
PRJNA438478: RNAseq of wild type zebrafish germline


Results for tcf21

Z-value: 0.36

Motif logo

Transcription factors associated with tcf21

Gene Symbol Gene ID Gene Info
ENSDARG00000036869 transcription factor 21
ENSDARG00000111209 transcription factor 21

Activity-expression correlation:

GenePromoterPearson corr. coef.P-valuePlot

Activity profile of tcf21 motif

Sorted Z-values of tcf21 motif

Promoter Log-likelihood Transcript Gene Gene Info
chr2_-_17114852 0.62 ENSDART00000006549
PIF1 5'-to-3' DNA helicase homolog (S. cerevisiae)
chr2_-_17115256 0.60 ENSDART00000190488
PIF1 5'-to-3' DNA helicase homolog (S. cerevisiae)
chr19_+_43669122 0.56 ENSDART00000139151
chr24_+_37361111 0.55 ENSDART00000078771
chr9_+_21795917 0.53 ENSDART00000169069
REV1, polymerase (DNA directed)
chr7_+_1473929 0.51 ENSDART00000050687
lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase 4
chr3_-_29962345 0.51 ENSDART00000136819
branched chain amino-acid transaminase 2, mitochondrial
chr5_-_65121747 0.51 ENSDART00000165556
torsin family 2, member A
chr3_-_2623176 0.50 ENSDART00000179792
chr10_-_31805923 0.49 ENSDART00000077785
vacuolar protein sorting 26 homolog B, like
chr11_-_35171162 0.47 ENSDART00000017393
TRAF-interacting protein
chr21_-_12749501 0.45 ENSDART00000179724

chr8_-_1838315 0.44 ENSDART00000114476
phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, catalytic, alpha b
chr5_-_29152457 0.43 ENSDART00000078469
NADPH oxidase activator 1
chr4_-_21466480 0.42 ENSDART00000139962
PRKC, apoptosis, WT1, regulator
chr14_-_34605607 0.42 ENSDART00000191608
actin filament associated protein 1-like 1a
chr5_+_25762271 0.41 ENSDART00000181323
transmembrane protein 2
chr2_+_47471647 0.41 ENSDART00000184199
acyl-CoA synthetase long chain family member 3b
chr23_+_30730121 0.40 ENSDART00000134141
additional sex combs like transcriptional regulator 1
chr2_+_47471943 0.40 ENSDART00000141974
acyl-CoA synthetase long chain family member 3b
chr6_+_112579 0.40 ENSDART00000034505
adaptor-related protein complex 1, mu 2 subunit
chr21_-_37435162 0.40 ENSDART00000133585
family with sequence similarity 114, member A2
chr25_-_19655820 0.39 ENSDART00000149585
ATPase plasma membrane Ca2+ transporting 1b
chr16_+_41015163 0.38 ENSDART00000058586
DEK proto-oncogene
chr13_-_42749916 0.38 ENSDART00000140019
calpain 2, (m/II) large subunit a
chr14_-_34605804 0.38 ENSDART00000144547
actin filament associated protein 1-like 1a
chr24_-_9300160 0.38 ENSDART00000152378
TGFB-induced factor homeobox 1
chr20_-_18789543 0.37 ENSDART00000182240
cerebral cavernous malformation 2
chr5_+_63305357 0.37 ENSDART00000177108
chr7_+_17096281 0.36 ENSDART00000035558
HIV-1 Tat interactive protein 2
chr7_+_34794829 0.36 ENSDART00000009698
epithelial splicing regulatory protein 2
chr12_+_22404108 0.35 ENSDART00000153055
high density lipoprotein binding protein b
chr23_-_18057851 0.35 ENSDART00000173075
chr11_-_44999858 0.34 ENSDART00000167759
LIM-domain binding 1b
chr1_-_39895859 0.33 ENSDART00000135791
transmembrane protein 134
chr2_-_44344321 0.33 ENSDART00000084174
ligase I, DNA, ATP-dependent
chr21_-_4755943 0.32 ENSDART00000137404
calmodulin regulated spectrin-associated protein 1a
chr7_+_30988570 0.32 ENSDART00000180613
tight junction protein 1a
chr25_+_18953756 0.32 ENSDART00000154291
thymine DNA glycosylase, tandem duplicate 2
chr10_-_6867282 0.31 ENSDART00000144001
diphosphoinositol pentakisphosphate kinase 2
chr18_-_30504587 0.31 ENSDART00000129509
ER membrane protein complex subunit 8
chr23_-_18057553 0.31 ENSDART00000173102
chr18_+_14277003 0.31 ENSDART00000006628
chr2_-_42393590 0.31 ENSDART00000135529
solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 5A1b
chr21_+_37513488 0.31 ENSDART00000185394
chr22_+_18929412 0.30 ENSDART00000161598
chr6_+_37752781 0.30 ENSDART00000154364
HECT and RLD domain containing E3 ubiquitin protein ligase 2
chr5_-_13315726 0.30 ENSDART00000143364
stromal cell-derived factor 2-like 1
chr23_+_21492151 0.29 ENSDART00000025487
isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase
chr15_+_22435460 0.29 ENSDART00000031976
transmembrane protein 136a
chr11_-_35171768 0.29 ENSDART00000192896
TRAF-interacting protein
chr2_+_44518636 0.28 ENSDART00000153733
PAS domain containing serine/threonine kinase
chr2_+_1988036 0.28 ENSDART00000155956
synovial sarcoma, X breakpoint 2 interacting protein a
chr21_-_36571804 0.28 ENSDART00000138129
WW and C2 domain containing 1
chr17_+_4368859 0.28 ENSDART00000055385
cardiolipin synthase 1
chr23_-_18057270 0.27 ENSDART00000173385
chr9_+_42546504 0.27 ENSDART00000192224
GULP, engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 1a
chr12_+_20693743 0.27 ENSDART00000153023
ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 1, tandem duplicate 2
chr22_-_37738203 0.27 ENSDART00000143190
ArfGAP with coiled-coil, ankyrin repeat and PH domains 2
chr9_+_2020667 0.26 ENSDART00000157818
limb and neural patterns a
chr23_-_19831739 0.26 ENSDART00000125066
HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 7
chr10_-_25217347 0.26 ENSDART00000036906
karyopherin alpha 7 (importin alpha 8)
chr25_+_18953575 0.26 ENSDART00000155610
thymine DNA glycosylase, tandem duplicate 2
chr19_-_2085027 0.25 ENSDART00000063615
sorting nexin 13
chr10_-_11323134 0.25 ENSDART00000039145
ints3 and nabp interacting protein
chr6_-_54348568 0.25 ENSDART00000156501
chr19_+_7636941 0.25 ENSDART00000081611
cingulin b
chr24_-_35707552 0.25 ENSDART00000165199
microtubule-associated protein, RP/EB family, member 2
chr15_+_6459847 0.25 ENSDART00000157250
beta-site APP-cleaving enzyme 2
chr24_-_31123365 0.25 ENSDART00000182947
transmembrane protein 56a
chr6_+_23809501 0.25 ENSDART00000168701
glutamate-ammonia ligase (glutamine synthase) b
chr16_-_42750295 0.24 ENSDART00000176570
solute carrier family 4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter, member 7
chr25_-_25619550 0.24 ENSDART00000150400
TBC1 domain family, member 2B
chr21_-_22357985 0.24 ENSDART00000101751
S-phase kinase-associated protein 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase
chr19_-_10214264 0.24 ENSDART00000053300
zinc finger protein 865
chr1_-_34450622 0.23 ENSDART00000083736
LIM domain 7b
chr8_+_12118097 0.23 ENSDART00000081819
endonuclease G
chr5_+_63322093 0.23 ENSDART00000158086
chr2_+_36620011 0.23 ENSDART00000177428
p21 protein (Cdc42/Rac)-activated kinase 2a
chr1_-_34450784 0.22 ENSDART00000140515
LIM domain 7b
chr10_+_10738880 0.22 ENSDART00000004181
solute carrier family 27 (fatty acid transporter), member 4
chr13_-_24260609 0.22 ENSDART00000138747
URB2 ribosome biogenesis 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
chr24_+_37709191 0.21 ENSDART00000066558
2,4-dienoyl CoA reductase 2, peroxisomal
chr9_+_24192370 0.21 ENSDART00000003482
serine/threonine kinase 17b (apoptosis-inducing)
chr16_+_27957808 0.21 ENSDART00000133696
zinc finger protein 804B
chr1_+_54901028 0.21 ENSDART00000137352
zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 27
chr14_+_9287683 0.20 ENSDART00000122485
moesin b
chr8_+_45334255 0.20 ENSDART00000126848
poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 1-like
chr8_-_11229523 0.20 ENSDART00000002164
unc-45 myosin chaperone B
chr10_+_31809226 0.20 ENSDART00000087898
forkhead box O1 b
chr5_-_24008997 0.20 ENSDART00000066645
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1A, X-linked, a
chr24_+_37338757 0.19 ENSDART00000182543
N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase, gamma subunit
chr12_+_27243059 0.19 ENSDART00000066269
ADP-ribosylation factor-like 4D
chr7_-_29356084 0.19 ENSDART00000075757
general transcription factor IIA, 2
chr25_-_37160606 0.18 ENSDART00000152240
chr23_-_2901167 0.18 ENSDART00000165955
zinc fingers and homeoboxes 3
chr13_-_533243 0.18 ENSDART00000038315
nuclear VCP-like
chr2_+_37480669 0.17 ENSDART00000029801
signal peptide peptidase-like 2
chr23_-_17450746 0.17 ENSDART00000145399
tumor protein D52-like 2b
chr2_-_7131657 0.17 ENSDART00000175565
exostosin-like glycosyltransferase 2
chr11_-_18604542 0.17 ENSDART00000171183
zinc finger, MYND-type containing 8
chr2_+_16173999 0.17 ENSDART00000177639
SH3-domain GRB2-like endophilin B1b
chr14_+_5835134 0.17 ENSDART00000054867
ancient ubiquitous protein 1
chr25_-_20666328 0.16 ENSDART00000098076
C-terminal Src kinase
chr5_+_58455488 0.16 ENSDART00000038602
solute carrier family 37 (glucose-6-phosphate transporter), member 2
chr13_+_25200105 0.16 ENSDART00000039640
adaptor-related protein complex 3, mu 1 subunit
chr18_+_2228737 0.16 ENSDART00000165301
RAB27A, member RAS oncogene family
chr8_-_14609284 0.16 ENSDART00000146175
centrosomal protein 350
chr24_-_25166720 0.16 ENSDART00000141601
pleckstrin homology-like domain, family B, member 2b
chr14_-_26465729 0.15 ENSDART00000143454
synovial apoptosis inhibitor 1, synoviolin
chr13_+_25199849 0.15 ENSDART00000139209
adaptor-related protein complex 3, mu 1 subunit
chr1_-_55118745 0.15 ENSDART00000133915
SERTA domain containing 2a
chr11_+_6136220 0.15 ENSDART00000082223
Tax1 (human T-cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 3
chr20_-_33497128 0.15 ENSDART00000101974
enhancer of rudimentary homolog (Drosophila)
chr18_-_26797723 0.15 ENSDART00000008013
SEC11 homolog A, signal peptidase complex subunit
chr6_-_35032792 0.15 ENSDART00000168256
discoidin domain receptor tyrosine kinase 2a
chr5_+_43965078 0.15 ENSDART00000113502
chr25_-_20666754 0.15 ENSDART00000158418
C-terminal Src kinase
chr16_+_33144112 0.15 ENSDART00000183149
rhomboid, veinlet-like 2 (Drosophila)
chr18_+_30441740 0.14 ENSDART00000189074
Gse1 coiled-coil protein
chr13_+_29292011 0.14 ENSDART00000115023
poly (ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase a
chr10_+_22891126 0.14 ENSDART00000057291
arrestin, beta 2a
chr21_+_8427059 0.14 ENSDART00000143151
DENN/MADD domain containing 1A
chr2_+_243778 0.14 ENSDART00000182262

chr24_-_25166416 0.14 ENSDART00000111552
pleckstrin homology-like domain, family B, member 2b
chr13_-_33114933 0.14 ENSDART00000140543
zinc finger, FYVE domain containing 26
chr5_+_19314574 0.13 ENSDART00000133247
RUN and SH3 domain containing 2
chr22_-_22231720 0.13 ENSDART00000160165
adaptor-related protein complex 3, delta 1 subunit
chr7_-_40578733 0.13 ENSDART00000173926
DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 6b
chr24_-_36196077 0.13 ENSDART00000154395
establishment of sister chromatid cohesion N-acetyltransferase 1
chr15_+_46344655 0.13 ENSDART00000155893
chr24_-_28333029 0.13 ENSDART00000149015
protein kinase, AMP-activated, gamma 2 non-catalytic subunit a
chr24_-_37338739 0.13 ENSDART00000146844
TSR3, 20S rRNA accumulation, homolog (S. cerevisiae)
chr1_-_22691182 0.12 ENSDART00000076766
fibroblast growth factor binding protein 2b
chr23_+_20563779 0.12 ENSDART00000146008
CaM kinase-like vesicle-associated, like
chr8_+_29742237 0.12 ENSDART00000133955
mitogen-activated protein kinase 4
chr21_-_45685063 0.12 ENSDART00000162422
secretion associated, Ras related GTPase 1B
chr7_-_23745984 0.12 ENSDART00000048050
chr13_+_2442841 0.11 ENSDART00000114456
ARFGEF family member 3
chr7_+_30051880 0.11 ENSDART00000075609
proline-serine-threonine phosphatase interacting protein 1b
chr7_+_71586485 0.11 ENSDART00000165582
structural maintenance of chromosomes flexible hinge domain containing 1
chr11_+_35171406 0.11 ENSDART00000110839
MON1 secretory trafficking family member A
chr16_-_31451720 0.11 ENSDART00000146886
casein kinase 2, alpha 1 polypeptide
chr6_+_41452979 0.11 ENSDART00000007353
WD repeat domain 82
chr13_+_31550185 0.11 ENSDART00000127843
protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent, 1Aa
chr13_-_24396003 0.11 ENSDART00000016211
TATA box binding protein
chr18_-_14337450 0.11 ENSDART00000061435
heat shock factor binding protein 1b
chr21_-_32467099 0.10 ENSDART00000186354
chr13_+_24396666 0.10 ENSDART00000139197
chr1_-_20593778 0.10 ENSDART00000124770
UDP glycosyltransferase 8
chr13_+_28612313 0.10 ENSDART00000077383
BLOC-1 related complex subunit 7
chr4_+_9612574 0.10 ENSDART00000150336
transmembrane protein 243, mitochondrial b
chr3_-_12227359 0.09 ENSDART00000167356
transcription factor AP-4 (activating enhancer binding protein 4)
chr14_-_16754262 0.09 ENSDART00000001159
mannosyl (alpha-1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase, isozyme B
chr13_-_24396199 0.09 ENSDART00000181093
TATA box binding protein
chr16_+_28764017 0.09 ENSDART00000122433
tripartite motif containing 33, like
chr15_-_26570948 0.09 ENSDART00000156621
WD repeat domain 81
chr13_+_2448251 0.09 ENSDART00000188361
ARFGEF family member 3
chr8_-_4596662 0.09 ENSDART00000138199
septin 5a
chr15_-_14589677 0.09 ENSDART00000172195
coenzyme Q8B
chr8_+_40080728 0.09 ENSDART00000111506
leucine rich repeat containing 75Ba
chr8_-_18225968 0.09 ENSDART00000135504
chr6_-_8360918 0.09 ENSDART00000004716
acid phosphatase 5a, tartrate resistant
chr7_+_7019911 0.08 ENSDART00000172421
RNA binding motif protein 14b
chr2_+_44977889 0.08 ENSDART00000144024
asparagine-linked glycosylation 3 (alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase)
chr14_+_21783400 0.08 ENSDART00000164023
ankyrin repeat domain 13 family, member D
chr18_+_25003207 0.08 ENSDART00000099476
family with sequence similarity 174, member B
chr18_-_14337065 0.08 ENSDART00000135703
heat shock factor binding protein 1b
chr8_-_32506569 0.08 ENSDART00000061792
Rieske Fe-S domain containing
chr13_-_41155472 0.08 ENSDART00000160588
chr8_-_4010887 0.07 ENSDART00000163678
myotubularin related protein 3
chr21_+_19418563 0.07 ENSDART00000181113
alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase
chr9_-_39624173 0.07 ENSDART00000180106
erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 4b
chr7_+_30051488 0.07 ENSDART00000169410
proline-serine-threonine phosphatase interacting protein 1b
chr9_+_21146862 0.07 ENSDART00000136365
hydroxyacid oxidase 2 (long chain)
chr15_-_10455438 0.07 ENSDART00000158958
teneurin transmembrane protein 4
chr14_-_689841 0.07 ENSDART00000125969
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2Ka (UBC1 homolog, yeast)
chr2_-_31833347 0.07 ENSDART00000109460
nucleolar protein 7
chr14_+_21783229 0.07 ENSDART00000170784
ankyrin repeat domain 13 family, member D
chr20_+_1316495 0.07 ENSDART00000064439
nucleoporin 43
chr2_-_51741711 0.07 ENSDART00000171301
chr3_-_40836081 0.06 ENSDART00000143135
WD repeat domain, phosphoinositide interacting 2
chr17_+_38030327 0.06 ENSDART00000085481
solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial oxoadipate carrier), member 21
chr4_-_815871 0.06 ENSDART00000067455
dihydropyrimidinase-like 5b
chr15_+_21254800 0.06 ENSDART00000142902
upstream transcription factor 1
chr18_+_8901846 0.05 ENSDART00000132109
chr20_-_35578435 0.05 ENSDART00000142444
adhesion G protein-coupled receptor F6
chr8_-_18367203 0.05 ENSDART00000190744
DNA methyltransferase 1 associated protein 1
chr20_+_32497260 0.05 ENSDART00000145175
chr7_+_51816321 0.05 ENSDART00000073846
chr8_+_25247245 0.05 ENSDART00000045798
adenosine monophosphate deaminase 2b
chr14_+_32837914 0.05 ENSDART00000158888
arrestin 3b, retinal (X-arrestin)
chr15_-_1584137 0.05 ENSDART00000056772
tripartite motif containing 59
chr19_+_42770041 0.05 ENSDART00000150930
cytoplasmic linker associated protein 2
chr5_-_38428217 0.04 ENSDART00000191902
phospholipase D2
chr17_+_8799451 0.03 ENSDART00000189814
tonsoku-like, DNA repair protein
chr8_-_17997845 0.03 ENSDART00000121660
acyl-CoA thioesterase 11b
chr15_-_727479 0.03 ENSDART00000157279
chr24_-_29906904 0.03 ENSDART00000178791

chr10_+_26961965 0.03 ENSDART00000089144
vacuolar protein sorting 51 homolog (S. cerevisiae)

Network of associatons between targets according to the STRING database.

First level regulatory network of tcf21

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Gene Ontology Analysis

Gene overrepresentation in biological process category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.1 0.5 GO:0070987 error-free translesion synthesis(GO:0070987)
0.1 0.5 GO:0009098 leucine biosynthetic process(GO:0009098)
0.1 1.2 GO:0000002 mitochondrial genome maintenance(GO:0000002)
0.1 0.3 GO:1903373 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum tubular network organization(GO:1903371) positive regulation of endoplasmic reticulum tubular network organization(GO:1903373)
0.1 0.3 GO:0010657 negative regulation of muscle cell apoptotic process(GO:0010656) muscle cell apoptotic process(GO:0010657) striated muscle cell apoptotic process(GO:0010658) regulation of muscle cell apoptotic process(GO:0010660) regulation of striated muscle cell apoptotic process(GO:0010662) negative regulation of striated muscle cell apoptotic process(GO:0010664)
0.1 0.3 GO:0051103 DNA ligation(GO:0006266) DNA ligation involved in DNA repair(GO:0051103)
0.1 0.2 GO:0001579 medium-chain fatty acid transport(GO:0001579)
0.1 0.3 GO:0060368 regulation of Fc receptor mediated stimulatory signaling pathway(GO:0060368)
0.1 0.2 GO:0051973 positive regulation of telomerase activity(GO:0051973)
0.1 0.4 GO:0042554 superoxide anion generation(GO:0042554)
0.1 0.2 GO:0015712 hexose phosphate transport(GO:0015712) glucose-6-phosphate transport(GO:0015760)
0.1 0.2 GO:2000009 regulation of protein localization to cell surface(GO:2000008) negative regulation of protein localization to cell surface(GO:2000009)
0.0 0.6 GO:0006285 base-excision repair, AP site formation(GO:0006285)
0.0 0.4 GO:0021797 forebrain anterior/posterior pattern specification(GO:0021797)
0.0 0.6 GO:0006363 termination of RNA polymerase I transcription(GO:0006363)
0.0 0.1 GO:0034421 post-translational protein acetylation(GO:0034421)
0.0 0.3 GO:0032475 otolith formation(GO:0032475)
0.0 0.3 GO:0003365 establishment of cell polarity involved in ameboidal cell migration(GO:0003365)
0.0 0.1 GO:0080182 histone H3-K4 trimethylation(GO:0080182)
0.0 0.3 GO:0070874 negative regulation of glycogen biosynthetic process(GO:0045719) negative regulation of glycogen metabolic process(GO:0070874)
0.0 0.3 GO:0032049 phosphatidylglycerol biosynthetic process(GO:0006655) cardiolipin biosynthetic process(GO:0032049)
0.0 0.1 GO:0060300 regulation of cytokine activity(GO:0060300) regulation of receptor binding(GO:1900120) regulation of chemokine activity(GO:1900136)
0.0 0.2 GO:0031293 membrane protein intracellular domain proteolysis(GO:0031293)
0.0 0.2 GO:0048011 neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway(GO:0048011)
0.0 0.2 GO:0006309 apoptotic DNA fragmentation(GO:0006309) cellular component disassembly involved in execution phase of apoptosis(GO:0006921) apoptotic nuclear changes(GO:0030262)
0.0 0.5 GO:0040033 miRNA mediated inhibition of translation(GO:0035278) negative regulation of translation, ncRNA-mediated(GO:0040033) regulation of translation, ncRNA-mediated(GO:0045974)
0.0 0.1 GO:0035973 aggrephagy(GO:0035973)
0.0 0.1 GO:0003400 regulation of COPII vesicle coating(GO:0003400) regulation of ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport by GTP hydrolysis(GO:0090113)
0.0 0.3 GO:0036060 filtration diaphragm assembly(GO:0036058) slit diaphragm assembly(GO:0036060)
0.0 0.5 GO:0071712 ER-associated misfolded protein catabolic process(GO:0071712)
0.0 0.3 GO:1904825 protein localization to microtubule(GO:0035372) protein localization to microtubule plus-end(GO:1904825)
0.0 0.3 GO:0031111 negative regulation of microtubule depolymerization(GO:0007026) negative regulation of microtubule polymerization or depolymerization(GO:0031111)
0.0 0.3 GO:0018410 C-terminal protein amino acid modification(GO:0018410)
0.0 0.1 GO:1903573 negative regulation of response to endoplasmic reticulum stress(GO:1903573)
0.0 0.3 GO:0006020 inositol metabolic process(GO:0006020)
0.0 0.4 GO:0043114 regulation of vascular permeability(GO:0043114)
0.0 0.3 GO:0006607 NLS-bearing protein import into nucleus(GO:0006607)
0.0 0.1 GO:0000455 enzyme-directed rRNA pseudouridine synthesis(GO:0000455)
0.0 0.1 GO:0006542 glutamine biosynthetic process(GO:0006542)
0.0 0.7 GO:0035336 long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process(GO:0035336)
0.0 0.3 GO:0006265 DNA topological change(GO:0006265)
0.0 0.1 GO:0048490 anterograde synaptic vesicle transport(GO:0048490) synaptic vesicle cytoskeletal transport(GO:0099514) synaptic vesicle transport along microtubule(GO:0099517)
0.0 0.1 GO:0006465 signal peptide processing(GO:0006465)
0.0 0.2 GO:0050435 beta-amyloid metabolic process(GO:0050435)
0.0 0.2 GO:0051123 RNA polymerase II transcriptional preinitiation complex assembly(GO:0051123)
0.0 0.1 GO:0032289 central nervous system myelin formation(GO:0032289)
0.0 0.6 GO:0061077 chaperone-mediated protein folding(GO:0061077)
0.0 0.1 GO:0043968 histone H2A acetylation(GO:0043968)
0.0 0.1 GO:0045453 bone resorption(GO:0045453)
0.0 0.3 GO:0070593 dendrite self-avoidance(GO:0070593)
0.0 0.2 GO:0015701 bicarbonate transport(GO:0015701)
0.0 0.2 GO:0048096 chromatin-mediated maintenance of transcription(GO:0048096)
0.0 0.1 GO:0006517 protein deglycosylation(GO:0006517)

Gene overrepresentation in cellular component category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.1 0.3 GO:0098826 endoplasmic reticulum tubular network membrane(GO:0098826)
0.1 0.4 GO:0035517 PR-DUB complex(GO:0035517)
0.1 0.8 GO:0002102 podosome(GO:0002102)
0.1 0.4 GO:0043020 NADPH oxidase complex(GO:0043020)
0.1 0.3 GO:0000836 ER ubiquitin ligase complex(GO:0000835) Hrd1p ubiquitin ligase complex(GO:0000836)
0.1 0.2 GO:0032584 growth cone membrane(GO:0032584)
0.0 0.2 GO:0005672 transcription factor TFIIA complex(GO:0005672)
0.0 0.5 GO:0030904 retromer complex(GO:0030904)
0.0 0.2 GO:0071556 integral component of cytoplasmic side of endoplasmic reticulum membrane(GO:0071458) integral component of lumenal side of endoplasmic reticulum membrane(GO:0071556) lumenal side of endoplasmic reticulum membrane(GO:0098553)
0.0 0.3 GO:0070876 SOSS complex(GO:0070876)
0.0 0.1 GO:0005787 signal peptidase complex(GO:0005787)
0.0 0.3 GO:0036449 microtubule minus-end(GO:0036449)
0.0 0.3 GO:0070652 HAUS complex(GO:0070652)
0.0 0.3 GO:0072546 ER membrane protein complex(GO:0072546)
0.0 0.7 GO:0030131 clathrin adaptor complex(GO:0030131)
0.0 1.3 GO:0005657 replication fork(GO:0005657)
0.0 0.1 GO:0030119 AP-type membrane coat adaptor complex(GO:0030119)
0.0 0.1 GO:0031313 extrinsic component of endosome membrane(GO:0031313)
0.0 0.8 GO:0005811 lipid particle(GO:0005811)
0.0 0.3 GO:0045180 basal cortex(GO:0045180)
0.0 0.3 GO:0005844 polysome(GO:0005844)
0.0 0.1 GO:0031588 nucleotide-activated protein kinase complex(GO:0031588)
0.0 0.1 GO:0031314 extrinsic component of mitochondrial inner membrane(GO:0031314)
0.0 0.2 GO:0005669 transcription factor TFIID complex(GO:0005669)

Gene overrepresentation in molecular function category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.2 1.2 GO:0043139 5'-3' DNA helicase activity(GO:0043139)
0.1 0.5 GO:0004084 branched-chain-amino-acid transaminase activity(GO:0004084) L-leucine transaminase activity(GO:0052654) L-valine transaminase activity(GO:0052655) L-isoleucine transaminase activity(GO:0052656)
0.1 0.3 GO:0003909 DNA ligase activity(GO:0003909) DNA ligase (ATP) activity(GO:0003910)
0.1 0.4 GO:0042975 peroxisome proliferator activated receptor binding(GO:0042975)
0.1 0.3 GO:0033857 inositol heptakisphosphate kinase activity(GO:0000829) diphosphoinositol-pentakisphosphate kinase activity(GO:0033857)
0.1 0.2 GO:0043621 protein self-association(GO:0043621)
0.1 0.6 GO:0008263 mismatch base pair DNA N-glycosylase activity(GO:0000700) pyrimidine-specific mismatch base pair DNA N-glycosylase activity(GO:0008263)
0.1 0.4 GO:0004430 1-phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase activity(GO:0004430)
0.1 0.2 GO:0061513 hexose phosphate transmembrane transporter activity(GO:0015119) organophosphate:inorganic phosphate antiporter activity(GO:0015315) hexose-phosphate:inorganic phosphate antiporter activity(GO:0015526) glucose 6-phosphate:inorganic phosphate antiporter activity(GO:0061513)
0.0 0.4 GO:0016176 superoxide-generating NADPH oxidase activator activity(GO:0016176)
0.0 0.1 GO:0031701 angiotensin receptor binding(GO:0031701)
0.0 0.2 GO:0000014 single-stranded DNA endodeoxyribonuclease activity(GO:0000014)
0.0 0.1 GO:0004649 poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase activity(GO:0004649)
0.0 1.0 GO:0004467 long-chain fatty acid-CoA ligase activity(GO:0004467)
0.0 0.3 GO:0051998 carboxyl-O-methyltransferase activity(GO:0010340) protein carboxyl O-methyltransferase activity(GO:0051998)
0.0 0.1 GO:0008454 alpha-1,3-mannosylglycoprotein 4-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase activity(GO:0008454)
0.0 0.2 GO:0000995 transcription factor activity, core RNA polymerase III binding(GO:0000995)
0.0 0.6 GO:0051011 microtubule minus-end binding(GO:0051011)
0.0 0.2 GO:0097027 ubiquitin-protein transferase activator activity(GO:0097027)
0.0 0.3 GO:0003917 DNA topoisomerase type I activity(GO:0003917)
0.0 0.5 GO:0003887 DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity(GO:0003887)
0.0 0.4 GO:0070001 aspartic-type endopeptidase activity(GO:0004190) aspartic-type peptidase activity(GO:0070001)
0.0 0.1 GO:0030274 LIM domain binding(GO:0030274)
0.0 0.3 GO:0004169 dolichyl-phosphate-mannose-protein mannosyltransferase activity(GO:0004169)
0.0 0.1 GO:0000033 alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase activity(GO:0000033)
0.0 0.1 GO:0016880 glutamate-ammonia ligase activity(GO:0004356) ammonia ligase activity(GO:0016211) acid-ammonia (or amide) ligase activity(GO:0016880)
0.0 0.4 GO:0098748 clathrin adaptor activity(GO:0035615) endocytic adaptor activity(GO:0098748)
0.0 0.2 GO:0008510 sodium:bicarbonate symporter activity(GO:0008510)
0.0 0.2 GO:0017025 TBP-class protein binding(GO:0017025)
0.0 0.1 GO:0038064 protein tyrosine kinase collagen receptor activity(GO:0038062) collagen receptor activity(GO:0038064)
0.0 0.3 GO:0061608 nuclear import signal receptor activity(GO:0061608)
0.0 0.2 GO:0008266 poly(U) RNA binding(GO:0008266)
0.0 0.8 GO:0017124 SH3 domain binding(GO:0017124)
0.0 0.2 GO:0051879 Hsp90 protein binding(GO:0051879)
0.0 0.4 GO:0030165 PDZ domain binding(GO:0030165)
0.0 0.4 GO:0004198 calcium-dependent cysteine-type endopeptidase activity(GO:0004198)
0.0 0.1 GO:0003993 acid phosphatase activity(GO:0003993)
0.0 0.3 GO:0016780 phosphotransferase activity, for other substituted phosphate groups(GO:0016780)
0.0 0.1 GO:1904047 S-adenosyl-L-methionine binding(GO:1904047)
0.0 0.1 GO:0004185 serine-type carboxypeptidase activity(GO:0004185)

Gene overrepresentation in curated gene sets: canonical pathways category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.0 0.3 ST G ALPHA S PATHWAY G alpha s Pathway
0.0 1.2 PID TELOMERASE PATHWAY Regulation of Telomerase
0.0 0.4 PID P38 ALPHA BETA PATHWAY Regulation of p38-alpha and p38-beta
0.0 0.3 PID ARF6 PATHWAY Arf6 signaling events
0.0 0.4 PID CERAMIDE PATHWAY Ceramide signaling pathway

Gene overrepresentation in curated gene sets: REACTOME pathways category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
0.1 0.7 REACTOME ACYL CHAIN REMODELLING OF PG Genes involved in Acyl chain remodelling of PG
0.1 0.3 REACTOME PD1 SIGNALING Genes involved in PD-1 signaling
0.0 0.3 REACTOME EARLY PHASE OF HIV LIFE CYCLE Genes involved in Early Phase of HIV Life Cycle
0.0 0.4 REACTOME NEF MEDIATED DOWNREGULATION OF MHC CLASS I COMPLEX CELL SURFACE EXPRESSION Genes involved in Nef mediated downregulation of MHC class I complex cell surface expression
0.0 0.6 REACTOME SIGNALING BY HIPPO Genes involved in Signaling by Hippo
0.0 0.5 REACTOME BRANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACID CATABOLISM Genes involved in Branched-chain amino acid catabolism
0.0 0.4 REACTOME DOWNREGULATION OF SMAD2 3 SMAD4 TRANSCRIPTIONAL ACTIVITY Genes involved in Downregulation of SMAD2/3:SMAD4 transcriptional activity
0.0 0.3 REACTOME PYRUVATE METABOLISM Genes involved in Pyruvate metabolism
0.0 0.1 REACTOME SYNTHESIS OF BILE ACIDS AND BILE SALTS VIA 24 HYDROXYCHOLESTEROL Genes involved in Synthesis of bile acids and bile salts via 24-hydroxycholesterol
0.0 0.1 REACTOME SYNTHESIS SECRETION AND INACTIVATION OF GLP1 Genes involved in Synthesis, Secretion, and Inactivation of Glucagon-like Peptide-1 (GLP-1)
0.0 0.1 REACTOME CHYLOMICRON MEDIATED LIPID TRANSPORT Genes involved in Chylomicron-mediated lipid transport
0.0 0.2 REACTOME INSULIN SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING Genes involved in Insulin Synthesis and Processing