Motif ID: Zbtb7a

Z-value: 0.919

Transcription factors associated with Zbtb7a:

Gene SymbolEntrez IDGene Name
Zbtb7a ENSMUSG00000035011.9 Zbtb7a

Activity-expression correlation:

Gene SymbolPromoterPearson corr. coef.P-valuePlot

Activity profile for motif Zbtb7a.

activity profile for motif Zbtb7a

Sorted Z-values histogram for motif Zbtb7a

Sorted Z-values for motif Zbtb7a

Network of associatons between targets according to the STRING database.

First level regulatory network of Zbtb7a

PNG image of the network

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Top targets:

Promoter Score Refseq Gene Symbol Gene Name
chr18_+_32938955 5.125 ENSMUST00000042868.4
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV
chr6_+_51432663 4.932 ENSMUST00000005103.5
nuclear factor, erythroid derived 2, like 3
chr16_+_11984581 4.773 ENSMUST00000170672.2

shisa homolog 9 (Xenopus laevis)

chr11_+_24076529 4.160 ENSMUST00000148087.1
predicted gene 12063
chr1_-_154725920 4.020 ENSMUST00000004214.8
calcium channel, voltage-dependent, R type, alpha 1E subunit
chr7_+_49246812 3.935 ENSMUST00000184945.1
neuron navigator 2
chr2_+_180499893 3.923 ENSMUST00000029084.2
neurotensin receptor 1
chr1_-_21961581 3.730 ENSMUST00000029667.6

potassium voltage-gated channel, subfamily Q, member 5

chr7_+_96210107 3.727 ENSMUST00000138760.1
teneurin transmembrane protein 4
chr13_-_59556845 3.654 ENSMUST00000170378.1

ATP/GTP binding protein 1

chr5_+_37028329 3.631 ENSMUST00000173836.1
janus kinase and microtubule interacting protein 1
chr8_-_34965631 3.501 ENSMUST00000033929.4
tankyrase, TRF1-interacting ankyrin-related ADP-ribose polymerase
chr11_+_75531690 3.480 ENSMUST00000149727.1

solute carrier family 43, member 2

chrX_+_159697308 3.349 ENSMUST00000123433.1
SH3-domain kinase binding protein 1
chr7_+_131966446 3.308 ENSMUST00000045840.4
G protein-coupled receptor 26
chr9_-_44234014 3.303 ENSMUST00000037644.6
Casitas B-lineage lymphoma
chr4_-_123664725 3.272 ENSMUST00000147030.1
microtubule-actin crosslinking factor 1
chr1_-_155417394 3.244 ENSMUST00000111775.1

xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1

chr11_+_75532127 3.143 ENSMUST00000127226.1
solute carrier family 43, member 2
chr15_-_98567630 3.127 ENSMUST00000012104.6
cyclin T1
chr12_-_24680890 3.021 ENSMUST00000156453.2
cystin 1
chr4_+_103619580 3.002 ENSMUST00000106827.1
disabled 1
chr6_-_126645784 2.973 ENSMUST00000055168.3
potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 1
chr17_+_8340710 2.957 ENSMUST00000163887.1
proline rich region 18
chr5_-_139129662 2.936 ENSMUST00000026973.7
protein kinase, cAMP dependent regulatory, type I beta
chr6_+_54681687 2.935 ENSMUST00000046276.6
RIKEN cDNA 2410066E13 gene
chr10_-_127263346 2.898 ENSMUST00000099172.3
kinesin family member 5A
chr13_+_118714678 2.828 ENSMUST00000022246.8
fibroblast growth factor 10
chr11_+_120721543 2.824 ENSMUST00000142229.1
RAS-related C3 botulinum substrate 3
chr15_-_72546279 2.810 ENSMUST00000044624.6
potassium channel, subfamily K, member 9
chr9_+_100643755 2.803 ENSMUST00000133388.1
stromal antigen 1
chr3_+_117575268 2.753 ENSMUST00000039564.6
RIKEN cDNA 4833424O15 gene
chr16_+_91729281 2.731 ENSMUST00000114001.1

intersectin 1 (SH3 domain protein 1A)

chr16_+_91729436 2.710 ENSMUST00000113993.1
intersectin 1 (SH3 domain protein 1A)
chr8_-_11008458 2.628 ENSMUST00000040514.6
insulin receptor substrate 2
chr4_-_139075557 2.625 ENSMUST00000105802.1
5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) receptor 6
chr5_+_130144861 2.610 ENSMUST00000040616.2
potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 7
chr18_+_35965088 2.597 ENSMUST00000175734.1
pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 2
chr7_-_6696423 2.584 ENSMUST00000002336.8
zinc finger, imprinted 1
chr7_-_31126945 2.569 ENSMUST00000098548.4
sodium channel, voltage-gated, type I, beta
chr9_+_109931774 2.567 ENSMUST00000169851.2
microtubule-associated protein 4
chr1_-_30949756 2.535 ENSMUST00000076587.3

protein tyrosine phosphatase 4a1

chr4_+_85205417 2.524 ENSMUST00000030212.8

SH3-domain GRB2-like 2

chr8_+_70493156 2.511 ENSMUST00000008032.7
cytokine receptor-like factor 1
chr3_+_107036156 2.508 ENSMUST00000052718.3
potassium voltage-gated channel, shaker-related subfamily, member 3
chr7_-_57509995 2.484 ENSMUST00000068456.6
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit alpha 5
chr2_+_180042496 2.418 ENSMUST00000041126.8
synovial sarcoma translocation gene on chromosome 18-like 1
chr2_-_29253001 2.395 ENSMUST00000071201.4
netrin G2
chr4_-_155398059 2.373 ENSMUST00000030925.2
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) A receptor, subunit delta
chr2_-_25319095 2.365 ENSMUST00000114318.3

glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA1 (zeta 1)

chr7_-_73537621 2.327 ENSMUST00000172704.1
chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 2
chr9_+_67840386 2.314 ENSMUST00000077879.5
vacuolar protein sorting 13C (yeast)
chr10_+_76531593 2.264 ENSMUST00000048678.6
lanosterol synthase
chr7_+_36698002 2.241 ENSMUST00000021641.6
teashirt zinc finger family member 3
chr2_-_5676046 2.228 ENSMUST00000114987.3
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase ID
chrX_+_71364901 2.222 ENSMUST00000132837.1
myotubularin related protein 1
chr1_-_136260873 2.213 ENSMUST00000086395.5
G protein-coupled receptor 25
chr9_-_15045378 2.208 ENSMUST00000164273.1
pannexin 1
chr4_+_119539652 2.179 ENSMUST00000044564.8

forkhead box J3

chr2_-_58567157 2.174 ENSMUST00000056376.5
activin A receptor, type 1
chr11_-_70229677 2.174 ENSMUST00000153449.1

B cell CLL/lymphoma 6, member B

chr6_-_126166726 2.151 ENSMUST00000112244.2

neurotrophin 3

chr15_-_28025834 2.150 ENSMUST00000090247.5
triple functional domain (PTPRF interacting)
chr16_+_17561885 2.129 ENSMUST00000171002.1

purinergic receptor P2X, ligand-gated ion channel, 6

chr9_+_31280525 2.119 ENSMUST00000117389.1
PR domain containing 10
chr11_+_75532099 2.118 ENSMUST00000169547.2
solute carrier family 43, member 2
chr7_-_27929430 2.116 ENSMUST00000098639.2
RIKEN cDNA 1700049G17 gene
chr19_-_42431778 2.112 ENSMUST00000048630.6
cartilage acidic protein 1
chr9_+_66350465 2.083 ENSMUST00000042824.6
hect (homologous to the E6-AP (UBE3A) carboxyl terminus) domain and RCC1 (CHC1)-like domain (RLD) 1
chr15_-_100599864 2.054 ENSMUST00000177247.2

POU domain, class 6, transcription factor 1

chr19_+_27217357 2.048 ENSMUST00000047645.6

very low density lipoprotein receptor

chrX_-_48208566 2.024 ENSMUST00000037960.4
zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 9
chr19_+_27217011 2.014 ENSMUST00000164746.1

very low density lipoprotein receptor

chr17_-_78835326 2.006 ENSMUST00000097281.2
HEAT repeat containing 5B
chr8_-_87472576 2.004 ENSMUST00000034076.8
cerebellin 1 precursor protein
chr11_+_49794157 2.003 ENSMUST00000020629.4
glutamine fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 2
chr11_+_120721452 1.985 ENSMUST00000018156.5
RAS-related C3 botulinum substrate 3
chr19_-_5510467 1.965 ENSMUST00000070172.4
sorting nexin 32
chr17_+_6270475 1.957 ENSMUST00000088940.4
transmembrane protein 181A
chr11_-_35798884 1.946 ENSMUST00000160726.2
fibrillarin-like 1
chr4_+_136284658 1.944 ENSMUST00000144217.1
zinc finger protein 46
chr13_+_81711407 1.926 ENSMUST00000057598.5
metallo-beta-lactamase domain containing 2
chr11_+_68692070 1.901 ENSMUST00000108673.1
myosin, heavy polypeptide 10, non-muscle
chr10_+_88379127 1.894 ENSMUST00000127615.1
N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase, alpha and beta subunits
chr1_-_155417283 1.882 ENSMUST00000027741.5
xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1
chr11_-_116412965 1.881 ENSMUST00000100202.3

ring finger protein 157

chr4_+_136284708 1.854 ENSMUST00000130223.1
zinc finger protein 46
chr17_+_8340399 1.836 ENSMUST00000069742.6
proline rich region 18
chr10_-_57532416 1.810 ENSMUST00000169122.1
serine incorporator 1
chr2_+_28513105 1.809 ENSMUST00000135803.1
ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator
chr13_-_59557230 1.788 ENSMUST00000165370.1

ATP/GTP binding protein 1

chr2_-_132385392 1.784 ENSMUST00000049997.7

prokineticin receptor 2

chr4_+_119539716 1.781 ENSMUST00000137560.1
forkhead box J3
chr1_+_132008285 1.780 ENSMUST00000146432.1
ELK4, member of ETS oncogene family
chr11_+_3332426 1.767 ENSMUST00000136474.1
phosphoinositide-3-kinase interacting protein 1
chr18_+_63708689 1.765 ENSMUST00000072726.5
WD repeat domain 7
chr11_-_118248489 1.741 ENSMUST00000100181.4
cytohesin 1
chrX_+_73503074 1.727 ENSMUST00000114479.1

ATPase, Ca++ transporting, plasma membrane 3

chr13_-_54611274 1.725 ENSMUST00000049575.7
clathrin, light polypeptide (Lcb)
chr8_+_104101625 1.723 ENSMUST00000034339.8
cadherin 5
chr2_+_121358591 1.715 ENSMUST00000000317.6

creatine kinase, mitochondrial 1, ubiquitous

chr12_+_31265234 1.711 ENSMUST00000169088.1
laminin B1
chr14_-_29721835 1.701 ENSMUST00000022567.7
calcium channel, voltage-dependent, alpha2/delta subunit 3
chr17_+_87107621 1.700 ENSMUST00000041369.6
suppressor of cytokine signaling 5
chr5_-_24730635 1.680 ENSMUST00000068693.5
WD repeat domain 86
chr14_+_111675113 1.674 ENSMUST00000042767.7
SLIT and NTRK-like family, member 5
chr1_-_52817503 1.670 ENSMUST00000162576.1
inositol polyphosphate-1-phosphatase
chr16_-_43979050 1.669 ENSMUST00000165648.1

zinc finger, DHHC domain containing 23

chr17_-_24689901 1.655 ENSMUST00000007236.4
synaptogyrin 3
chr13_+_54575020 1.649 ENSMUST00000156024.1
ADP-ribosylation factor-like 10
chr1_-_52817643 1.629 ENSMUST00000027271.2
inositol polyphosphate-1-phosphatase
chr17_-_17624458 1.629 ENSMUST00000041047.2
leucyl/cystinyl aminopeptidase
chr6_+_135198034 1.627 ENSMUST00000130612.1
RIKEN cDNA 8430419L09 gene
chr17_-_66077022 1.625 ENSMUST00000150766.1

ankyrin repeat domain 12

chr19_+_8664005 1.614 ENSMUST00000035444.3

cholinergic receptor, muscarinic 1, CNS

chr2_-_28840274 1.614 ENSMUST00000037117.5

general transcription factor IIIC, polypeptide 4

chr2_-_132385435 1.603 ENSMUST00000110156.1
prokineticin receptor 2
chr13_-_54611332 1.591 ENSMUST00000091609.4
clathrin, light polypeptide (Lcb)
chr7_+_12881165 1.588 ENSMUST00000144578.1
zinc finger protein 128
chr11_-_69369377 1.569 ENSMUST00000092971.6

chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 3

chr7_+_16130285 1.567 ENSMUST00000168693.1
solute carrier family 8 (sodium/calcium exchanger), member 2
chr5_-_137600650 1.555 ENSMUST00000111007.1

motile sperm domain containing 3

chr9_-_108190352 1.554 ENSMUST00000035208.7
chr11_-_85139939 1.552 ENSMUST00000108075.2
ubiquitin specific peptidase 32
chr3_-_94658800 1.549 ENSMUST00000107277.1

tuftelin 1

chr12_+_86241848 1.533 ENSMUST00000071106.4
G patch domain containing 2 like
chr13_+_100108155 1.531 ENSMUST00000129014.1
small EDRK-rich factor 1
chr11_+_115187481 1.529 ENSMUST00000100235.2

transmembrane protein 104

chr18_+_35965036 1.528 ENSMUST00000176873.1

pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 2

chr15_+_79108911 1.527 ENSMUST00000040320.8
microtubule associated monooxygenase, calponin and LIM domain containing -like 1
chr1_+_37299882 1.507 ENSMUST00000136846.1

inositol polyphosphate-4-phosphatase, type I

chr16_+_10545390 1.482 ENSMUST00000115827.1

C-type lectin domain family 16, member A

chr9_+_45370185 1.482 ENSMUST00000085939.6
FXYD domain-containing ion transport regulator 6
chr9_+_100643605 1.467 ENSMUST00000041418.6
stromal antigen 1
chr8_-_113848615 1.466 ENSMUST00000093113.4
a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 18
chr15_+_65787023 1.462 ENSMUST00000015146.9

EFR3 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)

chr2_-_25319187 1.460 ENSMUST00000114312.1
glutamate receptor, ionotropic, NMDA1 (zeta 1)
chr16_-_91728701 1.458 ENSMUST00000114023.2

crystallin, zeta (quinone reductase)-like 1

chr10_-_79874211 1.453 ENSMUST00000167897.1
cDNA sequence BC005764
chr7_-_113369326 1.442 ENSMUST00000047091.7

BTB (POZ) domain containing 10

chr19_-_55099417 1.407 ENSMUST00000061856.5
glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, mitochondrial
chr13_-_70637634 1.405 ENSMUST00000043493.5
cDNA sequence BC018507
chr12_-_4038905 1.399 ENSMUST00000111178.1
EFR3 homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
chr11_+_93996082 1.398 ENSMUST00000041956.7
sperm associated antigen 9
chr7_-_98361275 1.397 ENSMUST00000094161.4


chr13_+_100107997 1.389 ENSMUST00000142155.1

small EDRK-rich factor 1

chr3_-_32616479 1.388 ENSMUST00000108234.1

guanine nucleotide binding protein (G protein), beta 4

chr12_-_109068173 1.377 ENSMUST00000073156.7
brain-enriched guanylate kinase-associated
chr7_-_75308373 1.376 ENSMUST00000085164.5
synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2 b
chr3_+_123446913 1.372 ENSMUST00000029603.8
protease, serine, 12 neurotrypsin (motopsin)
chr11_-_54860564 1.368 ENSMUST00000144164.1
LYR motif containing 7
chr9_+_107906866 1.365 ENSMUST00000035203.7
macrophage stimulating 1 receptor (c-met-related tyrosine kinase)
chr1_-_165460430 1.360 ENSMUST00000027856.7
DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 6
chr6_+_17463826 1.358 ENSMUST00000140070.1
met proto-oncogene
chr6_+_135197977 1.345 ENSMUST00000111915.1

RIKEN cDNA 8430419L09 gene

chr4_-_151108244 1.339 ENSMUST00000131948.1
calmodulin binding transcription activator 1
chr3_-_89322883 1.329 ENSMUST00000029673.5
ephrin A3
chr17_-_45686899 1.327 ENSMUST00000156254.1
transmembrane protein 63b
chr13_+_56522497 1.326 ENSMUST00000045428.6
F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 21
chr1_+_156558759 1.322 ENSMUST00000173929.1
v-abl Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene 2 (arg, Abelson-related gene)
chr7_+_127511976 1.320 ENSMUST00000098025.4
Snf2-related CREBBP activator protein
chr5_-_34288407 1.303 ENSMUST00000114368.1

zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 28

chr11_-_107915041 1.298 ENSMUST00000039071.2
calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma subunit 5
chr12_+_8674391 1.297 ENSMUST00000163569.1

pumilio 2 (Drosophila)

chr13_+_54575008 1.293 ENSMUST00000026988.4
ADP-ribosylation factor-like 10
chr9_-_27030010 1.293 ENSMUST00000034470.9
vacuolar protein sorting 26 homolog B (yeast)
chr19_-_40612160 1.292 ENSMUST00000132452.1

tectonic family member 3

chr19_-_5273080 1.274 ENSMUST00000025786.7
phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 1
chr10_-_57532489 1.270 ENSMUST00000020027.4
serine incorporator 1
chr2_+_28533355 1.265 ENSMUST00000113893.1

ral guanine nucleotide dissociation stimulator

chr1_+_105663855 1.263 ENSMUST00000086721.3

RIKEN cDNA 2310035C23 gene

chr7_-_98361310 1.258 ENSMUST00000165257.1
chr8_-_25994103 1.228 ENSMUST00000061850.3
protein-O-mannose kinase
chr10_-_17947997 1.228 ENSMUST00000037879.6
headcase homolog (Drosophila)
chr11_-_74590186 1.225 ENSMUST00000102521.1
RAP1 GTPase activating protein 2
chr1_+_170214826 1.215 ENSMUST00000159201.1

RIKEN cDNA 4930500M09 gene

chr14_-_76110760 1.213 ENSMUST00000022585.3
GPALPP motifs containing 1
chr6_+_4601124 1.210 ENSMUST00000181734.1

CAS1 domain containing 1

chr5_+_135064206 1.207 ENSMUST00000071263.5
DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily C, member 30
chr11_-_118248507 1.201 ENSMUST00000017276.7
cytohesin 1
chr5_-_34288318 1.199 ENSMUST00000094868.3
zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 28
chr1_+_179668202 1.198 ENSMUST00000040538.3
saccharopine dehydrogenase (putative)
chr18_+_66458587 1.198 ENSMUST00000025399.7
phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate-induced protein 1
chr7_-_114117761 1.197 ENSMUST00000069449.5
related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog 2
chrX_+_105120361 1.190 ENSMUST00000033578.5
melanoma antigen, family E, 1
chr7_+_126928844 1.187 ENSMUST00000032924.5
potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 13
chr13_-_73847603 1.185 ENSMUST00000118096.1

naked cuticle 2 homolog (Drosophila)

chr18_-_20896078 1.180 ENSMUST00000025177.6

trafficking protein particle complex 8

chr18_+_23752333 1.169 ENSMUST00000170802.1

microtubule-associated protein, RP/EB family, member 2

chr11_+_72796254 1.156 ENSMUST00000069395.5
zinc finger, ZZ-type with EF hand domain 1
chr8_-_102785093 1.149 ENSMUST00000075190.3
cadherin 11
chr12_-_72070991 1.139 ENSMUST00000050649.4
G protein-coupled receptor 135
chr17_-_57059795 1.134 ENSMUST00000040280.7
solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; phosphate carrier), member 23
chr10_+_116018213 1.131 ENSMUST00000063470.4
protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, R
chr1_-_93101854 1.116 ENSMUST00000171796.1

kinesin family member 1A

chr10_-_84440591 1.113 ENSMUST00000020220.8
NUAK family, SNF1-like kinase, 1
chr9_+_15709715 1.106 ENSMUST00000115588.1

solute carrier family 36 (proton/amino acid symporter), member 4

chr12_+_4133394 1.096 ENSMUST00000152065.1

adenylate cyclase 3

chr15_+_100870670 1.094 ENSMUST00000082209.6
sodium channel, voltage-gated, type VIII, alpha
chr14_+_33923582 1.089 ENSMUST00000168727.1
growth differentiation factor 10

Gene Ontology Analysis

Gene overrepresentation in biological_process category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
1.7 5.2 GO:0050975 sensory perception of touch(GO:0050975)
1.4 5.4 GO:0035609 C-terminal protein deglutamylation(GO:0035609)
1.3 3.8 GO:0070650 actin filament bundle distribution(GO:0070650)
1.3 3.8 GO:1900673 olefin metabolic process(GO:1900673)
1.2 4.7 GO:0021812 neuronal-glial interaction involved in cerebral cortex radial glia guided migration(GO:0021812)
1.2 3.5 GO:1904742 regulation of telomeric DNA binding(GO:1904742)
1.1 2.2 GO:0032650 regulation of interleukin-1 alpha production(GO:0032650) positive regulation of interleukin-1 alpha production(GO:0032730) interleukin-1 alpha secretion(GO:0050703)
1.1 6.5 GO:0014054 positive regulation of gamma-aminobutyric acid secretion(GO:0014054)
1.0 3.9 GO:0021564 glossopharyngeal nerve development(GO:0021563) vagus nerve development(GO:0021564)
1.0 3.8 GO:0032289 central nervous system myelin formation(GO:0032289)
0.9 2.8 GO:0071336 white fat cell proliferation(GO:0070343) regulation of white fat cell proliferation(GO:0070350) regulation of hair follicle cell proliferation(GO:0071336) positive regulation of hair follicle cell proliferation(GO:0071338)
0.9 2.6 GO:0086047 membrane depolarization during Purkinje myocyte cell action potential(GO:0086047)
0.9 5.1 GO:0030643 cellular phosphate ion homeostasis(GO:0030643) phosphate ion transmembrane transport(GO:0035435) cellular trivalent inorganic anion homeostasis(GO:0072502)
0.8 4.2 GO:1990034 calcium ion export from cell(GO:1990034)
0.8 4.1 GO:0034436 glycoprotein transport(GO:0034436)
0.8 4.0 GO:0090273 regulation of somatostatin secretion(GO:0090273)
0.7 2.2 GO:0003289 endocardial cushion fusion(GO:0003274) atrial septum primum morphogenesis(GO:0003289)
0.7 2.2 GO:0008355 olfactory learning(GO:0008355)
0.6 1.9 GO:0016256 N-glycan processing to lysosome(GO:0016256)
0.6 4.0 GO:1901525 negative regulation of macromitophagy(GO:1901525)
0.5 2.7 GO:0061073 ciliary body morphogenesis(GO:0061073)
0.5 3.6 GO:1904217 regulation of CDP-diacylglycerol-serine O-phosphatidyltransferase activity(GO:1904217) positive regulation of CDP-diacylglycerol-serine O-phosphatidyltransferase activity(GO:1904219) regulation of serine C-palmitoyltransferase activity(GO:1904220) positive regulation of serine C-palmitoyltransferase activity(GO:1904222)
0.5 1.6 GO:0098928 presynaptic signal transduction(GO:0098928) presynapse to nucleus signaling pathway(GO:0099526)
0.5 2.6 GO:0051012 microtubule sliding(GO:0051012)
0.5 1.0 GO:0002322 B cell proliferation involved in immune response(GO:0002322)
0.5 1.5 GO:0061428 negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to hypoxia(GO:0061428)
0.5 3.2 GO:1900042 positive regulation of interleukin-2 secretion(GO:1900042)
0.4 2.2 GO:0007403 glial cell fate determination(GO:0007403)
0.4 1.7 GO:0071638 negative regulation of monocyte chemotactic protein-1 production(GO:0071638)
0.4 2.5 GO:2000672 negative regulation of motor neuron apoptotic process(GO:2000672)
0.4 1.9 GO:0018364 peptidyl-glutamine methylation(GO:0018364)
0.4 1.1 GO:0097274 urea homeostasis(GO:0097274)
0.4 5.1 GO:0043011 myeloid dendritic cell differentiation(GO:0043011)
0.4 5.8 GO:0007175 negative regulation of epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity(GO:0007175)
0.4 2.9 GO:0099640 axo-dendritic protein transport(GO:0099640)
0.4 1.1 GO:0097401 synaptic vesicle lumen acidification(GO:0097401)
0.4 2.5 GO:1990416 cellular response to brain-derived neurotrophic factor stimulus(GO:1990416)
0.4 1.1 GO:0048298 positive regulation of isotype switching to IgA isotypes(GO:0048298)
0.4 6.0 GO:0048172 regulation of short-term neuronal synaptic plasticity(GO:0048172)
0.4 1.4 GO:0070970 interleukin-2 secretion(GO:0070970)
0.3 1.0 GO:0002035 brain renin-angiotensin system(GO:0002035)
0.3 1.0 GO:0003134 BMP signaling pathway involved in heart induction(GO:0003130) endodermal-mesodermal cell signaling(GO:0003133) endodermal-mesodermal cell signaling involved in heart induction(GO:0003134)
0.3 3.3 GO:0006620 posttranslational protein targeting to membrane(GO:0006620)
0.3 2.0 GO:0009405 pathogenesis(GO:0009405)
0.3 1.6 GO:0007197 adenylate cyclase-inhibiting G-protein coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway(GO:0007197) phospholipase C-activating G-protein coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway(GO:0007207)
0.3 2.2 GO:0060267 positive regulation of respiratory burst(GO:0060267)
0.3 3.1 GO:1901409 positive regulation of phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain(GO:1901409)
0.3 0.6 GO:0072053 renal inner medulla development(GO:0072053) renal outer medulla development(GO:0072054)
0.3 0.9 GO:0051835 positive regulation of synapse structural plasticity(GO:0051835)
0.3 4.8 GO:0014041 regulation of neuron maturation(GO:0014041)
0.3 1.2 GO:1900740 regulation of protein insertion into mitochondrial membrane involved in apoptotic signaling pathway(GO:1900739) positive regulation of protein insertion into mitochondrial membrane involved in apoptotic signaling pathway(GO:1900740)
0.3 0.9 GO:0045347 negative regulation of MHC class II biosynthetic process(GO:0045347)
0.3 1.7 GO:1901552 positive regulation of endothelial cell development(GO:1901552) positive regulation of establishment of endothelial barrier(GO:1903142)
0.3 1.4 GO:0060398 regulation of growth hormone receptor signaling pathway(GO:0060398)
0.3 1.1 GO:0038128 ERBB2 signaling pathway(GO:0038128)
0.3 2.8 GO:0030322 stabilization of membrane potential(GO:0030322)
0.3 7.1 GO:0032011 ARF protein signal transduction(GO:0032011) regulation of ARF protein signal transduction(GO:0032012)
0.3 1.3 GO:1905247 positive regulation of aspartic-type endopeptidase activity involved in amyloid precursor protein catabolic process(GO:1902961) positive regulation of aspartic-type peptidase activity(GO:1905247)
0.3 2.6 GO:0002903 negative regulation of B cell apoptotic process(GO:0002903)
0.3 1.0 GO:0031161 phosphatidylinositol catabolic process(GO:0031161)
0.3 1.0 GO:0070358 actin polymerization-dependent cell motility(GO:0070358)
0.3 1.0 GO:0006751 glutathione catabolic process(GO:0006751)
0.3 1.0 GO:0097343 ripoptosome assembly(GO:0097343) ripoptosome assembly involved in necroptotic process(GO:1901026)
0.3 1.8 GO:0043553 negative regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity(GO:0043553)
0.2 1.0 GO:0050955 thermoception(GO:0050955)
0.2 2.9 GO:2000480 negative regulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase activity(GO:2000480)
0.2 0.7 GO:0060268 negative regulation of respiratory burst(GO:0060268)
0.2 2.0 GO:0090394 negative regulation of excitatory postsynaptic potential(GO:0090394)
0.2 0.6 GO:2000331 Wnt protein secretion(GO:0061355) regulation of Wnt protein secretion(GO:0061356) positive regulation of Wnt protein secretion(GO:0061357) regulation of terminal button organization(GO:2000331)
0.2 1.2 GO:0070294 renal sodium ion transport(GO:0003096) renal sodium ion absorption(GO:0070294)
0.2 1.4 GO:0090074 negative regulation of protein homodimerization activity(GO:0090074)
0.2 1.2 GO:0030242 pexophagy(GO:0030242)
0.2 0.4 GO:1902022 L-lysine transport(GO:1902022)
0.2 1.4 GO:0070494 regulation of thrombin receptor signaling pathway(GO:0070494) negative regulation of thrombin receptor signaling pathway(GO:0070495)
0.2 0.8 GO:0070162 adiponectin secretion(GO:0070162) regulation of adiponectin secretion(GO:0070163) negative regulation of adiponectin secretion(GO:0070164)
0.2 5.7 GO:0046854 phosphatidylinositol phosphorylation(GO:0046854)
0.2 0.9 GO:0048631 regulation of skeletal muscle tissue growth(GO:0048631)
0.2 1.1 GO:1900246 positive regulation of RIG-I signaling pathway(GO:1900246)
0.2 2.0 GO:0018230 peptidyl-L-cysteine S-palmitoylation(GO:0018230) peptidyl-S-diacylglycerol-L-cysteine biosynthetic process from peptidyl-cysteine(GO:0018231)
0.2 0.5 GO:0032240 negative regulation of nucleobase-containing compound transport(GO:0032240) negative regulation of RNA export from nucleus(GO:0046832)
0.2 0.9 GO:1905169 protein localization to phagocytic vesicle(GO:1905161) regulation of protein localization to phagocytic vesicle(GO:1905169) positive regulation of protein localization to phagocytic vesicle(GO:1905171)
0.2 1.7 GO:0006002 fructose 6-phosphate metabolic process(GO:0006002)
0.2 0.5 GO:2000170 positive regulation of peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylation(GO:2000170)
0.2 3.3 GO:0046856 phospholipid dephosphorylation(GO:0046839) phosphatidylinositol dephosphorylation(GO:0046856)
0.2 1.9 GO:0015732 prostaglandin transport(GO:0015732)
0.2 9.8 GO:0015807 L-amino acid transport(GO:0015807)
0.2 1.1 GO:0035507 regulation of myosin-light-chain-phosphatase activity(GO:0035507)
0.2 0.5 GO:0046381 CMP-N-acetylneuraminate metabolic process(GO:0046381)
0.2 0.5 GO:0046098 guanine metabolic process(GO:0046098)
0.1 0.9 GO:0007253 cytoplasmic sequestering of NF-kappaB(GO:0007253)
0.1 1.8 GO:0070932 histone H3 deacetylation(GO:0070932)
0.1 0.3 GO:1900122 positive regulation of receptor binding(GO:1900122)
0.1 0.6 GO:0046619 optic placode formation involved in camera-type eye formation(GO:0046619)
0.1 0.4 GO:2000744 anterior head development(GO:0097065) regulation of anterior head development(GO:2000742) positive regulation of anterior head development(GO:2000744)
0.1 1.2 GO:0045541 negative regulation of cholesterol biosynthetic process(GO:0045541) negative regulation of cholesterol metabolic process(GO:0090206)
0.1 0.7 GO:0090669 telomerase RNA stabilization(GO:0090669)
0.1 0.8 GO:0051790 short-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process(GO:0051790)
0.1 0.4 GO:0060160 negative regulation of dopamine receptor signaling pathway(GO:0060160)
0.1 1.7 GO:0060213 regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA poly(A) tail shortening(GO:0060211) positive regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA poly(A) tail shortening(GO:0060213)
0.1 0.9 GO:0005981 regulation of glycogen catabolic process(GO:0005981)
0.1 1.3 GO:0000042 protein targeting to Golgi(GO:0000042)
0.1 1.5 GO:1900121 negative regulation of receptor binding(GO:1900121)
0.1 1.4 GO:0034551 respiratory chain complex III assembly(GO:0017062) mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III assembly(GO:0034551) mitochondrial respiratory chain complex III biogenesis(GO:0097033)
0.1 1.0 GO:0006817 phosphate ion transport(GO:0006817)
0.1 0.4 GO:0019255 glucose 1-phosphate metabolic process(GO:0019255)
0.1 0.8 GO:0006561 proline biosynthetic process(GO:0006561)
0.1 0.5 GO:0090309 positive regulation of methylation-dependent chromatin silencing(GO:0090309)
0.1 0.8 GO:0051967 negative regulation of synaptic transmission, glutamatergic(GO:0051967)
0.1 0.8 GO:0032380 regulation of intracellular lipid transport(GO:0032377) regulation of intracellular sterol transport(GO:0032380) regulation of intracellular cholesterol transport(GO:0032383)
0.1 0.4 GO:0051866 general adaptation syndrome(GO:0051866)
0.1 1.5 GO:0090331 negative regulation of platelet aggregation(GO:0090331)
0.1 1.0 GO:0043117 positive regulation of vascular permeability(GO:0043117)
0.1 1.8 GO:0036010 protein localization to endosome(GO:0036010)
0.1 2.1 GO:0021702 cerebellar Purkinje cell differentiation(GO:0021702)
0.1 2.2 GO:0042092 type 2 immune response(GO:0042092)
0.1 0.9 GO:0033280 response to vitamin D(GO:0033280)
0.1 1.7 GO:0021756 striatum development(GO:0021756)
0.1 1.7 GO:0018345 protein palmitoylation(GO:0018345)
0.1 2.2 GO:0031571 mitotic G1 DNA damage checkpoint(GO:0031571)
0.1 0.5 GO:0009098 branched-chain amino acid biosynthetic process(GO:0009082) leucine biosynthetic process(GO:0009098) valine biosynthetic process(GO:0009099)
0.1 0.2 GO:0032058 positive regulation of translational initiation in response to stress(GO:0032058)
0.1 0.4 GO:2000465 regulation of glycogen (starch) synthase activity(GO:2000465)
0.1 0.5 GO:0071494 cellular response to UV-C(GO:0071494)
0.1 2.4 GO:0007189 adenylate cyclase-activating G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway(GO:0007189)
0.1 0.3 GO:0035928 rRNA import into mitochondrion(GO:0035928)
0.1 1.1 GO:0021957 corticospinal tract morphogenesis(GO:0021957)
0.1 6.6 GO:0051897 positive regulation of protein kinase B signaling(GO:0051897)
0.1 3.4 GO:0007218 neuropeptide signaling pathway(GO:0007218)
0.1 0.7 GO:0006370 7-methylguanosine mRNA capping(GO:0006370)
0.1 0.4 GO:0090666 scaRNA localization to Cajal body(GO:0090666)
0.1 1.2 GO:0046835 carbohydrate phosphorylation(GO:0046835)
0.1 0.9 GO:0061339 establishment of monopolar cell polarity(GO:0061162) establishment or maintenance of monopolar cell polarity(GO:0061339)
0.1 1.7 GO:0033198 response to ATP(GO:0033198)
0.1 0.4 GO:1900748 positive regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling pathway(GO:1900748)
0.1 0.6 GO:0035542 negative regulation of vesicle fusion(GO:0031339) regulation of SNARE complex assembly(GO:0035542)
0.1 0.1 GO:0006566 threonine metabolic process(GO:0006566)
0.1 1.2 GO:0035024 negative regulation of Rho protein signal transduction(GO:0035024)
0.1 1.2 GO:0010954 positive regulation of protein processing(GO:0010954)
0.1 1.1 GO:0051382 kinetochore assembly(GO:0051382)
0.1 0.4 GO:0098838 reduced folate transmembrane transport(GO:0098838)
0.1 0.3 GO:0071947 protein deubiquitination involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process(GO:0071947)
0.1 0.6 GO:0061635 regulation of protein complex stability(GO:0061635)
0.1 0.5 GO:1990845 adaptive thermogenesis(GO:1990845)
0.1 1.6 GO:0043171 peptide catabolic process(GO:0043171)
0.1 0.3 GO:0060120 auditory receptor cell fate commitment(GO:0009912) inner ear receptor cell fate commitment(GO:0060120)
0.1 1.3 GO:0043153 entrainment of circadian clock by photoperiod(GO:0043153)
0.1 0.1 GO:0010587 miRNA catabolic process(GO:0010587)
0.1 0.5 GO:0098789 pre-mRNA cleavage required for polyadenylation(GO:0098789)
0.1 0.4 GO:0000290 deadenylation-dependent decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA(GO:0000290)
0.1 0.2 GO:0000973 posttranscriptional tethering of RNA polymerase II gene DNA at nuclear periphery(GO:0000973)
0.1 1.4 GO:0044342 type B pancreatic cell proliferation(GO:0044342)
0.1 0.2 GO:0006121 mitochondrial electron transport, succinate to ubiquinone(GO:0006121)
0.1 0.8 GO:0000083 regulation of transcription involved in G1/S transition of mitotic cell cycle(GO:0000083)
0.1 0.3 GO:0051013 microtubule severing(GO:0051013)
0.1 0.5 GO:0046339 diacylglycerol metabolic process(GO:0046339)
0.1 0.8 GO:0051531 NFAT protein import into nucleus(GO:0051531)
0.1 0.2 GO:0010940 positive regulation of necrotic cell death(GO:0010940)
0.0 0.3 GO:0048266 behavioral response to pain(GO:0048266)
0.0 1.7 GO:0032411 positive regulation of transporter activity(GO:0032411)
0.0 0.1 GO:0035694 mitochondrial protein catabolic process(GO:0035694)
0.0 0.8 GO:0038063 collagen-activated tyrosine kinase receptor signaling pathway(GO:0038063)
0.0 0.3 GO:0030579 ubiquitin-dependent SMAD protein catabolic process(GO:0030579)
0.0 0.6 GO:0044539 long-chain fatty acid import(GO:0044539)
0.0 0.4 GO:0032148 activation of protein kinase B activity(GO:0032148)
0.0 2.3 GO:0002209 behavioral fear response(GO:0001662) behavioral defense response(GO:0002209) fear response(GO:0042596)
0.0 0.8 GO:0060218 hematopoietic stem cell differentiation(GO:0060218)
0.0 0.2 GO:0090168 Golgi reassembly(GO:0090168)
0.0 3.3 GO:0072583 clathrin-mediated endocytosis(GO:0072583)
0.0 0.1 GO:1900113 negative regulation of histone H3-K9 trimethylation(GO:1900113)
0.0 0.7 GO:0032897 negative regulation of viral transcription(GO:0032897)
0.0 0.2 GO:0000492 box C/D snoRNP assembly(GO:0000492)
0.0 0.2 GO:0002553 histamine production involved in inflammatory response(GO:0002349) histamine secretion involved in inflammatory response(GO:0002441) histamine secretion by mast cell(GO:0002553)
0.0 0.1 GO:0035672 transepithelial chloride transport(GO:0030321) oligopeptide transmembrane transport(GO:0035672)
0.0 0.1 GO:0034382 chylomicron remnant clearance(GO:0034382) triglyceride-rich lipoprotein particle clearance(GO:0071830)
0.0 0.7 GO:0034389 lipid particle organization(GO:0034389)
0.0 0.7 GO:0008340 determination of adult lifespan(GO:0008340)
0.0 1.0 GO:0045943 positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase I promoter(GO:0045943)
0.0 0.5 GO:0000729 DNA double-strand break processing(GO:0000729)
0.0 0.1 GO:0043268 positive regulation of potassium ion transport(GO:0043268)
0.0 0.2 GO:0043985 histone H4-R3 methylation(GO:0043985)
0.0 0.4 GO:0006488 dolichol-linked oligosaccharide biosynthetic process(GO:0006488)
0.0 0.6 GO:0007076 mitotic chromosome condensation(GO:0007076)
0.0 0.1 GO:0060982 cochlear nucleus development(GO:0021747) coronary artery morphogenesis(GO:0060982)
0.0 2.3 GO:0050775 positive regulation of dendrite morphogenesis(GO:0050775)
0.0 4.8 GO:0071804 cellular potassium ion transport(GO:0071804) potassium ion transmembrane transport(GO:0071805)
0.0 0.8 GO:2000279 negative regulation of DNA biosynthetic process(GO:2000279)
0.0 1.7 GO:1902653 cholesterol biosynthetic process(GO:0006695) secondary alcohol biosynthetic process(GO:1902653)
0.0 0.2 GO:1903553 positive regulation of extracellular exosome assembly(GO:1903553)
0.0 2.7 GO:0019226 transmission of nerve impulse(GO:0019226)
0.0 2.1 GO:0050885 neuromuscular process controlling balance(GO:0050885)
0.0 0.2 GO:0006452 translational frameshifting(GO:0006452) positive regulation of translational termination(GO:0045905)
0.0 0.3 GO:0006544 glycine metabolic process(GO:0006544)
0.0 0.2 GO:0098909 establishment or maintenance of neuroblast polarity(GO:0045196) establishment of neuroblast polarity(GO:0045200) regulation of cardiac muscle cell action potential involved in regulation of contraction(GO:0098909)
0.0 0.5 GO:0014898 muscle hypertrophy in response to stress(GO:0003299) cardiac muscle hypertrophy in response to stress(GO:0014898)
0.0 0.3 GO:1902624 positive regulation of granulocyte chemotaxis(GO:0071624) positive regulation of neutrophil chemotaxis(GO:0090023) positive regulation of neutrophil migration(GO:1902624)
0.0 0.8 GO:0060716 labyrinthine layer blood vessel development(GO:0060716)
0.0 1.2 GO:2000649 regulation of sodium ion transmembrane transporter activity(GO:2000649)
0.0 1.5 GO:0032091 negative regulation of protein binding(GO:0032091)
0.0 3.3 GO:0043433 negative regulation of sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity(GO:0043433)
0.0 0.9 GO:0010862 positive regulation of pathway-restricted SMAD protein phosphorylation(GO:0010862)
0.0 0.9 GO:0006779 porphyrin-containing compound biosynthetic process(GO:0006779)
0.0 0.5 GO:0030262 apoptotic nuclear changes(GO:0030262)
0.0 0.4 GO:2000300 regulation of synaptic vesicle exocytosis(GO:2000300)
0.0 1.4 GO:0031638 zymogen activation(GO:0031638)
0.0 0.1 GO:0051352 negative regulation of ligase activity(GO:0051352) negative regulation of ubiquitin-protein transferase activity(GO:0051444)
0.0 1.1 GO:0030968 endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response(GO:0030968)
0.0 0.6 GO:0006891 intra-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport(GO:0006891)
0.0 0.0 GO:0038028 insulin receptor signaling pathway via phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase(GO:0038028)
0.0 0.1 GO:0019388 galactose catabolic process(GO:0019388)
0.0 0.1 GO:0072675 osteoclast fusion(GO:0072675)
0.0 0.1 GO:0021914 negative regulation of smoothened signaling pathway involved in ventral spinal cord patterning(GO:0021914)
0.0 0.4 GO:0007097 nuclear migration(GO:0007097) establishment of nucleus localization(GO:0040023)
0.0 0.1 GO:0001302 replicative cell aging(GO:0001302)
0.0 0.2 GO:0070940 dephosphorylation of RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain(GO:0070940)
0.0 0.6 GO:0007520 myoblast fusion(GO:0007520)
0.0 0.4 GO:0070059 intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway in response to endoplasmic reticulum stress(GO:0070059)
0.0 0.1 GO:1901911 diphosphoinositol polyphosphate metabolic process(GO:0071543) diadenosine pentaphosphate metabolic process(GO:1901906) diadenosine pentaphosphate catabolic process(GO:1901907) diadenosine hexaphosphate metabolic process(GO:1901908) diadenosine hexaphosphate catabolic process(GO:1901909) adenosine 5'-(hexahydrogen pentaphosphate) metabolic process(GO:1901910) adenosine 5'-(hexahydrogen pentaphosphate) catabolic process(GO:1901911)
0.0 0.1 GO:0044565 dendritic cell proliferation(GO:0044565)
0.0 0.9 GO:0030433 ER-associated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process(GO:0030433)
0.0 0.6 GO:1901264 carbohydrate derivative transport(GO:1901264)
0.0 0.3 GO:0044804 nucleophagy(GO:0044804)
0.0 0.4 GO:0036075 endochondral ossification(GO:0001958) replacement ossification(GO:0036075)
0.0 1.6 GO:0007098 centrosome cycle(GO:0007098)
0.0 1.4 GO:0006836 neurotransmitter transport(GO:0006836)
0.0 0.1 GO:0006878 cellular copper ion homeostasis(GO:0006878)
0.0 0.9 GO:1903363 negative regulation of cellular protein catabolic process(GO:1903363)
0.0 0.2 GO:0045948 positive regulation of translational initiation(GO:0045948)
0.0 0.1 GO:0045647 negative regulation of erythrocyte differentiation(GO:0045647)
0.0 0.3 GO:0006826 iron ion transport(GO:0006826)

Gene overrepresentation in cellular_component category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
1.0 3.9 GO:0032280 symmetric synapse(GO:0032280)
1.0 3.8 GO:0044307 dendritic branch(GO:0044307)
0.8 2.5 GO:0097058 CRLF-CLCF1 complex(GO:0097058)
0.7 2.2 GO:0048179 activin receptor complex(GO:0048179)
0.6 3.8 GO:0097513 myosin II filament(GO:0097513)
0.6 6.3 GO:0032591 dendritic spine membrane(GO:0032591)
0.5 1.6 GO:1990257 piccolo-bassoon transport vesicle(GO:1990257)
0.3 4.9 GO:1902711 GABA-A receptor complex(GO:1902711)
0.3 3.3 GO:0030130 clathrin coat of trans-Golgi network vesicle(GO:0030130)
0.3 1.2 GO:0016012 sarcoglycan complex(GO:0016012)
0.3 1.5 GO:0001533 cornified envelope(GO:0001533)
0.3 1.7 GO:0008091 spectrin(GO:0008091)
0.3 1.9 GO:0031428 box C/D snoRNP complex(GO:0031428)
0.3 3.3 GO:0016600 flotillin complex(GO:0016600)
0.3 4.3 GO:0005614 interstitial matrix(GO:0005614)
0.2 3.7 GO:0001518 voltage-gated sodium channel complex(GO:0001518)
0.2 2.9 GO:0005952 cAMP-dependent protein kinase complex(GO:0005952)
0.2 1.2 GO:0044305 calyx of Held(GO:0044305)
0.2 4.1 GO:0044224 juxtaparanode region of axon(GO:0044224)
0.2 3.3 GO:0030139 endocytic vesicle(GO:0030139)
0.2 1.5 GO:0000127 transcription factor TFIIIC complex(GO:0000127)
0.2 3.5 GO:0097431 mitotic spindle pole(GO:0097431)
0.2 2.0 GO:0008024 cyclin/CDK positive transcription elongation factor complex(GO:0008024)
0.2 0.7 GO:0043259 laminin-1 complex(GO:0005606) laminin-10 complex(GO:0043259)
0.2 1.2 GO:0097422 tubular endosome(GO:0097422)
0.2 0.5 GO:0031372 UBC13-MMS2 complex(GO:0031372)
0.2 0.8 GO:0005587 collagen type IV trimer(GO:0005587) network-forming collagen trimer(GO:0098642) collagen network(GO:0098645) basement membrane collagen trimer(GO:0098651)
0.2 0.5 GO:0071920 cleavage body(GO:0071920)
0.1 2.2 GO:1990635 proximal dendrite(GO:1990635)
0.1 2.3 GO:0030008 TRAPP complex(GO:0030008)
0.1 0.4 GO:0043541 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transferase complex(GO:0043541)
0.1 2.1 GO:0031229 integral component of nuclear inner membrane(GO:0005639) intrinsic component of nuclear inner membrane(GO:0031229)
0.1 0.8 GO:0005955 calcineurin complex(GO:0005955)
0.1 0.5 GO:1902937 inward rectifier potassium channel complex(GO:1902937)
0.1 1.6 GO:0032279 asymmetric synapse(GO:0032279)
0.1 0.4 GO:0045160 myosin I complex(GO:0045160)
0.1 10.5 GO:0005905 clathrin-coated pit(GO:0005905)
0.1 2.5 GO:0035253 ciliary rootlet(GO:0035253)
0.1 2.4 GO:0000780 condensed nuclear chromosome, centromeric region(GO:0000780)
0.1 1.4 GO:0043083 synaptic cleft(GO:0043083)
0.1 2.2 GO:0008074 guanylate cyclase complex, soluble(GO:0008074)
0.1 4.6 GO:0005891 voltage-gated calcium channel complex(GO:0005891)
0.1 3.7 GO:0030118 clathrin coat(GO:0030118)
0.1 1.2 GO:0032584 growth cone membrane(GO:0032584)
0.1 0.4 GO:0097129 cyclin D2-CDK4 complex(GO:0097129)
0.1 0.9 GO:0042587 glycogen granule(GO:0042587)
0.1 4.8 GO:0031941 filamentous actin(GO:0031941)
0.1 2.1 GO:0001891 phagocytic cup(GO:0001891)
0.1 0.5 GO:0044615 nuclear pore nuclear basket(GO:0044615)
0.1 0.4 GO:0000408 EKC/KEOPS complex(GO:0000408)
0.1 1.0 GO:0002178 palmitoyltransferase complex(GO:0002178)
0.1 1.1 GO:0044300 cerebellar mossy fiber(GO:0044300)
0.1 0.9 GO:0031091 platelet alpha granule(GO:0031091)
0.1 1.0 GO:0017146 NMDA selective glutamate receptor complex(GO:0017146)
0.1 0.5 GO:0005726 perichromatin fibrils(GO:0005726)
0.1 0.4 GO:0090498 extrinsic component of Golgi membrane(GO:0090498)
0.1 0.9 GO:0032045 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor complex(GO:0032045)
0.1 1.5 GO:0005921 gap junction(GO:0005921)
0.1 0.9 GO:0043196 varicosity(GO:0043196)
0.1 2.8 GO:0009925 basal plasma membrane(GO:0009925)
0.1 0.7 GO:0042622 photoreceptor outer segment membrane(GO:0042622)
0.1 2.7 GO:0031901 early endosome membrane(GO:0031901)
0.1 0.7 GO:0034098 VCP-NPL4-UFD1 AAA ATPase complex(GO:0034098)
0.1 5.9 GO:0005903 brush border(GO:0005903)
0.1 1.6 GO:0046658 anchored component of plasma membrane(GO:0046658)
0.0 1.3 GO:0032281 AMPA glutamate receptor complex(GO:0032281)
0.0 0.6 GO:0017119 Golgi transport complex(GO:0017119)
0.0 3.0 GO:0008076 voltage-gated potassium channel complex(GO:0008076)
0.0 0.6 GO:0036513 Derlin-1 retrotranslocation complex(GO:0036513)
0.0 1.2 GO:0035371 microtubule plus-end(GO:0035371)
0.0 0.9 GO:0060170 ciliary membrane(GO:0060170)
0.0 2.8 GO:0005811 lipid particle(GO:0005811)
0.0 1.6 GO:0080008 Cul4-RING E3 ubiquitin ligase complex(GO:0080008)
0.0 4.2 GO:0097014 axoneme(GO:0005930) ciliary plasm(GO:0097014)
0.0 0.7 GO:0030904 retromer complex(GO:0030904)
0.0 7.1 GO:0070382 exocytic vesicle(GO:0070382)
0.0 0.4 GO:0009898 cytoplasmic side of plasma membrane(GO:0009898)
0.0 8.8 GO:0019898 extrinsic component of membrane(GO:0019898)
0.0 0.4 GO:0005832 chaperonin-containing T-complex(GO:0005832)
0.0 0.4 GO:0048786 presynaptic active zone(GO:0048786)
0.0 0.9 GO:0045335 phagocytic vesicle(GO:0045335)
0.0 4.1 GO:0001650 fibrillar center(GO:0001650)
0.0 4.4 GO:0098852 lysosomal membrane(GO:0005765) lytic vacuole membrane(GO:0098852)
0.0 6.2 GO:0014069 postsynaptic density(GO:0014069) postsynaptic specialization(GO:0099572)
0.0 0.2 GO:0071598 neuronal ribonucleoprotein granule(GO:0071598)
0.0 1.1 GO:0030173 integral component of Golgi membrane(GO:0030173)
0.0 3.3 GO:0030425 dendrite(GO:0030425)
0.0 0.7 GO:0015030 Cajal body(GO:0015030)
0.0 2.9 GO:0045211 postsynaptic membrane(GO:0045211)
0.0 1.3 GO:0032587 ruffle membrane(GO:0032587)
0.0 0.2 GO:0016281 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4F complex(GO:0016281)
0.0 0.9 GO:0005882 intermediate filament(GO:0005882)
0.0 0.2 GO:0005642 annulate lamellae(GO:0005642)
0.0 1.3 GO:0031225 anchored component of membrane(GO:0031225)
0.0 1.2 GO:0031463 Cul3-RING ubiquitin ligase complex(GO:0031463)
0.0 1.1 GO:0010494 cytoplasmic stress granule(GO:0010494)
0.0 2.1 GO:0005769 early endosome(GO:0005769)
0.0 1.2 GO:0019005 SCF ubiquitin ligase complex(GO:0019005)
0.0 0.1 GO:0071817 cyclin-dependent protein kinase activating kinase holoenzyme complex(GO:0019907) nuclear cyclin-dependent protein kinase holoenzyme complex(GO:0019908) MMXD complex(GO:0071817)
0.0 1.0 GO:0043204 perikaryon(GO:0043204)
0.0 0.2 GO:0072669 tRNA-splicing ligase complex(GO:0072669)
0.0 0.1 GO:0046930 mitochondrial outer membrane translocase complex(GO:0005742) pore complex(GO:0046930)
0.0 0.1 GO:0005721 pericentric heterochromatin(GO:0005721)
0.0 0.4 GO:0005791 rough endoplasmic reticulum(GO:0005791)
0.0 0.6 GO:0005801 cis-Golgi network(GO:0005801)
0.0 1.8 GO:0031965 nuclear membrane(GO:0031965)
0.0 0.1 GO:0030127 COPII vesicle coat(GO:0030127)
0.0 1.8 GO:0000781 chromosome, telomeric region(GO:0000781)

Gene overrepresentation in molecular_function category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
1.7 5.1 GO:0000822 inositol hexakisphosphate binding(GO:0000822)
1.4 4.1 GO:0034437 very-low-density lipoprotein particle binding(GO:0034189) glycoprotein transporter activity(GO:0034437)
0.9 2.6 GO:0004993 G-protein coupled serotonin receptor activity(GO:0004993)
0.8 3.4 GO:0001602 pancreatic polypeptide receptor activity(GO:0001602)
0.8 3.3 GO:0004441 inositol-1,4-bisphosphate 1-phosphatase activity(GO:0004441)
0.7 2.8 GO:0005111 type 2 fibroblast growth factor receptor binding(GO:0005111)
0.7 2.1 GO:0005436 sodium:phosphate symporter activity(GO:0005436) sodium:inorganic phosphate symporter activity(GO:0015319)
0.6 3.8 GO:1904315 transmitter-gated ion channel activity involved in regulation of postsynaptic membrane potential(GO:1904315)
0.6 1.8 GO:0036313 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase catalytic subunit binding(GO:0036313)
0.5 1.5 GO:0034597 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 4-phosphatase activity(GO:0034597)
0.5 2.0 GO:0016361 activin receptor activity, type I(GO:0016361)
0.5 1.9 GO:0003976 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine-lysosomal-enzyme N-acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase activity(GO:0003976)
0.5 3.3 GO:0052629 phosphatidylinositol-3,5-bisphosphate 3-phosphatase activity(GO:0052629)
0.4 2.2 GO:0005166 neurotrophin p75 receptor binding(GO:0005166)
0.4 1.7 GO:0004111 creatine kinase activity(GO:0004111)
0.4 5.1 GO:0009931 calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity(GO:0009931)
0.4 7.4 GO:0050811 GABA receptor binding(GO:0050811)
0.4 1.2 GO:0001565 phorbol ester receptor activity(GO:0001565) non-kinase phorbol ester receptor activity(GO:0001566)
0.4 1.1 GO:0015173 aromatic amino acid transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015173)
0.4 2.6 GO:0086006 voltage-gated sodium channel activity involved in cardiac muscle cell action potential(GO:0086006)
0.4 2.2 GO:0008294 calcium- and calmodulin-responsive adenylate cyclase activity(GO:0008294)
0.4 2.5 GO:0005127 ciliary neurotrophic factor receptor binding(GO:0005127)
0.4 5.0 GO:0022842 leak channel activity(GO:0022840) narrow pore channel activity(GO:0022842)
0.4 1.1 GO:0032139 guanine/thymine mispair binding(GO:0032137) dinucleotide insertion or deletion binding(GO:0032139) single guanine insertion binding(GO:0032142)
0.4 2.1 GO:0035381 extracellular ATP-gated cation channel activity(GO:0004931) ATP-gated ion channel activity(GO:0035381)
0.3 6.2 GO:0005251 delayed rectifier potassium channel activity(GO:0005251)
0.3 1.4 GO:0005008 hepatocyte growth factor-activated receptor activity(GO:0005008)
0.3 1.0 GO:0004711 ribosomal protein S6 kinase activity(GO:0004711)
0.3 1.0 GO:0004936 alpha-adrenergic receptor activity(GO:0004936) epinephrine binding(GO:0051379)
0.3 1.6 GO:0016907 G-protein coupled acetylcholine receptor activity(GO:0016907)
0.3 5.4 GO:0004181 metallocarboxypeptidase activity(GO:0004181)
0.3 12.4 GO:0015175 neutral amino acid transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015175)
0.3 4.0 GO:0008331 high voltage-gated calcium channel activity(GO:0008331)
0.3 1.9 GO:0015198 oligopeptide transporter activity(GO:0015198)
0.3 3.3 GO:0032050 clathrin heavy chain binding(GO:0032050)
0.3 1.1 GO:0034739 histone deacetylase activity (H4-K16 specific)(GO:0034739) tubulin deacetylase activity(GO:0042903)
0.3 0.8 GO:0008330 protein tyrosine/threonine phosphatase activity(GO:0008330)
0.3 2.9 GO:0008603 cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulator activity(GO:0008603)
0.3 2.0 GO:0097322 7SK snRNA binding(GO:0097322)
0.2 3.9 GO:0008188 neuropeptide receptor activity(GO:0008188)
0.2 7.1 GO:0005086 ARF guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity(GO:0005086)
0.2 6.8 GO:0070064 proline-rich region binding(GO:0070064)
0.2 0.7 GO:0008192 RNA guanylyltransferase activity(GO:0008192)
0.2 1.2 GO:0032036 myosin heavy chain binding(GO:0032036)
0.2 0.9 GO:0030160 GKAP/Homer scaffold activity(GO:0030160)
0.2 1.0 GO:0052833 inositol monophosphate 1-phosphatase activity(GO:0008934) inositol monophosphate 3-phosphatase activity(GO:0052832) inositol monophosphate 4-phosphatase activity(GO:0052833) inositol monophosphate phosphatase activity(GO:0052834)
0.2 0.8 GO:0004315 3-oxoacyl-[acyl-carrier-protein] synthase activity(GO:0004315)
0.2 0.8 GO:0004735 pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase activity(GO:0004735)
0.2 0.6 GO:0043758 acetate-CoA ligase (ADP-forming) activity(GO:0043758)
0.2 0.4 GO:0001965 G-protein alpha-subunit binding(GO:0001965)
0.2 3.3 GO:0036312 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulatory subunit binding(GO:0036312)
0.2 0.9 GO:0008427 calcium-dependent protein kinase inhibitor activity(GO:0008427)
0.2 0.7 GO:0035473 lipase binding(GO:0035473)
0.2 0.9 GO:0048248 CXCR3 chemokine receptor binding(GO:0048248)
0.2 1.6 GO:0005432 calcium:sodium antiporter activity(GO:0005432)
0.2 2.4 GO:0030898 actin-dependent ATPase activity(GO:0030898)
0.2 2.6 GO:0005388 calcium-transporting ATPase activity(GO:0005388)
0.2 0.6 GO:1902379 chemoattractant activity involved in axon guidance(GO:1902379)
0.1 1.0 GO:0008242 omega peptidase activity(GO:0008242)
0.1 1.0 GO:0019211 phosphatase activator activity(GO:0019211)
0.1 0.4 GO:0031750 D3 dopamine receptor binding(GO:0031750)
0.1 0.4 GO:0071532 ankyrin repeat binding(GO:0071532)
0.1 3.7 GO:0019707 protein-cysteine S-palmitoyltransferase activity(GO:0019706) protein-cysteine S-acyltransferase activity(GO:0019707)
0.1 2.5 GO:0008483 transaminase activity(GO:0008483)
0.1 0.5 GO:0017077 oxidative phosphorylation uncoupler activity(GO:0017077)
0.1 1.0 GO:0046934 phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase activity(GO:0046934) phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate kinase activity(GO:0052813)
0.1 0.6 GO:1904288 BAT3 complex binding(GO:1904288)
0.1 1.9 GO:0008649 rRNA methyltransferase activity(GO:0008649)
0.1 1.2 GO:0016413 O-acetyltransferase activity(GO:0016413)
0.1 1.5 GO:0015643 toxic substance binding(GO:0015643)
0.1 0.4 GO:0016748 succinyltransferase activity(GO:0016748)
0.1 2.4 GO:0003950 NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase activity(GO:0003950)
0.1 3.6 GO:0043548 phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase binding(GO:0043548)
0.1 0.9 GO:0005519 cytoskeletal regulatory protein binding(GO:0005519)
0.1 1.1 GO:0015217 ATP transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0005347) ADP transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015217)
0.1 0.4 GO:2001069 glycogen binding(GO:2001069)
0.1 0.8 GO:0016018 cyclosporin A binding(GO:0016018)
0.1 0.5 GO:0034056 estrogen response element binding(GO:0034056)
0.1 1.1 GO:0002151 G-quadruplex RNA binding(GO:0002151)
0.1 0.4 GO:0000064 L-ornithine transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0000064)
0.1 1.8 GO:0008574 ATP-dependent microtubule motor activity, plus-end-directed(GO:0008574)
0.1 0.9 GO:0000182 rDNA binding(GO:0000182)
0.1 0.7 GO:0043208 glycosphingolipid binding(GO:0043208)
0.1 1.4 GO:0005078 MAP-kinase scaffold activity(GO:0005078)
0.1 1.7 GO:0030506 ankyrin binding(GO:0030506)
0.1 0.4 GO:0008454 alpha-1,3-mannosylglycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity(GO:0008454)
0.1 1.1 GO:0005248 voltage-gated sodium channel activity(GO:0005248)
0.1 1.6 GO:0070006 metalloaminopeptidase activity(GO:0070006)
0.1 1.0 GO:0004435 phosphatidylinositol phospholipase C activity(GO:0004435)
0.1 1.3 GO:0070300 phosphatidic acid binding(GO:0070300)
0.1 0.4 GO:0008518 reduced folate carrier activity(GO:0008518)
0.1 0.9 GO:0070742 C2H2 zinc finger domain binding(GO:0070742)
0.1 0.6 GO:0005068 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase adaptor activity(GO:0005068) neurotrophin TRKA receptor binding(GO:0005168)
0.1 1.4 GO:0005044 scavenger receptor activity(GO:0005044)
0.1 0.2 GO:0047184 1-acylglycerophosphocholine O-acyltransferase activity(GO:0047184)
0.1 0.6 GO:0035325 Toll-like receptor binding(GO:0035325)
0.1 0.1 GO:0015562 efflux transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015562)
0.1 0.5 GO:0043495 protein anchor(GO:0043495)
0.1 0.2 GO:0004694 eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2alpha kinase activity(GO:0004694)
0.1 1.5 GO:0045503 dynein light chain binding(GO:0045503)
0.1 4.8 GO:0048306 calcium-dependent protein binding(GO:0048306)
0.1 0.5 GO:0061676 importin-alpha family protein binding(GO:0061676)
0.1 2.1 GO:0004715 non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity(GO:0004715)
0.1 1.5 GO:0005245 voltage-gated calcium channel activity(GO:0005245)
0.1 2.5 GO:0008138 protein tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity(GO:0008138)
0.1 1.7 GO:0042169 SH2 domain binding(GO:0042169)
0.1 1.7 GO:0017080 sodium channel regulator activity(GO:0017080)
0.1 1.2 GO:0017049 GTP-Rho binding(GO:0017049)
0.1 2.4 GO:0005230 extracellular ligand-gated ion channel activity(GO:0005230)
0.1 2.2 GO:0001046 core promoter sequence-specific DNA binding(GO:0001046)
0.0 0.3 GO:0045236 CXCR chemokine receptor binding(GO:0045236)
0.0 2.3 GO:0005249 voltage-gated potassium channel activity(GO:0005249)
0.0 1.2 GO:0004683 calmodulin-dependent protein kinase activity(GO:0004683)
0.0 0.3 GO:0048495 Roundabout binding(GO:0048495)
0.0 0.1 GO:0008732 threonine aldolase activity(GO:0004793) L-allo-threonine aldolase activity(GO:0008732)
0.0 0.3 GO:0045545 syndecan binding(GO:0045545)
0.0 0.3 GO:0008517 folic acid transporter activity(GO:0008517)
0.0 0.9 GO:0017160 Ral GTPase binding(GO:0017160)
0.0 0.3 GO:0008568 microtubule-severing ATPase activity(GO:0008568)
0.0 1.0 GO:0004709 MAP kinase kinase kinase activity(GO:0004709)
0.0 0.4 GO:0004861 cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase inhibitor activity(GO:0004861)
0.0 0.5 GO:0070567 cytidylyltransferase activity(GO:0070567)
0.0 0.4 GO:0016004 phospholipase activator activity(GO:0016004) lipase activator activity(GO:0060229)
0.0 0.5 GO:0004143 diacylglycerol kinase activity(GO:0004143)
0.0 0.2 GO:1990460 leptin receptor binding(GO:1990460)
0.0 1.2 GO:0016866 intramolecular transferase activity(GO:0016866)
0.0 0.8 GO:0005154 epidermal growth factor receptor binding(GO:0005154)
0.0 2.0 GO:0003713 transcription coactivator activity(GO:0003713)
0.0 0.6 GO:0035497 cAMP response element binding(GO:0035497)
0.0 1.2 GO:0019200 carbohydrate kinase activity(GO:0019200)
0.0 1.2 GO:0046875 ephrin receptor binding(GO:0046875)
0.0 0.4 GO:0005161 platelet-derived growth factor receptor binding(GO:0005161)
0.0 1.0 GO:0035591 signaling adaptor activity(GO:0035591)
0.0 7.2 GO:0008017 microtubule binding(GO:0008017)
0.0 0.5 GO:0050998 nitric-oxide synthase binding(GO:0050998)
0.0 0.1 GO:0004565 beta-galactosidase activity(GO:0004565)
0.0 0.7 GO:0008157 protein phosphatase 1 binding(GO:0008157)
0.0 0.4 GO:0050321 tau-protein kinase activity(GO:0050321)
0.0 0.6 GO:0016864 protein disulfide isomerase activity(GO:0003756) intramolecular oxidoreductase activity, transposing S-S bonds(GO:0016864)
0.0 0.3 GO:0015093 ferrous iron transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015093)
0.0 2.6 GO:0001191 transcriptional repressor activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor binding(GO:0001191)
0.0 0.0 GO:0043560 insulin receptor substrate binding(GO:0043560)
0.0 0.1 GO:0047256 beta-galactosyl-N-acetylglucosaminylgalactosylglucosyl-ceramide beta-1,3-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity(GO:0008457) lactosylceramide 1,3-N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyltransferase activity(GO:0047256)
0.0 1.4 GO:0030374 ligand-dependent nuclear receptor transcription coactivator activity(GO:0030374)
0.0 1.1 GO:0005160 transforming growth factor beta receptor binding(GO:0005160)
0.0 1.2 GO:0015485 cholesterol binding(GO:0015485)
0.0 2.3 GO:0008565 protein transporter activity(GO:0008565)
0.0 0.6 GO:1901505 carbohydrate derivative transporter activity(GO:1901505)
0.0 4.2 GO:0005085 guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity(GO:0005085)
0.0 0.1 GO:0016176 superoxide-generating NADPH oxidase activator activity(GO:0016176)
0.0 0.3 GO:0008097 5S rRNA binding(GO:0008097)
0.0 0.3 GO:0070577 lysine-acetylated histone binding(GO:0070577)
0.0 0.5 GO:0004012 phospholipid-translocating ATPase activity(GO:0004012)
0.0 1.1 GO:0003730 mRNA 3'-UTR binding(GO:0003730)
0.0 0.4 GO:0043015 gamma-tubulin binding(GO:0043015)
0.0 1.7 GO:0008013 beta-catenin binding(GO:0008013)
0.0 0.4 GO:0031435 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase binding(GO:0031435)
0.0 0.1 GO:0000298 endopolyphosphatase activity(GO:0000298) diphosphoinositol-polyphosphate diphosphatase activity(GO:0008486) bis(5'-adenosyl)-hexaphosphatase activity(GO:0034431) bis(5'-adenosyl)-pentaphosphatase activity(GO:0034432)
0.0 0.3 GO:0005092 GDP-dissociation inhibitor activity(GO:0005092)
0.0 0.4 GO:0035259 glucocorticoid receptor binding(GO:0035259)
0.0 0.2 GO:0017070 U6 snRNA binding(GO:0017070)
0.0 0.3 GO:0005112 Notch binding(GO:0005112)
0.0 0.2 GO:0008190 eukaryotic initiation factor 4E binding(GO:0008190)
0.0 0.2 GO:0030957 Tat protein binding(GO:0030957)
0.0 0.1 GO:0043139 5'-3' DNA helicase activity(GO:0043139)
0.0 0.5 GO:0016814 hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds, in cyclic amidines(GO:0016814)
0.0 0.2 GO:0030628 pre-mRNA 3'-splice site binding(GO:0030628)
0.0 0.4 GO:0044183 protein binding involved in protein folding(GO:0044183)
0.0 0.1 GO:0005521 lamin binding(GO:0005521)
0.0 0.4 GO:0017091 AU-rich element binding(GO:0017091)
0.0 0.6 GO:0002039 p53 binding(GO:0002039)
0.0 2.8 GO:0001227 transcriptional repressor activity, RNA polymerase II transcription regulatory region sequence-specific binding(GO:0001227)

Gene overrepresentation in C2:CP category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.3 18.1 PID_ERBB1_INTERNALIZATION_PATHWAY Internalization of ErbB1
0.2 2.2 PID_ALK2_PATHWAY ALK2 signaling events
0.2 8.0 PID_LIS1_PATHWAY Lissencephaly gene (LIS1) in neuronal migration and development
0.2 5.5 PID_PI3K_PLC_TRK_PATHWAY Trk receptor signaling mediated by PI3K and PLC-gamma
0.1 2.2 PID_LPA4_PATHWAY LPA4-mediated signaling events
0.1 2.6 SIG_IL4RECEPTOR_IN_B_LYPHOCYTES Genes related to IL4 rceptor signaling in B lymphocytes
0.1 3.3 PID_ARF_3PATHWAY Arf1 pathway
0.1 3.9 NABA_BASEMENT_MEMBRANES Genes encoding structural components of basement membranes
0.1 2.7 PID_A6B1_A6B4_INTEGRIN_PATHWAY a6b1 and a6b4 Integrin signaling
0.1 1.6 PID_S1P_S1P2_PATHWAY S1P2 pathway
0.1 1.0 PID_TCR_JNK_PATHWAY JNK signaling in the CD4+ TCR pathway
0.1 15.5 NABA_SECRETED_FACTORS Genes encoding secreted soluble factors
0.1 0.5 PID_SMAD2_3PATHWAY Regulation of cytoplasmic and nuclear SMAD2/3 signaling
0.1 1.3 PID_EPHA_FWDPATHWAY EPHA forward signaling
0.1 1.6 ST_B_CELL_ANTIGEN_RECEPTOR B Cell Antigen Receptor
0.1 1.8 PID_NETRIN_PATHWAY Netrin-mediated signaling events
0.1 1.4 PID_PI3KCI_PATHWAY Class I PI3K signaling events
0.1 1.9 PID_P38_ALPHA_BETA_DOWNSTREAM_PATHWAY Signaling mediated by p38-alpha and p38-beta
0.0 3.6 PID_ERBB1_DOWNSTREAM_PATHWAY ErbB1 downstream signaling
0.0 1.7 PID_IL4_2PATHWAY IL4-mediated signaling events
0.0 1.1 PID_HDAC_CLASSIII_PATHWAY Signaling events mediated by HDAC Class III
0.0 0.8 PID_IL12_STAT4_PATHWAY IL12 signaling mediated by STAT4
0.0 0.2 PID_IL5_PATHWAY IL5-mediated signaling events
0.0 0.6 ST_DIFFERENTIATION_PATHWAY_IN_PC12_CELLS Differentiation Pathway in PC12 Cells; this is a specific case of PAC1 Receptor Pathway.
0.0 0.2 PID_IL1_PATHWAY IL1-mediated signaling events
0.0 0.7 ST_WNT_BETA_CATENIN_PATHWAY Wnt/beta-catenin Pathway
0.0 0.7 PID_CDC42_PATHWAY CDC42 signaling events
0.0 1.0 PID_TGFBR_PATHWAY TGF-beta receptor signaling
0.0 1.7 PID_P53_DOWNSTREAM_PATHWAY Direct p53 effectors
0.0 0.2 PID_INSULIN_GLUCOSE_PATHWAY Insulin-mediated glucose transport
0.0 0.4 NABA_PROTEOGLYCANS Genes encoding proteoglycans
0.0 0.3 PID_MET_PATHWAY Signaling events mediated by Hepatocyte Growth Factor Receptor (c-Met)
0.0 0.3 PID_RB_1PATHWAY Regulation of retinoblastoma protein

Gene overrepresentation in C2:CP:REACTOME category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.9 2.6 REACTOME_SEROTONIN_RECEPTORS Genes involved in Serotonin receptors
0.5 1.6 REACTOME_ENDOSOMAL_VACUOLAR_PATHWAY Genes involved in Endosomal/Vacuolar pathway
0.4 2.8 REACTOME_TANDEM_PORE_DOMAIN_POTASSIUM_CHANNELS Genes involved in Tandem pore domain potassium channels
0.3 2.2 REACTOME_THE_NLRP3_INFLAMMASOME Genes involved in The NLRP3 inflammasome
0.3 3.3 REACTOME_IL_6_SIGNALING Genes involved in Interleukin-6 signaling
0.3 2.6 REACTOME_AMINE_LIGAND_BINDING_RECEPTORS Genes involved in Amine ligand-binding receptors
0.3 9.1 REACTOME_AMINO_ACID_TRANSPORT_ACROSS_THE_PLASMA_MEMBRANE Genes involved in Amino acid transport across the plasma membrane
0.2 3.2 REACTOME_PLATELET_CALCIUM_HOMEOSTASIS Genes involved in Platelet calcium homeostasis
0.2 1.9 REACTOME_TRANSPORT_OF_ORGANIC_ANIONS Genes involved in Transport of organic anions
0.2 10.2 REACTOME_CA_DEPENDENT_EVENTS Genes involved in Ca-dependent events
0.2 2.8 REACTOME_FGFR1_LIGAND_BINDING_AND_ACTIVATION Genes involved in FGFR1 ligand binding and activation
0.2 2.2 REACTOME_RETROGRADE_NEUROTROPHIN_SIGNALLING Genes involved in Retrograde neurotrophin signalling
0.2 8.5 REACTOME_VOLTAGE_GATED_POTASSIUM_CHANNELS Genes involved in Voltage gated Potassium channels
0.2 3.8 REACTOME_CREB_PHOSPHORYLATION_THROUGH_THE_ACTIVATION_OF_CAMKII Genes involved in CREB phosphorylation through the activation of CaMKII
0.2 3.2 REACTOME_P38MAPK_EVENTS Genes involved in p38MAPK events
0.2 3.3 REACTOME_GAP_JUNCTION_DEGRADATION Genes involved in Gap junction degradation
0.2 1.0 REACTOME_IRAK2_MEDIATED_ACTIVATION_OF_TAK1_COMPLEX_UPON_TLR7_8_OR_9_STIMULATION Genes involved in IRAK2 mediated activation of TAK1 complex upon TLR7/8 or 9 stimulation
0.2 2.6 REACTOME_SOS_MEDIATED_SIGNALLING Genes involved in SOS-mediated signalling
0.2 5.3 REACTOME_INTERACTION_BETWEEN_L1_AND_ANKYRINS Genes involved in Interaction between L1 and Ankyrins
0.2 2.5 REACTOME_GABA_A_RECEPTOR_ACTIVATION Genes involved in GABA A receptor activation
0.1 0.9 REACTOME_COMMON_PATHWAY Genes involved in Common Pathway
0.1 3.3 REACTOME_EGFR_DOWNREGULATION Genes involved in EGFR downregulation
0.1 2.0 REACTOME_SYNTHESIS_OF_SUBSTRATES_IN_N_GLYCAN_BIOSYTHESIS Genes involved in Synthesis of substrates in N-glycan biosythesis
0.1 2.3 REACTOME_GLUTAMATE_NEUROTRANSMITTER_RELEASE_CYCLE Genes involved in Glutamate Neurotransmitter Release Cycle
0.1 1.3 REACTOME_NEF_MEDIATED_DOWNREGULATION_OF_MHC_CLASS_I_COMPLEX_CELL_SURFACE_EXPRESSION Genes involved in Nef mediated downregulation of MHC class I complex cell surface expression
0.1 7.6 REACTOME_NRAGE_SIGNALS_DEATH_THROUGH_JNK Genes involved in NRAGE signals death through JNK
0.1 7.6 REACTOME_PEPTIDE_LIGAND_BINDING_RECEPTORS Genes involved in Peptide ligand-binding receptors
0.1 0.2 REACTOME_ABORTIVE_ELONGATION_OF_HIV1_TRANSCRIPT_IN_THE_ABSENCE_OF_TAT Genes involved in Abortive elongation of HIV-1 transcript in the absence of Tat
0.1 2.4 REACTOME_KINESINS Genes involved in Kinesins
0.1 2.1 REACTOME_RAP1_SIGNALLING Genes involved in Rap1 signalling
0.1 2.9 REACTOME_ADHERENS_JUNCTIONS_INTERACTIONS Genes involved in Adherens junctions interactions
0.1 2.7 REACTOME_SYNTHESIS_OF_PIPS_AT_THE_PLASMA_MEMBRANE Genes involved in Synthesis of PIPs at the plasma membrane
0.1 1.7 REACTOME_CHOLESTEROL_BIOSYNTHESIS Genes involved in Cholesterol biosynthesis
0.1 1.2 REACTOME_ACTIVATION_OF_BH3_ONLY_PROTEINS Genes involved in Activation of BH3-only proteins
0.1 0.6 REACTOME_PROLONGED_ERK_ACTIVATION_EVENTS Genes involved in Prolonged ERK activation events
0.1 1.2 REACTOME_SIGNALING_BY_FGFR1_FUSION_MUTANTS Genes involved in Signaling by FGFR1 fusion mutants
0.1 2.1 REACTOME_SIGNALING_BY_ROBO_RECEPTOR Genes involved in Signaling by Robo receptor
0.1 1.5 REACTOME_REGULATORY_RNA_PATHWAYS Genes involved in Regulatory RNA pathways
0.1 0.5 REACTOME_KERATAN_SULFATE_DEGRADATION Genes involved in Keratan sulfate degradation
0.0 0.8 REACTOME_MRNA_CAPPING Genes involved in mRNA Capping
0.0 1.4 REACTOME_SYNTHESIS_OF_PA Genes involved in Synthesis of PA
0.0 1.0 REACTOME_ERK_MAPK_TARGETS Genes involved in ERK/MAPK targets
0.0 3.0 REACTOME_MEIOTIC_SYNAPSIS Genes involved in Meiotic Synapsis
0.0 0.5 REACTOME_PURINE_CATABOLISM Genes involved in Purine catabolism
0.0 1.0 REACTOME_GLUTATHIONE_CONJUGATION Genes involved in Glutathione conjugation
0.0 0.8 REACTOME_ABCA_TRANSPORTERS_IN_LIPID_HOMEOSTASIS Genes involved in ABCA transporters in lipid homeostasis
0.0 0.6 REACTOME_AMINO_ACID_AND_OLIGOPEPTIDE_SLC_TRANSPORTERS Genes involved in Amino acid and oligopeptide SLC transporters
0.0 0.8 REACTOME_AMINO_ACID_SYNTHESIS_AND_INTERCONVERSION_TRANSAMINATION Genes involved in Amino acid synthesis and interconversion (transamination)
0.0 1.0 REACTOME_NEGATIVE_REGULATORS_OF_RIG_I_MDA5_SIGNALING Genes involved in Negative regulators of RIG-I/MDA5 signaling
0.0 1.0 REACTOME_SIGNALING_BY_BMP Genes involved in Signaling by BMP
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_N_GLYCAN_ANTENNAE_ELONGATION Genes involved in N-Glycan antennae elongation
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_BIOSYNTHESIS_OF_THE_N_GLYCAN_PRECURSOR_DOLICHOL_LIPID_LINKED_OLIGOSACCHARIDE_LLO_AND_TRANSFER_TO_A_NASCENT_PROTEIN Genes involved in Biosynthesis of the N-glycan precursor (dolichol lipid-linked oligosaccharide, LLO) and transfer to a nascent protein
0.0 0.6 REACTOME_ALPHA_LINOLENIC_ACID_ALA_METABOLISM Genes involved in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) metabolism
0.0 2.7 REACTOME_SIGNALING_BY_RHO_GTPASES Genes involved in Signaling by Rho GTPases
0.0 0.3 REACTOME_ELONGATION_ARREST_AND_RECOVERY Genes involved in Elongation arrest and recovery
0.0 0.5 REACTOME_EFFECTS_OF_PIP2_HYDROLYSIS Genes involved in Effects of PIP2 hydrolysis
0.0 0.6 REACTOME_TRAFFICKING_OF_AMPA_RECEPTORS Genes involved in Trafficking of AMPA receptors
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_KERATAN_SULFATE_KERATIN_METABOLISM Genes involved in Keratan sulfate/keratin metabolism
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_CTLA4_INHIBITORY_SIGNALING Genes involved in CTLA4 inhibitory signaling
0.0 0.5 REACTOME_INTEGRIN_CELL_SURFACE_INTERACTIONS Genes involved in Integrin cell surface interactions
0.0 0.3 REACTOME_PROCESSING_OF_INTRONLESS_PRE_MRNAS Genes involved in Processing of Intronless Pre-mRNAs
0.0 0.6 REACTOME_IL1_SIGNALING Genes involved in Interleukin-1 signaling
0.0 0.3 REACTOME_SIGNALING_BY_NOTCH4 Genes involved in Signaling by NOTCH4
0.0 0.2 REACTOME_ACYL_CHAIN_REMODELLING_OF_PC Genes involved in Acyl chain remodelling of PC
0.0 0.8 REACTOME_TRANSPORT_OF_INORGANIC_CATIONS_ANIONS_AND_AMINO_ACIDS_OLIGOPEPTIDES Genes involved in Transport of inorganic cations/anions and amino acids/oligopeptides
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_G1_PHASE Genes involved in G1 Phase
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_FORMATION_OF_TUBULIN_FOLDING_INTERMEDIATES_BY_CCT_TRIC Genes involved in Formation of tubulin folding intermediates by CCT/TriC
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_BRANCHED_CHAIN_AMINO_ACID_CATABOLISM Genes involved in Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_RNA_POL_III_TRANSCRIPTION_INITIATION_FROM_TYPE_2_PROMOTER Genes involved in RNA Polymerase III Transcription Initiation From Type 2 Promoter
0.0 0.4 REACTOME_METABOLISM_OF_PORPHYRINS Genes involved in Metabolism of porphyrins
0.0 0.7 REACTOME_METABOLISM_OF_VITAMINS_AND_COFACTORS Genes involved in Metabolism of vitamins and cofactors
0.0 0.2 REACTOME_MTORC1_MEDIATED_SIGNALLING Genes involved in mTORC1-mediated signalling