Motif ID: PAX3,7.p2
Z-value: 0.178

Transcription factors associated with PAX3,7.p2:
Gene Symbol | Entrez ID | Gene Name |
PAX3 | 5077 | paired box 3 |
PAX7 | 5081 | paired box 7 |
Activity-expression correlation:
Gene Symbol | Promoter | Pearson corr. coef. | P-value | Plot |
PAX7 | hg19_v1_chr1_+_18957499_18957499 | 0.37 | 3.6e-02 | Click! |
PAX3 | hg19_v1_chr2_-_223163333_223163718 | -0.16 | 3.8e-01 | Click! |
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