation of Fas signaling pathway(GO:1902045)
0.2 1.5 GO:1902965 regulation of protein localization to early endosome(GO:1902965) positive regulation of protein localization to early endosome(GO:1902966)
0.2 3.5 GO:0043248 proteasome assembly(GO:0043248)
0.2 13.6 GO:0070303 negative regulation of stress-activated MAPK cascade(GO:0032873) negative regulation of stress-activated protein kinase signaling cascade(GO:0070303)
0.2 2.3 GO:1904153 negative regulation of protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum(GO:0070862) negative regulation of retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol(GO:1904153)
0.2 4.2 GO:0033539 fatty acid beta-oxidation using acyl-CoA dehydrogenase(GO:0033539)
0.2 2.2 GO:0046060 dATP metabolic process(GO:0046060)
0.2 0.4 GO:1902174 positive regulation of keratinocyte apoptotic process(GO:1902174)
0.2 0.7 GO:0072092 ureteric bud invasion(GO:0072092) metanephric renal vesicle formation(GO:0072093)
0.2 8.7 GO:0006406 mRNA export from nucleus(GO:0006406) mRNA-containing ribonucleoprotein complex export from nucleus(GO:0071427)
0.2 0.6 GO:0071707 immunoglobulin heavy chain V-D-J recombination(GO:0071707)
0.2 1.3 GO:0046015 regulation of transcription by glucose(GO:0046015)
0.2 1.1 GO:0060056 mammary gland involution(GO:0060056)
0.2 10.3 GO:0008156 negative regulation of DNA replication(GO:0008156)
0.2 4.2 GO:0038092 nodal signaling pathway(GO:0038092)
0.2 0.8 GO:0006269 DNA replication, synthesis of RNA primer(GO:0006269)
0.2 2.4 GO:0070389 chaperone cofactor-dependent protein refolding(GO:0070389)
0.2 1.4 GO:0097428 protein maturation by iron-sulfur cluster transfer(GO:0097428)
0.2 0.8 GO:0015786 UDP-glucose transport(GO:0015786)
0.2 6.2 GO:0035335 peptidyl-tyrosine dephosphorylation(GO:0035335)
0.2 2.1 GO:0070836 caveola assembly(GO:0070836)
0.2 0.4 GO:0046122 purine deoxyribonucleoside metabolic process(GO:0046122)
0.2 0.7 GO:0098535 de novo centriole assembly(GO:0098535)
0.2 2.1 GO:0061302 smooth muscle cell-matrix adhesion(GO:0061302)
0.2 4.0 GO:0032331 negative regulation of chondrocyte differentiation(GO:0032331)
0.2 0.3 GO:0032201 telomere maintenance via semi-conservative replication(GO:0032201)
0.2 0.2 GO:0046831 regulation of RNA export from nucleus(GO:0046831)
0.2 0.5 GO:0006436 tryptophanyl-tRNA aminoacylation(GO:0006436)
0.2 0.7 GO:0043551 regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity(GO:0043551)
0.2 1.2 GO:0010455 positive regulation of cell fate commitment(GO:0010455) regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter involved in spinal cord motor neuron fate specification(GO:0021912) regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter involved in ventral spinal cord interneuron specification(GO:0021913)
0.2 1.4 GO:1990173 protein localization to nuclear body(GO:1903405) protein localization to Cajal body(GO:1904867) regulation of protein localization to Cajal body(GO:1904869) positive regulation of protein localization to Cajal body(GO:1904871) protein localization to nucleoplasm(GO:1990173)
0.2 2.7 GO:0045104 intermediate filament cytoskeleton organization(GO:0045104)
0.2 1.3 GO:0010739 positive regulation of protein kinase A signaling(GO:0010739)
0.2 1.8 GO:0034551 respiratory chain complex III assembly(GO:0017062) mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III assembly(GO:0034551) mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III biogenesis(GO:0097033)
0.2 0.8 GO:0090168 Golgi reassembly(GO:0090168)
0.2 0.8 GO:0002155 regulation of thyroid hormone mediated signaling pathway(GO:0002155)
0.2 0.6 GO:0006409 tRNA export from nucleus(GO:0006409) tRNA-containing ribonucleoprotein complex export from nucleus(GO:0071431)
0.2 0.9 GO:0009169 purine nucleoside monophosphate catabolic process(GO:0009128) ribonucleoside monophosphate catabolic process(GO:0009158) purine ribonucleoside monophosphate catabolic process(GO:0009169)
0.2 2.5 GO:0006337 nucleosome disassembly(GO:0006337)
0.2 1.1 GO:0031118 rRNA pseudouridine synthesis(GO:0031118)
0.2 0.5 GO:0070543 response to linoleic acid(GO:0070543)
0.1 2.1 GO:0070544 histone H3-K36 demethylation(GO:0070544)
0.1 0.4 GO:0090238 positive regulation of arachidonic acid secretion(GO:0090238)
0.1 0.4 GO:0002940 tRNA N2-guanine methylation(GO:0002940)
0.1 0.7 GO:0046600 negative regulation of centriole replication(GO:0046600)
0.1 1.1 GO:0007569 cell aging(GO:0007569)
0.1 0.4 GO:0035523 protein K29-linked deubiquitination(GO:0035523) protein K6-linked deubiquitination(GO:0044313)
0.1 1.4 GO:0048386 positive regulation of retinoic acid receptor signaling pathway(GO:0048386)
0.1 1.8 GO:0072112 renal filtration cell differentiation(GO:0061318) glomerular visceral epithelial cell differentiation(GO:0072112) glomerular epithelial cell differentiation(GO:0072311)
0.1 0.8 GO:1903078 positive regulation of protein localization to plasma membrane(GO:1903078) positive regulation of protein localization to cell periphery(GO:1904377)
0.1 4.0 GO:0070979 protein K11-linked ubiquitination(GO:0070979)
0.1 1.2 GO:0031584 activation of phospholipase D activity(GO:0031584)
0.1 0.8 GO:1902969 mitotic DNA replication(GO:1902969)
0.1 2.1 GO:0007080 mitotic metaphase plate congression(GO:0007080)
0.1 1.0 GO:0000492 box C/D snoRNP assembly(GO:0000492)
0.1 2.1 GO:0000920 cell separation after cytokinesis(GO:0000920)
0.1 1.1 GO:0046599 regulation of centriole replication(GO:0046599)
0.1 3.4 GO:0000470 maturation of LSU-rRNA(GO:0000470)
0.1 0.3 GO:1904357 negative regulation of telomere maintenance via telomere lengthening(GO:1904357)
0.1 4.2 GO:0046677 response to antibiotic(GO:0046677)
0.1 5.0 GO:0042632 cholesterol homeostasis(GO:0042632) sterol homeostasis(GO:0055092)
0.1 0.7 GO:1900225 NLRP3 inflammasome complex assembly(GO:0044546) regulation of NLRP3 inflammasome complex assembly(GO:1900225)
0.1 2.3 GO:0006379 mRNA cleavage(GO:0006379)
0.1 1.2 GO:0043923 positive regulation by host of viral transcription(GO:0043923)
0.1 0.4 GO:0033580 protein glycosylation at cell surface(GO:0033575) protein galactosylation at cell surface(GO:0033580) protein galactosylation(GO:0042125)
0.1 1.7 GO:0046597 negative regulation of viral entry into host cell(GO:0046597)
0.1 1.5 GO:0021891 olfactory bulb interneuron development(GO:0021891)
0.1 1.2 GO:0001711 endodermal cell fate commitment(GO:0001711)
0.1 0.5 GO:0071539 protein localization to centrosome(GO:0071539)
0.1 0.9 GO:0060347 heart trabecula formation(GO:0060347)
0.1 1.1 GO:0097194 execution phase of apoptosis(GO:0097194)
0.1 2.2 GO:0000028 ribosomal small subunit assembly(GO:0000028)
0.1 0.6 GO:0032196 regulation of transposition(GO:0010528) negative regulation of transposition(GO:0010529) transposition(GO:0032196)
0.1 2.3 GO:0010883 regulation of lipid storage(GO:0010883)
0.1 0.6 GO:0002689 negative regulation of leukocyte chemotaxis(GO:0002689)
0.1 0.2 GO:0002842 positive regulation of T cell mediated immune response to tumor cell(GO:0002842)
0.1 2.4 GO:0010569 regulation of double-strand break repair via homologous recombination(GO:0010569)
0.1 1.2 GO:0016226 iron-sulfur cluster assembly(GO:0016226) metallo-sulfur cluster assembly(GO:0031163)
0.1 1.9 GO:0045116 protein neddylation(GO:0045116)
0.1 6.5 GO:0051225 spindle assembly(GO:0051225)
0.1 0.3 GO:0032510 endosome to lysosome transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway(GO:0032510)
0.1 1.6 GO:0009615 response to virus(GO:0009615)
0.1 0.7 GO:0032693 negative regulation of interleukin-10 production(GO:0032693)
0.1 0.9 GO:0007218 neuropeptide signaling pathway(GO:0007218)
0.1 1.8 GO:0016445 somatic diversification of immunoglobulins(GO:0016445)
0.1 2.1 GO:0000413 protein peptidyl-prolyl isomerization(GO:0000413)
0.1 0.2 GO:0061739 protein lipidation involved in autophagosome assembly(GO:0061739)
0.1 0.8 GO:0090331 negative regulation of platelet aggregation(GO:0090331)
0.1 2.2 GO:0015985 energy coupled proton transport, down electrochemical gradient(GO:0015985) ATP synthesis coupled proton transport(GO:0015986)
0.1 0.7 GO:0045792 negative regulation of cell size(GO:0045792)
0.1 0.3 GO:0050747 positive regulation of lipoprotein metabolic process(GO:0050747)
0.1 0.3 GO:0060768 epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development(GO:0060767) regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development(GO:0060768) negative regulation of epithelial cell proliferation involved in prostate gland development(GO:0060770)
0.1 0.8 GO:0045671 negative regulation of osteoclast differentiation(GO:0045671)
0.1 1.9 GO:0000462 maturation of SSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA)(GO:0000462)
0.1 9.7 GO:0000082 G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle(GO:0000082)
0.1 1.6 GO:0090200 positive regulation of release of cytochrome c from mitochondria(GO:0090200)
0.1 5.4 GO:0006342 chromatin silencing(GO:0006342)
0.1 0.2 GO:0090343 positive regulation of cell aging(GO:0090343)
0.1 0.1 GO:0000966 RNA 5'-end processing(GO:0000966)
0.1 1.4 GO:0000956 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process(GO:0000956)
0.1 0.6 GO:0051085 chaperone mediated protein folding requiring cofactor(GO:0051085)
0.1 2.6 GO:0007157 heterophilic cell-cell adhesion via plasma membrane cell adhesion molecules(GO:0007157)
0.1 1.7 GO:1902042 negative regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors(GO:1902042)
0.1 1.7 GO:0003016 respiratory system process(GO:0003016)
0.1 0.2 GO:0051409 response to nitrosative stress(GO:0051409)
0.1 0.9 GO:0039703 viral RNA genome replication(GO:0039694) RNA replication(GO:0039703)
0.1 0.3 GO:0006336 DNA replication-independent nucleosome assembly(GO:0006336)
0.1 0.9 GO:0003334 keratinocyte development(GO:0003334)
0.1 0.4 GO:0031274 positive regulation of pseudopodium assembly(GO:0031274)
0.0 1.2 GO:0001702 gastrulation with mouth forming second(GO:0001702)
0.0 1.9 GO:0097031 NADH dehydrogenase complex assembly(GO:0010257) mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I assembly(GO:0032981) mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I biogenesis(GO:0097031)
0.0 0.5 GO:0007076 mitotic chromosome condensation(GO:0007076)
0.0 0.4 GO:1904637 response to ionomycin(GO:1904636) cellular response to ionomycin(GO:1904637)
0.0 0.2 GO:0052428 modulation of molecular function in other organism(GO:0044359) negative regulation of molecular function in other organism(GO:0044362) negative regulation of molecular function in other organism involved in symbiotic interaction(GO:0052204) modulation of molecular function in other organism involved in symbiotic interaction(GO:0052205) negative regulation by host of symbiont molecular function(GO:0052405) modification by host of symbiont molecular function(GO:0052428)
0.0 1.8 GO:0046785 microtubule polymerization(GO:0046785)
0.0 0.3 GO:0070842 aggresome assembly(GO:0070842)
0.0 0.8 GO:0033108 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex assembly(GO:0033108)
0.0 0.5 GO:0046929 negative regulation of neurotransmitter secretion(GO:0046929)
0.0 0.1 GO:0060536 cartilage morphogenesis(GO:0060536)
0.0 1.3 GO:0006801 superoxide metabolic process(GO:0006801)
0.0 1.2 GO:0061512 protein localization to cilium(GO:0061512)
0.0 0.6 GO:0006516 glycoprotein catabolic process(GO:0006516)
0.0 0.1 GO:0045903 positive regulation of translational fidelity(GO:0045903)
0.0 0.2 GO:0006384 transcription initiation from RNA polymerase III promoter(GO:0006384)
0.0 0.4 GO:0043278 response to isoquinoline alkaloid(GO:0014072) response to morphine(GO:0043278)
0.0 1.5 GO:0042273 ribosomal large subunit biogenesis(GO:0042273)
0.0 0.5 GO:0035414 negative regulation of catenin import into nucleus(GO:0035414)
0.0 1.0 GO:0010862 positive regulation of pathway-restricted SMAD protein phosphorylation(GO:0010862)
0.0 0.2 GO:0036297 interstrand cross-link repair(GO:0036297)
0.0 0.2 GO:0009235 cobalamin metabolic process(GO:0009235)
0.0 1.7 GO:0070507 regulation of microtubule cytoskeleton organization(GO:0070507)
0.0 17.0 GO:0051301 cell division(GO:0051301)
0.0 0.2 GO:0040032 post-embryonic body morphogenesis(GO:0040032) regulation of parathyroid hormone secretion(GO:2000828)
0.0 0.1 GO:0010873 regulation of cholesterol esterification(GO:0010872) positive regulation of cholesterol esterification(GO:0010873) steroid esterification(GO:0034433) sterol esterification(GO:0034434) cholesterol esterification(GO:0034435)
0.0 0.1 GO:0032485 regulation of Ral protein signal transduction(GO:0032485)
0.0 0.3 GO:0034453 microtubule anchoring(GO:0034453)
0.0 0.1 GO:0070327 thyroid hormone transport(GO:0070327)
0.0 0.5 GO:0072337 modified amino acid transport(GO:0072337)
0.0 0.5 GO:0030970 retrograde protein transport, ER to cytosol(GO:0030970)
0.0 0.3 GO:0045667 regulation of osteoblast differentiation(GO:0045667)
0.0 0.1 GO:0045039 protein import into mitochondrial inner membrane(GO:0045039) chaperone-mediated protein transport(GO:0072321)
0.0 2.6 GO:0030308 negative regulation of cell growth(GO:0030308)
0.0 0.2 GO:1901029 negative regulation of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization involved in apoptotic signaling pathway(GO:1901029)
0.0 0.4 GO:0030521 androgen receptor signaling pathway(GO:0030521)
0.0 0.5 GO:0030252 growth hormone secretion(GO:0030252)
0.0 1.8 GO:0030177 positive regulation of Wnt signaling pathway(GO:0030177)
0.0 0.2 GO:0043982 histone H4-K5 acetylation(GO:0043981) histone H4-K8 acetylation(GO:0043982)
0.0 0.2 GO:0045199 maintenance of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity(GO:0045199)
0.0 0.7 GO:0046580 negative regulation of Ras protein signal transduction(GO:0046580) negative regulation of small GTPase mediated signal transduction(GO:0051058)
0.0 0.5 GO:0007270 neuron-neuron synaptic transmission(GO:0007270)
0.0 0.2 GO:0090110 cargo loading into COPII-coated vesicle(GO:0090110)
0.0 1.2 GO:0008584 male gonad development(GO:0008584) development of primary male sexual characteristics(GO:0046546)
0.0 0.9 GO:0045727 positive regulation of translation(GO:0045727)
0.0 0.2 GO:0048146 positive regulation of fibroblast proliferation(GO:0048146)
0.0 0.3 GO:0006744 ubiquinone biosynthetic process(GO:0006744) quinone biosynthetic process(GO:1901663)
0.0 0.7 GO:0008637 apoptotic mitochondrial changes(GO:0008637)
0.0 0.2 GO:0006910 phagocytosis, recognition(GO:0006910)
0.0 1.3 GO:0002244 hematopoietic progenitor cell differentiation(GO:0002244)
0.0 0.4 GO:0043171 peptide catabolic process(GO:0043171)
0.0 0.8 GO:0034446 substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading(GO:0034446)
0.0 0.1 GO:0051352 negative regulation of ligase activity(GO:0051352) negative regulation of ubiquitin-protein transferase activity(GO:0051444)
0.0 0.4 GO:0070936 protein K48-linked ubiquitination(GO:0070936)
0.0 0.1 GO:0002227 innate immune response in mucosa(GO:0002227)

Gene overrepresentation in cellular_component category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
4.0 12.0 GO:0097059 CNTFR-CLCF1 complex(GO:0097059)
2.2 6.6 GO:0070557 PCNA-p21 complex(GO:0070557)
2.0 5.9 GO:1990423 RZZ complex(GO:1990423)
1.8 19.3 GO:0005642 annulate lamellae(GO:0005642)
1.2 45.7 GO:0035371 microtubule plus-end(GO:0035371)
1.2 3.7 GO:0033186 CAF-1 complex(GO:0033186)
1.2 3.5 GO:0044299 C-fiber(GO:0044299)
1.1 4.3 GO:0098559 cytoplasmic side of early endosome membrane(GO:0098559)
1.0 4.2 GO:0045251 mitochondrial electron transfer flavoprotein complex(GO:0017133) electron transfer flavoprotein complex(GO:0045251)
1.0 4.9 GO:0031523 Myb complex(GO:0031523)
0.9 3.8 GO:0043293 apoptosome(GO:0043293)
0.9 5.4 GO:0000444 MIS12/MIND type complex(GO:0000444)
0.8 2.4 GO:0097057 TRAF2-GSTP1 complex(GO:0097057)
0.8 4.7 GO:0030896 checkpoint clamp complex(GO:0030896)
0.7 4.4 GO:0031262 Ndc80 complex(GO:0031262)
0.6 18.1 GO:0097038 perinuclear endoplasmic reticulum(GO:0097038)
0.6 3.2 GO:0033093 Weibel-Palade body(GO:0033093)
0.6 3.1 GO:0008622 epsilon DNA polymerase complex(GO:0008622)
0.6 15.2 GO:0005680 anaphase-promoting complex(GO:0005680)
0.6 2.4 GO:0030289 protein phosphatase 4 complex(GO:0030289)
0.6 4.0 GO:0071204 histone pre-mRNA 3'end processing complex(GO:0071204)
0.5 3.1 GO:0005833 hemoglobin complex(GO:0005833)
0.5 1.5 GO:1990047 spindle matrix(GO:1990047)
0.4 2.2 GO:0097226 sperm mitochondrial sheath(GO:0097226)
0.4 2.1 GO:0005828 kinetochore microtubule(GO:0005828)
0.4 2.9 GO:0031465 Cul4B-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex(GO:0031465)
0.4 2.4 GO:0035976 AP1 complex(GO:0035976)
0.4 2.7 GO:0036195 muscle cell projection(GO:0036194) muscle cell projection membrane(GO:0036195)
0.4 1.1 GO:0035061 interchromatin granule(GO:0035061)
0.3 3.4 GO:0000347 THO complex(GO:0000347) THO complex part of transcription export complex(GO:0000445)
0.3 0.9 GO:0036128 CatSper complex(GO:0036128)
0.3 2.1 GO:0097255 R2TP complex(GO:0097255)
0.3 1.4 GO:0072487 MSL complex(GO:0072487)
0.3 4.4 GO:0065010 extracellular membrane-bounded organelle(GO:0065010)
0.3 0.8 GO:0000811 GINS complex(GO:0000811)
0.3 1.8 GO:0060293 P granule(GO:0043186) pole plasm(GO:0045495) germ plasm(GO:0060293)
0.3 1.3 GO:0033553 rDNA heterochromatin(GO:0033553)
0.2 1.0 GO:0045283 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex II, succinate dehydrogenase complex (ubiquinone)(GO:0005749) succinate dehydrogenase complex (ubiquinone)(GO:0045257) respiratory chain complex II(GO:0045273) succinate dehydrogenase complex(GO:0045281) fumarate reductase complex(GO:0045283)
0.2 3.5 GO:0035686 sperm fibrous sheath(GO:0035686)
0.2 2.7 GO:0008541 proteasome regulatory particle, lid subcomplex(GO:0008541)
0.2 5.7 GO:0000242 pericentriolar material(GO:0000242)
0.2 5.8 GO:0005697 telomerase holoenzyme complex(GO:0005697)
0.2 1.6 GO:0000322 storage vacuole(GO:0000322)
0.2 7.1 GO:0035861 site of double-strand break(GO:0035861)
0.2 2.4 GO:0071598 neuronal ribonucleoprotein granule(GO:0071598)
0.2 17.4 GO:0005643 nuclear pore(GO:0005643)
0.2 2.8 GO:0031011 Ino80 complex(GO:0031011)
0.2 0.8 GO:0005658 alpha DNA polymerase:primase complex(GO:0005658)
0.2 1.4 GO:1990726 Lsm1-7-Pat1 complex(GO:1990726)
0.2 2.2 GO:0000176 nuclear exosome (RNase complex)(GO:0000176)
0.2 3.1 GO:0005736 DNA-directed RNA polymerase I complex(GO:0005736)
0.2 1.5 GO:0097427 microtubule bundle(GO:0097427)
0.2 1.5 GO:0097546 ciliary base(GO:0097546)
0.2 1.1 GO:0000214 tRNA-intron endonuclease complex(GO:0000214)
0.2 21.6 GO:0005913 cell-cell adherens junction(GO:0005913)
0.2 1.1 GO:0005827 polar microtubule(GO:0005827)
0.2 1.5 GO:0070761 pre-snoRNP complex(GO:0070761)
0.2 2.9 GO:0005614 interstitial matrix(GO:0005614)
0.2 0.7 GO:0097651 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex, class I(GO:0097651)
0.2 9.6 GO:0005871 kinesin complex(GO:0005871)
0.2 0.8 GO:0099524 region of cytosol(GO:0099522) postsynaptic cytosol(GO:0099524)
0.2 1.9 GO:0000974 Prp19 complex(GO:0000974)
0.1 4.8 GO:0000788 nuclear nucleosome(GO:0000788)
0.1 2.5 GO:0016514 SWI/SNF complex(GO:0016514)
0.1 1.4 GO:0005832 chaperonin-containing T-complex(GO:0005832)
0.1 1.2 GO:0016593 Cdc73/Paf1 complex(GO:0016593)
0.1 8.8 GO:0030672 synaptic vesicle membrane(GO:0030672) exocytic vesicle membrane(GO:0099501)
0.1 8.1 GO:0005758 mitochondrial intermembrane space(GO:0005758)
0.1 1.4 GO:0034518 mRNA cap binding complex(GO:0005845) RNA cap binding complex(GO:0034518)
0.1 1.6 GO:0000276 mitochondrial proton-transporting ATP synthase complex, coupling factor F(o)(GO:0000276)
0.1 3.6 GO:0030687 preribosome, large subunit precursor(GO:0030687)
0.1 0.4 GO:0032437 cuticular plate(GO:0032437)
0.1 1.0 GO:0016272 prefoldin complex(GO:0016272)
0.1 10.5 GO:0005901 caveola(GO:0005901)
0.1 1.3 GO:0034451 centriolar satellite(GO:0034451)
0.1 9.6 GO:0000776 kinetochore(GO:0000776)
0.1 0.9 GO:0032541 cortical endoplasmic reticulum(GO:0032541)
0.1 0.7 GO:0034709 methylosome(GO:0034709)
0.1 0.5 GO:0016281 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex(GO:0016281)
0.1 2.4 GO:0032588 trans-Golgi network membrane(GO:0032588)
0.1 7.5 GO:0005814 centriole(GO:0005814)
0.1 0.2 GO:0017109 glutamate-cysteine ligase complex(GO:0017109)
0.1 1.1 GO:0017101 aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase multienzyme complex(GO:0017101)
0.1 0.6 GO:0042382 paraspeckles(GO:0042382)
0.1 0.9 GO:0008540 proteasome regulatory particle, base subcomplex(GO:0008540)
0.1 0.5 GO:0070652 HAUS complex(GO:0070652)
0.1 0.7 GO:0031931 TORC1 complex(GO:0031931)
0.1 1.4 GO:0005876 spindle microtubule(GO:0005876)
0.1 0.8 GO:0005815 microtubule organizing center(GO:0005815)
0.1 2.0 GO:0000314 organellar small ribosomal subunit(GO:0000314) mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit(GO:0005763)
0.1 11.7 GO:0005681 spliceosomal complex(GO:0005681)
0.1 1.9 GO:0030496 midbody(GO:0030496)
0.1 0.8 GO:0034663 endoplasmic reticulum chaperone complex(GO:0034663)
0.1 4.0 GO:0000775 chromosome, centromeric region(GO:0000775)
0.1 1.7 GO:0005779 integral component of peroxisomal membrane(GO:0005779)
0.1 0.9 GO:0033017 sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane(GO:0033017)
0.1 1.8 GO:0046658 anchored component of plasma membrane(GO:0046658)
0.1 4.0 GO:0022625 cytosolic large ribosomal subunit(GO:0022625)
0.0 0.4 GO:0030478 actin cap(GO:0030478)
0.0 2.8 GO:0030864 cortical actin cytoskeleton(GO:0030864)
0.0 2.2 GO:0022627 cytosolic small ribosomal subunit(GO:0022627)
0.0 0.3 GO:0005664 origin recognition complex(GO:0000808) nuclear origin of replication recognition complex(GO:0005664)
0.0 0.8 GO:0045178 basal part of cell(GO:0045178)
0.0 1.0 GO:0005839 proteasome core complex(GO:0005839)
0.0 0.6 GO:0005666 DNA-directed RNA polymerase III complex(GO:0005666)
0.0 0.6 GO:0016471 vacuolar proton-transporting V-type ATPase complex(GO:0016471)
0.0 0.9 GO:0030992 intraciliary transport particle B(GO:0030992)
0.0 0.9 GO:0035145 exon-exon junction complex(GO:0035145)
0.0 0.5 GO:0097470 ribbon synapse(GO:0097470)
0.0 0.2 GO:0046696 lipopolysaccharide receptor complex(GO:0046696)
0.0 2.1 GO:0005793 endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi intermediate compartment(GO:0005793)
0.0 0.9 GO:0098839 postsynaptic density membrane(GO:0098839) postsynaptic specialization membrane(GO:0099634)
0.0 6.7 GO:0009897 external side of plasma membrane(GO:0009897)
0.0 1.2 GO:0005669 transcription factor TFIID complex(GO:0005669)
0.0 5.4 GO:0005741 mitochondrial outer membrane(GO:0005741)
0.0 1.0 GO:0016592 mediator complex(GO:0016592)
0.0 1.5 GO:0005844 polysome(GO:0005844)
0.0 0.4 GO:0000159 protein phosphatase type 2A complex(GO:0000159)
0.0 1.0 GO:0000794 condensed nuclear chromosome(GO:0000794)
0.0 1.3 GO:0036064 ciliary basal body(GO:0036064)
0.0 2.0 GO:0030136 clathrin-coated vesicle(GO:0030136)
0.0 0.9 GO:0045271 mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I(GO:0005747) NADH dehydrogenase complex(GO:0030964) respiratory chain complex I(GO:0045271)
0.0 4.2 GO:0005759 mitochondrial matrix(GO:0005759)
0.0 0.3 GO:0031235 intrinsic component of the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane(GO:0031235)
0.0 0.7 GO:0000786 nucleosome(GO:0000786)
0.0 0.2 GO:0016589 NURF complex(GO:0016589)
0.0 0.4 GO:0071339 MLL1/2 complex(GO:0044665) MLL1 complex(GO:0071339)
0.0 0.2 GO:0030127 COPII vesicle coat(GO:0030127)
0.0 5.4 GO:0031012 extracellular matrix(GO:0031012)
0.0 0.4 GO:0031901 early endosome membrane(GO:0031901)
0.0 1.0 GO:0017053 transcriptional repressor complex(GO:0017053)

Gene overrepresentation in molecular_function category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
5.4 16.3 GO:0030156 benzodiazepine receptor binding(GO:0030156)
2.2 6.6 GO:0019912 cyclin-dependent protein kinase activating kinase activity(GO:0019912)
2.0 12.0 GO:0004897 ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor activity(GO:0004897)
2.0 5.9 GO:0003987 acetate-CoA ligase activity(GO:0003987)
1.8 10.6 GO:0010997 anaphase-promoting complex binding(GO:0010997)
1.6 8.1 GO:0032027 myosin light chain binding(GO:0032027)
1.3 4.0 GO:0071207 histone pre-mRNA stem-loop binding(GO:0071207)
1.2 9.5 GO:0048403 brain-derived neurotrophic factor binding(GO:0048403)
1.2 18.7 GO:0017070 U6 snRNA binding(GO:0017070)
1.1 6.9 GO:0016813 hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds, in linear amidines(GO:0016813)
1.1 4.4 GO:0004035 alkaline phosphatase activity(GO:0004035)
1.0 3.1 GO:0008310 single-stranded DNA 3'-5' exodeoxyribonuclease activity(GO:0008310)
0.9 3.6 GO:0038049 glucocorticoid receptor activity(GO:0004883) transcription factor activity, ligand-activated RNA polymerase II transcription factor binding(GO:0038049) glucocorticoid-activated RNA polymerase II transcription factor binding transcription factor activity(GO:0038051)
0.9 3.5 GO:0004459 L-lactate dehydrogenase activity(GO:0004459)
0.8 5.9 GO:1901612 phosphatidylglycerol binding(GO:1901611) cardiolipin binding(GO:1901612)
0.8 4.2 GO:0042610 CD8 receptor binding(GO:0042610)
0.8 2.4 GO:0004704 NF-kappaB-inducing kinase activity(GO:0004704)
0.7 4.9 GO:0000150 recombinase activity(GO:0000150)
0.7 4.1 GO:0008494 translation activator activity(GO:0008494)
0.7 2.7 GO:0050220 prostaglandin-E synthase activity(GO:0050220)
0.7 2.0 GO:0071936 coreceptor activity involved in Wnt signaling pathway(GO:0071936)
0.6 3.8 GO:0008239 dipeptidyl-peptidase activity(GO:0008239)
0.6 6.9 GO:0022841 potassium ion leak channel activity(GO:0022841)
0.6 3.1 GO:0005344 oxygen transporter activity(GO:0005344)
0.6 3.0 GO:0050700 CARD domain binding(GO:0050700)
0.6 1.7 GO:0004386 helicase activity(GO:0004386)
0.6 17.1 GO:0008139 nuclear localization sequence binding(GO:0008139)
0.6 2.8 GO:0004656 procollagen-proline 4-dioxygenase activity(GO:0004656) procollagen-proline dioxygenase activity(GO:0019798)
0.6 9.5 GO:0051010 microtubule plus-end binding(GO:0051010)
0.5 1.5 GO:0004813 alanine-tRNA ligase activity(GO:0004813)
0.5 5.4 GO:0043522 leucine zipper domain binding(GO:0043522)
0.5 3.8 GO:0001135 transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor recruiting(GO:0001135)
0.4 1.3 GO:0004473 malic enzyme activity(GO:0004470) malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) (NAD+) activity(GO:0004471) malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) (NADP+) activity(GO:0004473)
0.4 1.7 GO:0043141 ATP-dependent 5'-3' DNA helicase activity(GO:0043141)
0.4 1.7 GO:0004784 superoxide dismutase activity(GO:0004784) oxidoreductase activity, acting on superoxide radicals as acceptor(GO:0016721)
0.4 2.8 GO:0008568 microtubule-severing ATPase activity(GO:0008568)
0.4 1.2 GO:0003979 UDP-glucose 6-dehydrogenase activity(GO:0003979)
0.4 1.6 GO:0016230 sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase activator activity(GO:0016230)
0.4 2.3 GO:0000298 endopolyphosphatase activity(GO:0000298) diphosphoinositol-polyphosphate diphosphatase activity(GO:0008486) bis(5'-adenosyl)-hexaphosphatase activity(GO:0034431) bis(5'-adenosyl)-pentaphosphatase activity(GO:0034432)
0.4 9.2 GO:1900750 glutathione binding(GO:0043295) oligopeptide binding(GO:1900750)
0.4 2.2 GO:0003910 DNA ligase activity(GO:0003909) DNA ligase (ATP) activity(GO:0003910)
0.4 6.0 GO:0098641 cadherin binding involved in cell-cell adhesion(GO:0098641)
0.3 2.1 GO:0033743 peptide-methionine (R)-S-oxide reductase activity(GO:0033743)
0.3 15.5 GO:0008138 protein tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity(GO:0008138)
0.3 2.3 GO:0010521 telomerase inhibitor activity(GO:0010521)
0.3 0.9 GO:0004822 isoleucine-tRNA ligase activity(GO:0004822)
0.3 1.2 GO:1990269 RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain phosphoserine binding(GO:1990269)
0.3 2.2 GO:0035033 histone deacetylase regulator activity(GO:0035033)
0.3 1.3 GO:0004849 uridine kinase activity(GO:0004849)
0.2 0.7 GO:0009041 uridylate kinase activity(GO:0009041)
0.2 1.0 GO:0000104 succinate dehydrogenase activity(GO:0000104)
0.2 2.4 GO:0097157 pre-mRNA intronic binding(GO:0097157) G-rich strand telomeric DNA binding(GO:0098505) N6-methyladenosine-containing RNA binding(GO:1990247)
0.2 2.1 GO:0038062 protein tyrosine kinase collagen receptor activity(GO:0038062)
0.2 4.1 GO:0035497 cAMP response element binding(GO:0035497)
0.2 3.1 GO:0001054 RNA polymerase I activity(GO:0001054)
0.2 2.4 GO:0031996 thioesterase binding(GO:0031996)
0.2 3.1 GO:0070034 telomerase RNA binding(GO:0070034)
0.2 1.1 GO:0046404 ATP-dependent polydeoxyribonucleotide 5'-hydroxyl-kinase activity(GO:0046404) polydeoxyribonucleotide kinase activity(GO:0051733) ATP-dependent polynucleotide kinase activity(GO:0051734)
0.2 1.7 GO:0070700 BMP receptor binding(GO:0070700)
0.2 0.5 GO:0004830 tryptophan-tRNA ligase activity(GO:0004830)
0.2 0.7 GO:0004694 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha kinase activity(GO:0004694)
0.2 1.6 GO:0032454 histone demethylase activity (H3-K9 specific)(GO:0032454)
0.2 0.6 GO:0003998 acylphosphatase activity(GO:0003998)
0.2 2.9 GO:0017049 GTP-Rho binding(GO:0017049)
0.2 0.9 GO:0001515 opioid peptide activity(GO:0001515)
0.2 0.5 GO:0070892 lipoteichoic acid receptor activity(GO:0070892)
0.1 1.5 GO:0004691 cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity(GO:0004691)
0.1 3.2 GO:0008266 poly(U) RNA binding(GO:0008266)
0.1 0.6 GO:0047844 deoxycytidine deaminase activity(GO:0047844)
0.1 0.8 GO:0051525 NFAT protein binding(GO:0051525)
0.1 3.6 GO:0051537 2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding(GO:0051537)
0.1 1.7 GO:0008097 5S rRNA binding(GO:0008097)
0.1 0.5 GO:0015220 choline transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015220)
0.1 9.4 GO:0004004 RNA helicase activity(GO:0003724) ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity(GO:0004004)
0.1 2.6 GO:0005528 macrolide binding(GO:0005527) FK506 binding(GO:0005528)
0.1 0.8 GO:0000340 RNA 7-methylguanosine cap binding(GO:0000340)
0.1 2.3 GO:0001222 transcription corepressor binding(GO:0001222)
0.1 4.3 GO:0050699 WW domain binding(GO:0050699)
0.1 2.1 GO:0070300 phosphatidic acid binding(GO:0070300)
0.1 0.5 GO:0031545 peptidyl-proline 4-dioxygenase activity(GO:0031545)
0.1 5.2 GO:0031492 nucleosomal DNA binding(GO:0031492)
0.1 1.3 GO:0008179 adenylate cyclase binding(GO:0008179)
0.1 0.6 GO:0004095 carnitine O-palmitoyltransferase activity(GO:0004095) O-palmitoyltransferase activity(GO:0016416)
0.1 5.6 GO:0061631 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme activity(GO:0061631)
0.1 9.6 GO:0070491 repressing transcription factor binding(GO:0070491)
0.1 2.1 GO:0051864 histone demethylase activity (H3-K36 specific)(GO:0051864)
0.1 2.9 GO:0001968 fibronectin binding(GO:0001968)
0.1 2.1 GO:0048027 mRNA 5'-UTR binding(GO:0048027)
0.1 1.3 GO:0048038 quinone binding(GO:0048038)
0.1 0.7 GO:0046935 1-phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase regulator activity(GO:0046935)
0.1 0.6 GO:0001094 TFIID-class transcription factor binding(GO:0001094)
0.1 2.9 GO:0017025 TBP-class protein binding(GO:0017025)
0.1 2.6 GO:0044183 protein binding involved in protein folding(GO:0044183)
0.1 0.4 GO:0019136 deoxynucleoside kinase activity(GO:0019136)
0.1 0.5 GO:0008479 queuine tRNA-ribosyltransferase activity(GO:0008479)
0.1 0.5 GO:0060698 endoribonuclease inhibitor activity(GO:0060698)
0.1 0.4 GO:0004809 tRNA (guanine-N2-)-methyltransferase activity(GO:0004809)
0.1 0.2 GO:0097642 calcitonin family receptor activity(GO:0097642)
0.1 1.3 GO:1904264 ubiquitin protein ligase activity involved in ERAD pathway(GO:1904264)
0.1 0.4 GO:1904288 BAT3 complex binding(GO:1904288)
0.1 0.2 GO:0004022 alcohol dehydrogenase (NAD) activity(GO:0004022)
0.1 0.3 GO:0030292 protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor activity(GO:0030292)
0.1 3.3 GO:0009055 electron carrier activity(GO:0009055)
0.1 2.4 GO:0008536 Ran GTPase binding(GO:0008536)
0.1 1.2 GO:0032552 deoxyribonucleotide binding(GO:0032552)
0.1 6.0 GO:0003777 microtubule motor activity(GO:0003777)
0.1 2.9 GO:0005109 frizzled binding(GO:0005109)
0.1 0.2 GO:0004357 glutamate-cysteine ligase activity(GO:0004357)
0.1 0.4 GO:0047276 N-acetyllactosaminide 3-alpha-galactosyltransferase activity(GO:0047276)
0.1 1.1 GO:0009982 pseudouridine synthase activity(GO:0009982)
0.1 4.3 GO:0005179 hormone activity(GO:0005179)
0.1 4.5 GO:0005080 protein kinase C binding(GO:0005080)
0.1 0.5 GO:0016618 hydroxypyruvate reductase activity(GO:0016618) glyoxylate reductase (NADP) activity(GO:0030267)
0.1 0.5 GO:0015288 porin activity(GO:0015288)
0.1 2.9 GO:0001965 G-protein alpha-subunit binding(GO:0001965)
0.1 0.3 GO:0030275 LRR domain binding(GO:0030275)
0.1 0.2 GO:0008297 single-stranded DNA exodeoxyribonuclease activity(GO:0008297)
0.1 7.2 GO:0005089 Rho guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity(GO:0005089)
0.1 4.8 GO:0008565 protein transporter activity(GO:0008565)
0.1 0.4 GO:0001075 transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II core promoter sequence-specific binding involved in preinitiation complex assembly(GO:0001075)
0.1 10.1 GO:0003735 structural constituent of ribosome(GO:0003735)
0.1 0.3 GO:0008429 phosphatidylethanolamine binding(GO:0008429)
0.1 0.5 GO:0043024 ribosomal small subunit binding(GO:0043024)
0.1 5.0 GO:0001158 enhancer sequence-specific DNA binding(GO:0001158)
0.1 0.5 GO:0008190 eukaryotic initiation factor 4E binding(GO:0008190)
0.1 0.9 GO:0051861 glycolipid binding(GO:0051861)
0.1 0.3 GO:0001849 complement component C1q binding(GO:0001849)
0.1 2.5 GO:0004521 endoribonuclease activity(GO:0004521)
0.1 0.8 GO:0043138 3'-5' DNA helicase activity(GO:0043138)
0.0 0.9 GO:0001205 transcriptional activator activity, RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific binding(GO:0001205)
0.0 5.2 GO:0008201 heparin binding(GO:0008201)
0.0 0.9 GO:0042162 telomeric DNA binding(GO:0042162)
0.0 1.2 GO:0003899 DNA-directed RNA polymerase activity(GO:0003899) RNA polymerase activity(GO:0034062)
0.0 1.9 GO:0008028 monocarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0008028)
0.0 1.8 GO:0003774 motor activity(GO:0003774)
0.0 1.8 GO:0001786 phosphatidylserine binding(GO:0001786)
0.0 2.6 GO:0035064 methylated histone binding(GO:0035064)
0.0 1.0 GO:0004298 threonine-type endopeptidase activity(GO:0004298) threonine-type peptidase activity(GO:0070003)
0.0 0.5 GO:1990226 histone methyltransferase binding(GO:1990226)
0.0 1.7 GO:0016831 carboxy-lyase activity(GO:0016831)
0.0 0.2 GO:0008172 S-methyltransferase activity(GO:0008172)
0.0 0.8 GO:0001106 RNA polymerase II transcription corepressor activity(GO:0001106)
0.0 1.2 GO:0005154 epidermal growth factor receptor binding(GO:0005154)
0.0 0.6 GO:0015923 mannosidase activity(GO:0015923)
0.0 0.7 GO:0008327 methyl-CpG binding(GO:0008327)
0.0 1.3 GO:0046875 ephrin receptor binding(GO:0046875)
0.0 2.2 GO:0015078 hydrogen ion transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015078)
0.0 0.7 GO:0046966 thyroid hormone receptor binding(GO:0046966)
0.0 0.6 GO:0017069 snRNA binding(GO:0017069)
0.0 0.2 GO:0031386 protein tag(GO:0031386)
0.0 0.1 GO:0032896 palmitoyl-CoA 9-desaturase activity(GO:0032896)
0.0 0.4 GO:0035035 histone acetyltransferase binding(GO:0035035)
0.0 0.3 GO:0003688 DNA replication origin binding(GO:0003688)
0.0 0.3 GO:0005123 death receptor binding(GO:0005123)
0.0 0.2 GO:0034987 immunoglobulin receptor binding(GO:0034987)
0.0 0.9 GO:0031593 polyubiquitin binding(GO:0031593)
0.0 0.1 GO:0016714 oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, reduced pteridine as one donor, and incorporation of one atom of oxygen(GO:0016714)
0.0 0.6 GO:0001104 RNA polymerase II transcription cofactor activity(GO:0001104)
0.0 0.7 GO:0015485 cholesterol binding(GO:0015485)
0.0 0.4 GO:0097602 cullin family protein binding(GO:0097602)
0.0 6.9 GO:0003682 chromatin binding(GO:0003682)
0.0 0.3 GO:0003755 peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity(GO:0003755)
0.0 1.9 GO:0042393 histone binding(GO:0042393)
0.0 0.4 GO:0051721 protein phosphatase 2A binding(GO:0051721)
0.0 0.2 GO:0010314 phosphatidylinositol-5-phosphate binding(GO:0010314)
0.0 0.2 GO:0004364 glutathione transferase activity(GO:0004364)
0.0 0.1 GO:0005487 nucleocytoplasmic transporter activity(GO:0005487)

Gene overrepresentation in C2:CP category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.7 6.6 SA_G2_AND_M_PHASES Cdc25 activates the cdc2/cyclin B complex to induce the G2/M transition.
0.6 17.2 PID_SMAD2_3PATHWAY Regulation of cytoplasmic and nuclear SMAD2/3 signaling
0.3 19.7 PID_PLK1_PATHWAY PLK1 signaling events
0.3 4.1 PID_TCR_JNK_PATHWAY JNK signaling in the CD4+ TCR pathway
0.2 9.4 PID_EPHRINB_REV_PATHWAY Ephrin B reverse signaling
0.2 5.2 PID_HDAC_CLASSIII_PATHWAY Signaling events mediated by HDAC Class III
0.2 7.3 PID_AURORA_B_PATHWAY Aurora B signaling
0.1 5.1 PID_ATR_PATHWAY ATR signaling pathway
0.1 3.5 SA_B_CELL_RECEPTOR_COMPLEXES Antigen binding to B cell receptors activates protein tyrosine kinases, such as the Src family, which ultimate activate MAP kinases.
0.1 5.2 PID_HNF3B_PATHWAY FOXA2 and FOXA3 transcription factor networks
0.1 1.4 PID_MYC_PATHWAY C-MYC pathway
0.1 1.5 PID_ERB_GENOMIC_PATHWAY Validated nuclear estrogen receptor beta network
0.1 2.2 SA_CASPASE_CASCADE Apoptosis is mediated by caspases, cysteine proteases arranged in a proteolytic cascade.
0.1 2.7 PID_TRAIL_PATHWAY TRAIL signaling pathway
0.1 4.6 PID_TELOMERASE_PATHWAY Regulation of Telomerase
0.1 0.9 PID_ALK2_PATHWAY ALK2 signaling events
0.1 6.1 PID_E2F_PATHWAY E2F transcription factor network
0.1 5.0 PID_SMAD2_3NUCLEAR_PATHWAY Regulation of nuclear SMAD2/3 signaling
0.1 0.6 PID_RANBP2_PATHWAY Sumoylation by RanBP2 regulates transcriptional repression
0.1 3.5 PID_HIF1_TFPATHWAY HIF-1-alpha transcription factor network
0.0 2.3 PID_AR_PATHWAY Coregulation of Androgen receptor activity
0.0 0.8 PID_IL2_STAT5_PATHWAY IL2 signaling events mediated by STAT5
0.0 0.3 PID_IL6_7_PATHWAY IL6-mediated signaling events
0.0 0.5 PID_HIF1A_PATHWAY Hypoxic and oxygen homeostasis regulation of HIF-1-alpha
0.0 0.7 PID_EPHA_FWDPATHWAY EPHA forward signaling
0.0 1.4 PID_FOXO_PATHWAY FoxO family signaling
0.0 1.5 ST_GA13_PATHWAY G alpha 13 Pathway
0.0 2.2 PID_RHOA_REG_PATHWAY Regulation of RhoA activity
0.0 1.2 PID_P75_NTR_PATHWAY p75(NTR)-mediated signaling
0.0 1.7 PID_ERA_GENOMIC_PATHWAY Validated nuclear estrogen receptor alpha network
0.0 0.3 ST_INTERLEUKIN_4_PATHWAY Interleukin 4 (IL-4) Pathway
0.0 0.8 PID_FCER1_PATHWAY Fc-epsilon receptor I signaling in mast cells
0.0 0.7 NABA_PROTEOGLYCANS Genes encoding proteoglycans
0.0 0.6 PID_TCPTP_PATHWAY Signaling events mediated by TCPTP
0.0 0.3 PID_RAS_PATHWAY Regulation of Ras family activation
0.0 0.6 ST_T_CELL_SIGNAL_TRANSDUCTION T Cell Signal Transduction
0.0 1.0 PID_LKB1_PATHWAY LKB1 signaling events
0.0 0.8 PID_P53_REGULATION_PATHWAY p53 pathway
0.0 1.8 NABA_ECM_GLYCOPROTEINS Genes encoding structural ECM glycoproteins
0.0 0.3 SIG_REGULATION_OF_THE_ACTIN_CYTOSKELETON_BY_RHO_GTPASES Genes related to regulation of the actin cytoskeleton
0.0 1.6 NABA_ECM_REGULATORS Genes encoding enzymes and their regulators involved in the remodeling of the extracellular matrix
0.0 0.2 PID_TOLL_ENDOGENOUS_PATHWAY Endogenous TLR signaling

Gene overrepresentation in C2:CP:REACTOME category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
1.5 5.9 REACTOME_ETHANOL_OXIDATION Genes involved in Ethanol oxidation
0.8 12.3 REACTOME_ASSOCIATION_OF_LICENSING_FACTORS_WITH_THE_PRE_REPLICATIVE_COMPLEX Genes involved in Association of licensing factors with the pre-replicative complex
0.7 19.0 REACTOME_PTM_GAMMA_CARBOXYLATION_HYPUSINE_FORMATION_AND_ARYLSULFATASE_ACTIVATION Genes involved in PTM: gamma carboxylation, hypusine formation and arylsulfatase activation
0.7 4.2 REACTOME_TRANSLOCATION_OF_ZAP_70_TO_IMMUNOLOGICAL_SYNAPSE Genes involved in Translocation of ZAP-70 to Immunological synapse
0.7 18.5 REACTOME_KINESINS Genes involved in Kinesins
0.6 10.6 REACTOME_CONVERSION_FROM_APC_C_CDC20_TO_APC_C_CDH1_IN_LATE_ANAPHASE Genes involved in Conversion from APC/C:Cdc20 to APC/C:Cdh1 in late anaphase
0.4 9.5 REACTOME_GLUTATHIONE_CONJUGATION Genes involved in Glutathione conjugation
0.4 4.9 REACTOME_HOMOLOGOUS_RECOMBINATION_REPAIR_OF_REPLICATION_INDEPENDENT_DOUBLE_STRAND_BREAKS Genes involved in Homologous recombination repair of replication-independent double-strand breaks
0.3 4.0 REACTOME_SLBP_DEPENDENT_PROCESSING_OF_REPLICATION_DEPENDENT_HISTONE_PRE_MRNAS Genes involved in SLBP Dependent Processing of Replication-Dependent Histone Pre-mRNAs
0.3 33.7 REACTOME_MITOTIC_PROMETAPHASE Genes involved in Mitotic Prometaphase
0.3 6.5 REACTOME_TRAF6_MEDIATED_IRF7_ACTIVATION Genes involved in TRAF6 mediated IRF7 activation
0.3 8.7 REACTOME_EXTENSION_OF_TELOMERES Genes involved in Extension of Telomeres
0.3 6.6 REACTOME_SYNTHESIS_AND_INTERCONVERSION_OF_NUCLEOTIDE_DI_AND_TRIPHOSPHATES Genes involved in Synthesis and interconversion of nucleotide di- and triphosphates
0.2 4.9 REACTOME_G0_AND_EARLY_G1 Genes involved in G0 and Early G1
0.2 7.4 REACTOME_DOWNREGULATION_OF_SMAD2_3_SMAD4_TRANSCRIPTIONAL_ACTIVITY Genes involved in Downregulation of SMAD2/3:SMAD4 transcriptional activity
0.2 6.5 REACTOME_AKT_PHOSPHORYLATES_TARGETS_IN_THE_CYTOSOL Genes involved in AKT phosphorylates targets in the cytosol
0.2 5.9 REACTOME_PRE_NOTCH_TRANSCRIPTION_AND_TRANSLATION Genes involved in Pre-NOTCH Transcription and Translation
0.2 3.7 REACTOME_POST_CHAPERONIN_TUBULIN_FOLDING_PATHWAY Genes involved in Post-chaperonin tubulin folding pathway
0.2 15.6 REACTOME_ANTIVIRAL_MECHANISM_BY_IFN_STIMULATED_GENES Genes involved in Antiviral mechanism by IFN-stimulated genes
0.2 2.2 REACTOME_MRNA_DECAY_BY_3_TO_5_EXORIBONUCLEASE Genes involved in mRNA Decay by 3' to 5' Exoribonuclease
0.2 3.5 REACTOME_REGULATION_OF_INSULIN_LIKE_GROWTH_FACTOR_IGF_ACTIVITY_BY_INSULIN_LIKE_GROWTH_FACTOR_BINDING_PROTEINS_IGFBPS Genes involved in Regulation of Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF) Activity by Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Proteins (IGFBPs)
0.2 3.3 REACTOME_DEADENYLATION_OF_MRNA Genes involved in Deadenylation of mRNA
0.2 0.7 REACTOME_G_BETA_GAMMA_SIGNALLING_THROUGH_PI3KGAMMA Genes involved in G beta:gamma signalling through PI3Kgamma
0.2 8.2 REACTOME_RNA_POL_I_PROMOTER_OPENING Genes involved in RNA Polymerase I Promoter Opening
0.2 3.4 REACTOME_PYRIMIDINE_METABOLISM Genes involved in Pyrimidine metabolism
0.2 3.0 REACTOME_AMINE_COMPOUND_SLC_TRANSPORTERS Genes involved in Amine compound SLC transporters
0.2 3.5 REACTOME_PYRUVATE_METABOLISM Genes involved in Pyruvate metabolism
0.1 1.2 REACTOME_GLUCURONIDATION Genes involved in Glucuronidation
0.1 1.4 REACTOME_FORMATION_OF_TUBULIN_FOLDING_INTERMEDIATES_BY_CCT_TRIC Genes involved in Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC
0.1 0.8 REACTOME_DESTABILIZATION_OF_MRNA_BY_KSRP Genes involved in Destabilization of mRNA by KSRP
0.1 8.1 REACTOME_RESPIRATORY_ELECTRON_TRANSPORT Genes involved in Respiratory electron transport
0.1 1.1 REACTOME_HYALURONAN_UPTAKE_AND_DEGRADATION Genes involved in Hyaluronan uptake and degradation
0.1 1.7 REACTOME_PROCESSING_OF_INTRONLESS_PRE_MRNAS Genes involved in Processing of Intronless Pre-mRNAs
0.1 5.8 REACTOME_FORMATION_OF_THE_TERNARY_COMPLEX_AND_SUBSEQUENTLY_THE_43S_COMPLEX Genes involved in Formation of the ternary complex, and subsequently, the 43S complex
0.1 1.4 REACTOME_HDL_MEDIATED_LIPID_TRANSPORT Genes involved in HDL-mediated lipid transport
0.1 0.8 REACTOME_INTRINSIC_PATHWAY Genes involved in Intrinsic Pathway
0.1 1.0 REACTOME_PREFOLDIN_MEDIATED_TRANSFER_OF_SUBSTRATE_TO_CCT_TRIC Genes involved in Prefoldin mediated transfer of substrate to CCT/TriC
0.1 1.3 REACTOME_PURINE_SALVAGE Genes involved in Purine salvage
0.1 1.6 REACTOME_RNA_POL_III_CHAIN_ELONGATION Genes involved in RNA Polymerase III Chain Elongation
0.1 0.7 REACTOME_INFLUENZA_VIRAL_RNA_TRANSCRIPTION_AND_REPLICATION Genes involved in Influenza Viral RNA Transcription and Replication
0.1 0.5 REACTOME_OXYGEN_DEPENDENT_PROLINE_HYDROXYLATION_OF_HYPOXIA_INDUCIBLE_FACTOR_ALPHA Genes involved in Oxygen-dependent Proline Hydroxylation of Hypoxia-inducible Factor Alpha
0.1 2.6 REACTOME_BMAL1_CLOCK_NPAS2_ACTIVATES_CIRCADIAN_EXPRESSION Genes involved in BMAL1:CLOCK/NPAS2 Activates Circadian Expression
0.1 5.3 REACTOME_NONSENSE_MEDIATED_DECAY_ENHANCED_BY_THE_EXON_JUNCTION_COMPLEX Genes involved in Nonsense Mediated Decay Enhanced by the Exon Junction Complex
0.1 3.0 REACTOME_AUTODEGRADATION_OF_CDH1_BY_CDH1_APC_C Genes involved in Autodegradation of Cdh1 by Cdh1:APC/C
0.1 1.7 REACTOME_CYTOSOLIC_TRNA_AMINOACYLATION Genes involved in Cytosolic tRNA aminoacylation
0.1 0.9 REACTOME_REGULATION_OF_GENE_EXPRESSION_IN_BETA_CELLS Genes involved in Regulation of gene expression in beta cells
0.1 1.4 REACTOME_CIRCADIAN_CLOCK Genes involved in Circadian Clock
0.1 1.6 REACTOME_RNA_POL_II_TRANSCRIPTION_PRE_INITIATION_AND_PROMOTER_OPENING Genes involved in RNA Polymerase II Transcription Pre-Initiation And Promoter Opening
0.1 0.3 REACTOME_CREATION_OF_C4_AND_C2_ACTIVATORS Genes involved in Creation of C4 and C2 activators
0.1 5.8 REACTOME_MRNA_SPLICING Genes involved in mRNA Splicing
0.1 0.5 REACTOME_RNA_POL_III_TRANSCRIPTION_INITIATION_FROM_TYPE_3_PROMOTER Genes involved in RNA Polymerase III Transcription Initiation From Type 3 Promoter
0.0 0.8 REACTOME_UNWINDING_OF_DNA Genes involved in Unwinding of DNA
0.0 0.6 REACTOME_AMYLOIDS Genes involved in Amyloids
0.0 8.4 REACTOME_ANTIGEN_PROCESSING_UBIQUITINATION_PROTEASOME_DEGRADATION Genes involved in Antigen processing: Ubiquitination & Proteasome degradation
0.0 0.9 REACTOME_TGF_BETA_RECEPTOR_SIGNALING_IN_EMT_EPITHELIAL_TO_MESENCHYMAL_TRANSITION Genes involved in TGF-beta receptor signaling in EMT (epithelial to mesenchymal transition)
0.0 3.7 REACTOME_CLASS_B_2_SECRETIN_FAMILY_RECEPTORS Genes involved in Class B/2 (Secretin family receptors)
0.0 2.2 REACTOME_ACTIVATION_OF_CHAPERONE_GENES_BY_XBP1S Genes involved in Activation of Chaperone Genes by XBP1(S)
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_SIGNALING_BY_WNT Genes involved in Signaling by Wnt
0.0 3.5 REACTOME_CELL_DEATH_SIGNALLING_VIA_NRAGE_NRIF_AND_NADE Genes involved in Cell death signalling via NRAGE, NRIF and NADE
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_ACYL_CHAIN_REMODELLING_OF_PC Genes involved in Acyl chain remodelling of PC
0.0 0.6 REACTOME_INSULIN_RECEPTOR_RECYCLING Genes involved in Insulin receptor recycling
0.0 1.5 REACTOME_TRANSCRIPTIONAL_REGULATION_OF_WHITE_ADIPOCYTE_DIFFERENTIATION Genes involved in Transcriptional Regulation of White Adipocyte Differentiation
0.0 2.6 REACTOME_G_ALPHA_Q_SIGNALLING_EVENTS Genes involved in G alpha (q) signalling events
0.0 0.5 REACTOME_PROTEIN_FOLDING Genes involved in Protein folding
0.0 1.6 REACTOME_GLYCEROPHOSPHOLIPID_BIOSYNTHESIS Genes involved in Glycerophospholipid biosynthesis