
GNF SymAtlas + NCI-60 cancer cell lines, comparison of cancers vs non-cancers, human (Su, 2004; Ross, 2000)


Results for ETS1

Z-value: 0.45

Motif logo

Transcription factors associated with ETS1

Gene Symbol Gene ID Gene Info
ENSG00000134954.10 ETS proto-oncogene 1, transcription factor

Activity-expression correlation:

GenePromoterPearson corr. coef.P-valuePlot

Activity profile of ETS1 motif

Sorted Z-values of ETS1 motif

Promoter Log-likelihood Transcript Gene Gene Info
chr19_-_10450287 62.29 ENST00000589261.1
intercellular adhesion molecule 3
chr19_+_1077393 60.36 ENST00000590577.1
histocompatibility (minor) HA-1
chr21_-_46340770 59.26 ENST00000397854.3
integrin, beta 2 (complement component 3 receptor 3 and 4 subunit)
chr13_-_46756351 56.05 ENST00000323076.2
lymphocyte cytosolic protein 1 (L-plastin)
chr7_-_5569588 55.66 ENST00000417101.1
actin, beta
chr20_+_43514320 49.17 ENST00000372839.3
tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, beta
chr19_-_10450328 49.04 ENST00000160262.5
intercellular adhesion molecule 3
chr12_-_110888103 47.57 ENST00000426440.1
actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 3, 21kDa
chr20_+_43514315 47.39 ENST00000353703.4
tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, beta
chr2_-_230786619 45.29 ENST00000389045.3
thyroid hormone receptor interactor 12
chr1_+_40505891 44.34 ENST00000372797.3
CAP, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1 (yeast)
chr7_+_5085452 42.23 ENST00000353796.3
RB-associated KRAB zinc finger
RBAK-RBAKDN readthrough
chr11_+_118230287 38.39 ENST00000252108.3
ubiquitination factor E4A
chr17_-_4852332 37.66 ENST00000572383.1
profilin 1
chr1_-_111743285 36.75 ENST00000357640.4
DENN/MADD domain containing 2D
chr10_-_121302195 36.71 ENST00000369103.2
regulator of G-protein signaling 10
chr9_-_88969303 36.67 ENST00000277141.6
zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 6
chr4_-_84035905 36.28 ENST00000311507.4
placenta-specific 8
chr1_+_16767195 36.15 ENST00000504551.2
NECAP endocytosis associated 2
chr19_-_39826639 36.05 ENST00000602185.1
glia maturation factor, gamma
chr1_+_16767167 35.32 ENST00000337132.5
NECAP endocytosis associated 2
chr20_-_2451395 35.30 ENST00000339610.6
small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B1
chr1_+_40506392 34.84 ENST00000414893.1
CAP, adenylate cyclase-associated protein 1 (yeast)
chr6_-_31510181 34.26 ENST00000458640.1
DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 39B
chr9_-_88969339 34.24 ENST00000375960.2
zinc finger, CCHC domain containing 6
chr17_+_1944790 34.22 ENST00000575162.1
diphthamide biosynthesis 1
chr4_-_84035868 33.98 ENST00000426923.2
placenta-specific 8
chr21_-_46340884 33.16 ENST00000302347.5
integrin, beta 2 (complement component 3 receptor 3 and 4 subunit)
chr11_-_58343319 32.94 ENST00000395074.2
chr1_-_167487758 32.41 ENST00000362089.5
CD247 molecule
chr3_-_121379739 32.40 ENST00000428394.2
hematopoietic cell-specific Lyn substrate 1
chr3_-_64009102 32.30 ENST00000478185.1
proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 6
chr17_+_4618734 32.29 ENST00000571206.1
arrestin, beta 2
chr6_-_31509714 32.08 ENST00000456662.1
DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 39B
chr1_-_167487808 31.87 ENST00000392122.3
CD247 molecule
chr1_-_113247543 31.83 ENST00000414971.1
ras homolog family member C
chr15_+_75074410 31.67 ENST00000439220.2
c-src tyrosine kinase
chr8_+_29953163 31.00 ENST00000518192.1
leptin receptor overlapping transcript-like 1
chr22_-_36924944 30.94 ENST00000405442.1
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit D
chr12_-_120907374 30.94 ENST00000550458.1
serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 9
chr14_-_69864993 30.86 ENST00000555373.1
enhancer of rudimentary homolog (Drosophila)
chr10_-_43892668 30.17 ENST00000544000.1
heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein F
chr22_-_36925186 30.09 ENST00000541106.1
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit D
chr7_+_102988082 29.75 ENST00000292644.3
proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 2
chr14_+_57735614 29.67 ENST00000261558.3
adaptor-related protein complex 5, mu 1 subunit
chr16_-_88717482 29.63 ENST00000261623.3
cytochrome b-245, alpha polypeptide
chr5_+_271752 29.62 ENST00000505221.1
programmed cell death 6
chr1_+_32716840 29.58 ENST00000336890.5
lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase
chr17_-_62502639 29.24 ENST00000225792.5
DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box helicase 5
chr2_+_219081817 29.17 ENST00000315717.5
actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 2, 34kDa
chr16_-_30204987 28.90 ENST00000569282.1
bolA family member 2B
chr19_+_35645618 28.50 ENST00000392218.2
FXYD domain containing ion transport regulator 5
chr19_+_35645817 28.46 ENST00000423817.3
FXYD domain containing ion transport regulator 5
chr6_-_32160622 28.40 ENST00000487761.1
G-protein signaling modulator 3
chr1_+_32739733 28.08 ENST00000333070.4
lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase
chr17_-_4852243 27.90 ENST00000225655.5
profilin 1
chr5_+_134094461 27.69 ENST00000452510.2
DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 46
chr5_+_65222384 27.26 ENST00000380943.2
erbb2 interacting protein
chr16_+_30205225 27.25 ENST00000345535.4
SLX1 structure-specific endonuclease subunit homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
chr15_-_65810042 27.15 ENST00000321147.6
dipeptidyl-peptidase 8
chr15_+_75074385 27.11 ENST00000220003.9
c-src tyrosine kinase
chr2_+_85804614 26.99 ENST00000263864.5
vesicle-associated membrane protein 8
chr16_+_29465822 26.91 ENST00000330181.5
SLX1 structure-specific endonuclease subunit homolog B (S. cerevisiae)
chr2_+_65454863 26.73 ENST00000260641.5
ARP2 actin-related protein 2 homolog (yeast)
chr1_+_198608146 26.67 ENST00000367376.2
protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C
chr16_-_88717423 26.55 ENST00000568278.1
cytochrome b-245, alpha polypeptide
chr15_-_65809991 26.42 ENST00000559526.1
dipeptidyl-peptidase 8
chr2_+_65454926 26.11 ENST00000542850.1
ARP2 actin-related protein 2 homolog (yeast)
chr1_-_25256368 25.86 ENST00000308873.6
runt-related transcription factor 3
chr12_+_7055631 25.85 ENST00000543115.1
protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 6
chr16_-_66968055 25.78 ENST00000568572.1
family with sequence similarity 96, member B
chr1_+_32716857 25.77 ENST00000482949.1
lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase
chr12_-_92539614 25.58 ENST00000256015.3
B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative
chr16_+_30483962 25.39 ENST00000356798.6
integrin, alpha L (antigen CD11A (p180), lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1; alpha polypeptide)
chr8_+_29952914 25.15 ENST00000321250.8
leptin receptor overlapping transcript-like 1
chr16_-_29465668 25.00 ENST00000569622.1
BolA-like protein 2
chr13_-_31191642 24.67 ENST00000405805.1
high mobility group box 1
chr17_-_38721711 24.64 ENST00000578085.1
chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 7
chr3_-_64009658 24.59 ENST00000394431.2
proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 6
chr19_+_49838653 24.49 ENST00000598095.1
CD37 molecule
chr8_+_22438009 24.46 ENST00000409417.1
PDZ and LIM domain 2 (mystique)
chr10_-_27149851 24.39 ENST00000376142.2
abl-interactor 1
chr17_+_43299241 24.39 ENST00000328118.3
formin-like 1
chr2_+_233415363 24.26 ENST00000409514.1
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E family member 2
chr2_+_69001913 24.24 ENST00000409030.3
Rho GTPase activating protein 25
chr7_+_141438393 24.23 ENST00000484178.1
single-stranded DNA binding protein 1, mitochondrial
chr17_-_76123101 24.10 ENST00000392467.3
transmembrane channel-like 6
chr12_+_7055767 24.09 ENST00000447931.2
protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 6
chr5_+_65222299 24.03 ENST00000284037.5
erbb2 interacting protein
chr5_-_150284532 23.96 ENST00000394226.2
zinc finger protein 300
chr17_-_17184605 23.93 ENST00000268717.5
COP9 signalosome subunit 3
chr10_-_27149792 23.82 ENST00000376140.3
abl-interactor 1
chr16_-_66968265 23.69 ENST00000567511.1
family with sequence similarity 96, member B
chr12_-_51717875 23.67 ENST00000604560.1
bridging integrator 2
chr2_-_175499294 23.66 ENST00000392547.2
WAS/WASL interacting protein family, member 1
chr7_-_138794081 23.46 ENST00000464606.1
zinc finger CCCH-type, antiviral 1
chr5_+_271733 23.42 ENST00000264933.4
programmed cell death 6
chr12_-_112856623 23.37 ENST00000551291.2
ribosomal protein L6
chr2_+_201754050 23.25 ENST00000426253.1
NIF3 NGG1 interacting factor 3-like 1 (S. cerevisiae)
chr17_-_29641104 23.18 ENST00000577894.1
ecotropic viral integration site 2B
chr19_+_16222439 23.13 ENST00000300935.3
RAB8A, member RAS oncogene family
chr2_-_230786679 23.01 ENST00000543084.1
thyroid hormone receptor interactor 12
chr16_+_50300427 22.94 ENST00000394697.2
adenylate cyclase 7
chr12_-_51717922 22.89 ENST00000452142.2
bridging integrator 2
chr5_-_150284351 22.82 ENST00000427179.1
zinc finger protein 300
chr7_-_99698338 22.79 ENST00000354230.3
minichromosome maintenance complex component 7
chr16_+_30484021 22.74 ENST00000358164.5
integrin, alpha L (antigen CD11A (p180), lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1; alpha polypeptide)
chr1_-_31230650 22.72 ENST00000294507.3
lysosomal protein transmembrane 5
chr2_+_30369859 22.69 ENST00000402003.3
yippee-like 5 (Drosophila)
chr19_-_10230562 22.67 ENST00000587146.1
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit G
chr8_+_22437965 22.63 ENST00000409141.1
PDZ and LIM domain 2 (mystique)
chr10_-_27149904 22.61 ENST00000376166.1
abl-interactor 1
chr12_+_25205568 22.43 ENST00000548766.1
lymphoid-restricted membrane protein
chr11_-_64013288 22.43 ENST00000542235.1
protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 14B
chr12_+_25205666 22.40 ENST00000547044.1
lymphoid-restricted membrane protein
chr16_+_30087288 22.37 ENST00000279387.7
protein phosphatase 4, catalytic subunit
chrX_+_118602363 22.37 ENST00000317881.8
solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; adenine nucleotide translocator), member 5
chr18_+_657733 22.26 ENST00000323250.5
thymidylate synthetase
chr12_-_51717948 22.23 ENST00000267012.4
bridging integrator 2
chr2_+_143886877 22.18 ENST00000295095.6
Rho GTPase activating protein 15
chr3_-_131221790 22.12 ENST00000512877.1
mitochondrial ribosomal protein L3
chr19_+_41768401 22.10 ENST00000352456.3
heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U-like 1
chr12_-_112847108 21.89 ENST00000549847.1
ribosomal protein L6
chr19_-_14530143 21.85 ENST00000242776.4
DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 39A
chr2_-_153573887 21.78 ENST00000493468.2
PRP40 pre-mRNA processing factor 40 homolog A (S. cerevisiae)
chr4_-_103746683 21.77 ENST00000504211.1
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 3
chr6_-_42016385 21.62 ENST00000502771.1
cyclin D3
chr11_+_46383121 21.57 ENST00000454345.1
diacylglycerol kinase, zeta
chr19_+_13261216 21.53 ENST00000587885.1
immediate early response 2
chr2_+_201754135 21.50 ENST00000409357.1
NIF3 NGG1 interacting factor 3-like 1 (S. cerevisiae)
chr7_+_141438118 21.41 ENST00000265304.6
single-stranded DNA binding protein 1, mitochondrial
chr14_+_70233810 21.29 ENST00000394366.2
serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 5
chr17_+_38278826 20.96 ENST00000577454.1
male-specific lethal 1 homolog (Drosophila)
chr1_-_207095324 20.93 ENST00000530505.1
Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 3
chr4_-_103747011 20.81 ENST00000350435.7
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 3
chr20_-_45984401 20.80 ENST00000311275.7
zinc finger, MYND-type containing 8
chr3_-_16555150 20.71 ENST00000334133.4
raftlin, lipid raft linker 1
chr3_-_186524234 20.56 ENST00000418288.1
replication factor C (activator 1) 4, 37kDa
chr15_+_44092784 20.55 ENST00000458412.1
huntingtin interacting protein K
chr3_-_50378343 20.42 ENST00000359365.4
Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 1
chr14_+_102276209 20.38 ENST00000445439.3
protein phosphatase 2, regulatory subunit B', gamma
chr19_-_10305752 20.37 ENST00000540357.1
DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 1
chr5_+_110074685 20.30 ENST00000355943.3
solute carrier family 25, member 46
chr2_+_182321925 20.28 ENST00000339307.4
integrin, alpha 4 (antigen CD49D, alpha 4 subunit of VLA-4 receptor)
chr3_+_184080790 20.27 ENST00000430783.1
polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide H
chr12_-_108954933 20.22 ENST00000431469.2
squamous cell carcinoma antigen recognized by T cells 3
chr12_+_7079944 20.18 ENST00000261406.6
EMG1 N1-specific pseudouridine methyltransferase
chr9_-_35103105 20.04 ENST00000452248.2
stomatin (EPB72)-like 2
chr2_-_235405168 20.01 ENST00000339728.3
ADP-ribosylation factor-like 4C
chr12_-_93835665 19.91 ENST00000552442.1
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2N
chr19_-_10230540 19.85 ENST00000589454.1
eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit G
chr20_-_49575058 19.78 ENST00000371584.4
dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase polypeptide 1, catalytic subunit
chr8_-_102217515 19.69 ENST00000520347.1
zinc finger protein 706
chr1_-_20987889 19.61 ENST00000415136.2
dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit (non-catalytic)
chr15_-_65809581 19.58 ENST00000341861.5
dipeptidyl-peptidase 8
chr5_-_180236811 19.49 ENST00000446023.2
mannosyl (alpha-1,3-)-glycoprotein beta-1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase
chr11_+_237016 19.47 ENST00000352303.5
proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 13
chr2_-_174828892 19.43 ENST00000418194.2
Sp3 transcription factor
chr3_-_50378235 19.31 ENST00000357043.2
Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 1
chr14_-_24616426 19.30 ENST00000216802.5
proteasome (prosome, macropain) activator subunit 2 (PA28 beta)
chr10_+_75504105 19.27 ENST00000535742.1
SEC24 family member C
chr19_+_9938562 19.25 ENST00000586895.1
ubiquitin-like 5
chr3_-_18480260 19.16 ENST00000454909.2
SATB homeobox 1
chr1_+_111415757 19.10 ENST00000429072.2
CD53 molecule
chr2_+_30369807 19.10 ENST00000379520.3
yippee-like 5 (Drosophila)
chr1_-_20987851 19.04 ENST00000464364.1
dolichyl-diphosphooligosaccharide--protein glycosyltransferase subunit (non-catalytic)
chr6_+_111195973 18.98 ENST00000368885.3
adenosylmethionine decarboxylase 1
chr4_-_103746924 18.95 ENST00000505207.1
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 3
chr17_+_41150793 18.82 ENST00000586277.1
ribosomal protein L27
chr20_+_31407692 18.78 ENST00000375571.5
microtubule-associated protein, RP/EB family, member 1
chr5_+_172410757 18.76 ENST00000519374.1
ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal 9kDa, V0 subunit e1
chr1_-_155990580 18.66 ENST00000531917.1
signal sequence receptor, beta (translocon-associated protein beta)
chr17_+_41150290 18.61 ENST00000589037.1
ribosomal protein L27
chr1_+_84944926 18.60 ENST00000370656.1
ribosome production factor 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
chr5_-_140070897 18.58 ENST00000448240.1
histidyl-tRNA synthetase
chr2_-_231090344 18.54 ENST00000540870.1
SP110 nuclear body protein
chr18_+_657578 18.50 ENST00000323274.10
thymidylate synthetase
chr4_-_103749179 18.43 ENST00000502690.1
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 3
chr5_-_40835303 18.39 ENST00000509877.1
ribosomal protein L37
chr12_-_120907459 18.29 ENST00000229390.3
serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 9
chr12_-_118797475 18.28 ENST00000541786.1
TAO kinase 3
chr17_+_41150479 18.28 ENST00000589913.1
ribosomal protein L27
chr16_+_718086 18.27 ENST00000315082.4
ras homolog family member T2
chr3_-_10362725 18.27 ENST00000397109.3
SEC13 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
chr11_-_64084959 18.16 ENST00000535750.1
tRNA methyltransferase 11-2 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
chr11_+_236540 18.15 ENST00000532097.1
proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 13
chr3_+_184081213 18.14 ENST00000429568.1
polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide H
chr1_+_203830703 18.05 ENST00000414487.2
small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide E
chr3_+_184081175 18.00 ENST00000452961.1
polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide H
chr17_+_43299156 17.94 ENST00000331495.3
formin-like 1
chr17_-_76124812 17.77 ENST00000592063.1
transmembrane channel-like 6
chr1_+_154947126 17.71 ENST00000368439.1
CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 1B
chrX_+_11777671 17.69 ENST00000380693.3
male-specific lethal 3 homolog (Drosophila)
chr5_+_167913450 17.64 ENST00000231572.3
arginyl-tRNA synthetase
chrX_-_153775426 17.57 ENST00000393562.2
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
chr15_-_55489097 17.57 ENST00000260443.4
ribosomal L24 domain containing 1
chr17_-_56595196 17.48 ENST00000579921.1
myotubularin related protein 4
chr1_-_183559693 17.46 ENST00000367535.3
neutrophil cytosolic factor 2
chr5_-_169725231 17.44 ENST00000046794.5
lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 (SH2 domain containing leukocyte protein of 76kDa)
chr22_+_21921994 17.39 ENST00000545681.1
ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2L 3

Network of associatons between targets according to the STRING database.

First level regulatory network of ETS1

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Gene Ontology Analysis

Gene overrepresentation in biological_process category:

Log-likelihood per target  Total log-likelihood Term Description
20.3 61.0 GO:0001732 formation of cytoplasmic translation initiation complex(GO:0001732)
19.0 57.0 GO:0046586 regulation of calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion(GO:0046586)
17.6 52.8 GO:0016344 meiotic chromosome movement towards spindle pole(GO:0016344)
13.5 54.0 GO:0006235 dTTP biosynthetic process(GO:0006235) pyrimidine deoxyribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process(GO:0009212)
12.5 12.5 GO:2000395 ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis(GO:0070086) regulation of ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis(GO:2000395) positive regulation of ubiquitin-dependent endocytosis(GO:2000397)
12.0 48.2 GO:0003366 cell-matrix adhesion involved in ameboidal cell migration(GO:0003366)
12.0 12.0 GO:0002752 cell surface pattern recognition receptor signaling pathway(GO:0002752)
11.8 58.8 GO:0042997 negative regulation of Golgi to plasma membrane protein transport(GO:0042997)
11.7 70.1 GO:0032511 late endosome to vacuole transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway(GO:0032511)
11.2 56.2 GO:1904845 response to L-glutamine(GO:1904844) cellular response to L-glutamine(GO:1904845)
10.8 43.4 GO:0033277 abortive mitotic cell cycle(GO:0033277)
10.7 75.0 GO:1901315 negative regulation of histone ubiquitination(GO:0033183) negative regulation of protein K63-linked ubiquitination(GO:1900045) regulation of histone H2A K63-linked ubiquitination(GO:1901314) negative regulation of histone H2A K63-linked ubiquitination(GO:1901315) negative regulation of protein polyubiquitination(GO:1902915)
10.2 51.0 GO:0075525 viral translational termination-reinitiation(GO:0075525)
10.0 20.0 GO:0032456 endocytic recycling(GO:0032456)
9.6 57.3 GO:0030948 negative regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor signaling pathway(GO:0030948)
9.2 54.9 GO:0046070 dGTP metabolic process(GO:0046070)
9.1 9.1 GO:0090611 ubiquitin-independent protein catabolic process via the multivesicular body sorting pathway(GO:0090611)
9.1 36.5 GO:0036228 protein targeting to nuclear inner membrane(GO:0036228)
9.0 27.0 GO:1903595 positive regulation of histamine secretion by mast cell(GO:1903595)
9.0 143.6 GO:0050862 positive regulation of T cell receptor signaling pathway(GO:0050862)
8.9 53.6 GO:1903758 regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by histone modification(GO:1903756) negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter by histone modification(GO:1903758)
8.5 51.2 GO:1904431 positive regulation of t-circle formation(GO:1904431)
8.4 25.1 GO:0090149 mitochondrial membrane fission(GO:0090149)
8.3 33.1 GO:0035752 lysosomal lumen pH elevation(GO:0035752)
8.2 32.9 GO:0006049 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine catabolic process(GO:0006049)
8.1 40.4 GO:1903588 negative regulation of blood vessel endothelial cell proliferation involved in sprouting angiogenesis(GO:1903588)
8.0 31.9 GO:0018364 peptidyl-glutamine methylation(GO:0018364)
7.6 30.3 GO:0039534 negative regulation of MDA-5 signaling pathway(GO:0039534)
7.5 60.2 GO:0033182 regulation of histone ubiquitination(GO:0033182)
7.4 66.3 GO:2000002 negative regulation of DNA damage checkpoint(GO:2000002)
7.3 21.9 GO:0042350 GDP-L-fucose biosynthetic process(GO:0042350) 'de novo' GDP-L-fucose biosynthetic process(GO:0042351)
7.3 21.8 GO:0006427 histidyl-tRNA aminoacylation(GO:0006427)
7.1 28.3 GO:0030242 pexophagy(GO:0030242)
7.0 21.0 GO:0006617 SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane, signal sequence recognition(GO:0006617)
6.9 34.4 GO:0002378 immunoglobulin biosynthetic process(GO:0002378)
6.6 32.9 GO:0050859 negative regulation of B cell receptor signaling pathway(GO:0050859)
6.6 65.6 GO:1900029 positive regulation of ruffle assembly(GO:1900029)
6.5 32.3 GO:0002032 desensitization of G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway by arrestin(GO:0002032)
6.3 19.0 GO:1903970 negative regulation of macrophage colony-stimulating factor signaling pathway(GO:1902227) negative regulation of response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor(GO:1903970) negative regulation of cellular response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor stimulus(GO:1903973)
6.3 19.0 GO:0006597 spermine biosynthetic process(GO:0006597)
6.3 18.8 GO:1903033 regulation of microtubule plus-end binding(GO:1903031) positive regulation of microtubule plus-end binding(GO:1903033)
6.2 24.7 GO:0002270 plasmacytoid dendritic cell activation(GO:0002270) T cell mediated immune response to tumor cell(GO:0002424) regulation of T cell mediated immune response to tumor cell(GO:0002840) regulation of restriction endodeoxyribonuclease activity(GO:0032072) negative regulation of apoptotic cell clearance(GO:2000426)
6.1 24.5 GO:2000435 regulation of protein neddylation(GO:2000434) negative regulation of protein neddylation(GO:2000435)
6.1 18.3 GO:0044878 mitotic cytokinesis checkpoint(GO:0044878)
6.1 24.2 GO:0030037 actin filament reorganization involved in cell cycle(GO:0030037)
6.0 42.1 GO:0000290 deadenylation-dependent decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA(GO:0000290)
5.9 17.8 GO:0039533 regulation of MDA-5 signaling pathway(GO:0039533)
5.9 29.3 GO:0019348 dolichol metabolic process(GO:0019348)
5.9 17.6 GO:0009051 pentose-phosphate shunt, oxidative branch(GO:0009051)
5.8 29.2 GO:0060136 embryonic process involved in female pregnancy(GO:0060136)
5.8 23.2 GO:0032079 positive regulation of endodeoxyribonuclease activity(GO:0032079)
5.7 28.3 GO:0097338 response to clozapine(GO:0097338)
5.6 22.3 GO:1904379 maintenance of unfolded protein(GO:0036506) protein localization to cytosolic proteasome complex(GO:1904327) maintenance of unfolded protein involved in ERAD pathway(GO:1904378) protein localization to cytosolic proteasome complex involved in ERAD pathway(GO:1904379)
5.6 16.7 GO:1901873 regulation of post-translational protein modification(GO:1901873)
5.4 26.9 GO:0038110 interleukin-2-mediated signaling pathway(GO:0038110)
5.3 85.5 GO:0043248 proteasome assembly(GO:0043248)
5.3 31.8 GO:1902766 skeletal muscle satellite cell migration(GO:1902766)
5.3 10.5 GO:0061010 gall bladder development(GO:0061010)
5.2 41.8 GO:0033211 adiponectin-activated signaling pathway(GO:0033211)
5.2 5.2 GO:1903903 regulation of establishment of T cell polarity(GO:1903903)
5.1 25.6 GO:2000271 positive regulation of fibroblast apoptotic process(GO:2000271)
5.0 70.3 GO:0040015 negative regulation of multicellular organism growth(GO:0040015)
5.0 20.0 GO:0090296 regulation of mitochondrial DNA replication(GO:0090296)
5.0 14.9 GO:0006420 arginyl-tRNA aminoacylation(GO:0006420)
4.8 14.4 GO:0002084 protein depalmitoylation(GO:0002084)
4.8 4.8 GO:0070341 fat cell proliferation(GO:0070341) regulation of fat cell proliferation(GO:0070344) negative regulation of fat cell proliferation(GO:0070345)
4.8 14.3 GO:1902463 protein localization to cell leading edge(GO:1902463)
4.8 14.3 GO:0039650 modulation by virus of host molecular function(GO:0039506) suppression by virus of host molecular function(GO:0039507) suppression by virus of host catalytic activity(GO:0039513) modulation by virus of host catalytic activity(GO:0039516) suppression by virus of host cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process(GO:0039650) negative regulation by symbiont of host catalytic activity(GO:0052053) negative regulation by symbiont of host molecular function(GO:0052056) modulation by symbiont of host catalytic activity(GO:0052148)
4.7 4.7 GO:1903093 regulation of protein K48-linked deubiquitination(GO:1903093) negative regulation of protein K48-linked deubiquitination(GO:1903094) negative regulation of ubiquitin-specific protease activity(GO:2000157)
4.7 14.1 GO:1903542 negative regulation of exosomal secretion(GO:1903542)
4.6 83.7 GO:0035855 megakaryocyte development(GO:0035855)
4.6 18.3 GO:0042247 morphogenesis of follicular epithelium(GO:0016333) establishment or maintenance of polarity of follicular epithelium(GO:0016334) establishment of planar polarity of follicular epithelium(GO:0042247)
4.6 22.8 GO:0045079 negative regulation of chemokine biosynthetic process(GO:0045079)
4.6 45.6 GO:0051096 positive regulation of helicase activity(GO:0051096)
4.5 94.8 GO:0002523 leukocyte migration involved in inflammatory response(GO:0002523)
4.5 45.0 GO:0018202 peptidyl-histidine modification(GO:0018202)
4.4 8.9 GO:1901407 regulation of phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II C-terminal domain(GO:1901407)
4.4 13.2 GO:0006624 vacuolar protein processing(GO:0006624)
4.4 17.6 GO:1902626 assembly of large subunit precursor of preribosome(GO:1902626)
4.3 38.6 GO:0045039 protein import into mitochondrial inner membrane(GO:0045039)
4.3 17.2 GO:0032218 riboflavin transport(GO:0032218)
4.3 17.2 GO:0006556 S-adenosylmethionine biosynthetic process(GO:0006556)
4.1 78.4 GO:0051014 actin filament severing(GO:0051014)
4.1 20.6 GO:1900262 regulation of DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity(GO:1900262) positive regulation of DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity(GO:1900264)
4.0 52.5 GO:1904869 regulation of protein localization to Cajal body(GO:1904869) positive regulation of protein localization to Cajal body(GO:1904871)
4.0 84.1 GO:0097320 membrane tubulation(GO:0097320)
3.9 39.1 GO:0000972 transcription-dependent tethering of RNA polymerase II gene DNA at nuclear periphery(GO:0000972)
3.9 31.2 GO:0070235 regulation of activation-induced cell death of T cells(GO:0070235) negative regulation of activation-induced cell death of T cells(GO:0070236)
3.9 31.0 GO:0002457 T cell antigen processing and presentation(GO:0002457)
3.9 19.3 GO:0042631 cellular response to water deprivation(GO:0042631)
3.8 56.8 GO:0071044 histone mRNA catabolic process(GO:0071044)
3.8 11.3 GO:1903939 negative regulation of histone H3-K9 dimethylation(GO:1900110) regulation of TORC2 signaling(GO:1903939)
3.8 11.3 GO:0030327 prenylated protein catabolic process(GO:0030327)
3.8 11.3 GO:0035927 RNA import into mitochondrion(GO:0035927)
3.7 22.4 GO:1901029 adenine transport(GO:0015853) negative regulation of mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization involved in apoptotic signaling pathway(GO:1901029)
3.7 48.1 GO:0002291 T cell activation via T cell receptor contact with antigen bound to MHC molecule on antigen presenting cell(GO:0002291)
3.7 11.1 GO:0019477 L-lysine catabolic process to acetyl-CoA(GO:0019474) L-lysine catabolic process(GO:0019477) L-lysine metabolic process(GO:0046440)
3.7 22.0 GO:0070212 protein poly-ADP-ribosylation(GO:0070212)
3.6 21.9 GO:0060701 regulation of mRNA cleavage(GO:0031437) negative regulation of mRNA cleavage(GO:0031438) negative regulation of immunoglobulin secretion(GO:0051025) negative regulation of ribonuclease activity(GO:0060701) negative regulation of endoribonuclease activity(GO:0060702) regulation of mRNA endonucleolytic cleavage involved in unfolded protein response(GO:1904720) negative regulation of mRNA endonucleolytic cleavage involved in unfolded protein response(GO:1904721)
3.6 29.0 GO:0032020 ISG15-protein conjugation(GO:0032020)
3.5 10.6 GO:0051697 protein delipidation(GO:0051697)
3.5 35.3 GO:0006268 DNA unwinding involved in DNA replication(GO:0006268)
3.5 24.5 GO:0051388 positive regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway(GO:0051388)
3.5 14.0 GO:0006382 adenosine to inosine editing(GO:0006382)
3.5 3.5 GO:2000017 positive regulation of determination of dorsal identity(GO:2000017)
3.5 20.8 GO:0000821 regulation of arginine metabolic process(GO:0000821)
3.5 3.5 GO:0034427 nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, exonucleolytic, 3'-5'(GO:0034427)
3.4 3.4 GO:0045053 protein retention in Golgi apparatus(GO:0045053)
3.4 20.2 GO:0070475 rRNA base methylation(GO:0070475)
3.3 46.3 GO:0043517 positive regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator(GO:0043517)
3.2 12.7 GO:0070370 heat acclimation(GO:0010286) cellular heat acclimation(GO:0070370)
3.2 12.6 GO:2000630 positive regulation of miRNA metabolic process(GO:2000630)
3.1 153.0 GO:0000387 spliceosomal snRNP assembly(GO:0000387)
3.1 31.0 GO:0007000 nucleolus organization(GO:0007000)
3.1 141.7 GO:0070979 protein K11-linked ubiquitination(GO:0070979)
3.0 12.0 GO:1901895 positive regulation of interferon-alpha biosynthetic process(GO:0045356) negative regulation of calcium-transporting ATPase activity(GO:1901895)
2.9 8.8 GO:0060370 susceptibility to T cell mediated cytotoxicity(GO:0060370)
2.9 2.9 GO:0021997 neural plate axis specification(GO:0021997)
2.9 23.0 GO:0071569 protein ufmylation(GO:0071569)
2.8 11.4 GO:1902044 regulation of Fas signaling pathway(GO:1902044)
2.8 17.0 GO:0070560 protein secretion by platelet(GO:0070560)
2.8 16.8 GO:0051013 microtubule severing(GO:0051013)
2.8 11.2 GO:0010216 maintenance of DNA methylation(GO:0010216)
2.8 11.1 GO:1903593 regulation of histamine secretion by mast cell(GO:1903593)
2.8 50.1 GO:0071803 positive regulation of podosome assembly(GO:0071803)
2.8 5.5 GO:0070213 protein auto-ADP-ribosylation(GO:0070213)
2.8 33.1 GO:0045651 positive regulation of macrophage differentiation(GO:0045651)
2.8 11.0 GO:0043555 regulation of translation in response to stress(GO:0043555)
2.7 11.0 GO:0003185 primary heart field specification(GO:0003138) sinoatrial valve development(GO:0003172) sinoatrial valve morphogenesis(GO:0003185)
2.7 55.9 GO:0016226 iron-sulfur cluster assembly(GO:0016226) metallo-sulfur cluster assembly(GO:0031163)
2.6 18.5 GO:0016255 attachment of GPI anchor to protein(GO:0016255)
2.6 10.5 GO:0046833 positive regulation of RNA export from nucleus(GO:0046833)
2.6 10.5 GO:0006620 posttranslational protein targeting to membrane(GO:0006620)
2.6 7.8 GO:0045658 regulation of neutrophil differentiation(GO:0045658) negative regulation of neutrophil differentiation(GO:0045659)
2.6 116.0 GO:0036260 7-methylguanosine mRNA capping(GO:0006370) 7-methylguanosine RNA capping(GO:0009452) RNA capping(GO:0036260)
2.6 7.7 GO:1902568 positive regulation of eosinophil degranulation(GO:0043311) positive regulation of eosinophil activation(GO:1902568)
2.6 7.7 GO:0034471 endonucleolytic cleavage to generate mature 5'-end of SSU-rRNA from (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA)(GO:0000472) rRNA 5'-end processing(GO:0000967) ncRNA 5'-end processing(GO:0034471)
2.6 12.8 GO:1902036 regulation of hematopoietic stem cell differentiation(GO:1902036)
2.5 10.2 GO:0030538 embryonic genitalia morphogenesis(GO:0030538)
2.5 7.6 GO:0048597 B cell negative selection(GO:0002352) post-embryonic camera-type eye morphogenesis(GO:0048597)
2.5 50.5 GO:0090110 cargo loading into COPII-coated vesicle(GO:0090110)
2.5 2.5 GO:0006404 RNA import into nucleus(GO:0006404)
2.5 12.5 GO:0071895 odontoblast differentiation(GO:0071895)
2.5 19.9 GO:0043402 glucocorticoid mediated signaling pathway(GO:0043402)
2.5 14.9 GO:0051563 smooth endoplasmic reticulum calcium ion homeostasis(GO:0051563)
2.5 7.4 GO:0035522 monoubiquitinated histone deubiquitination(GO:0035521) monoubiquitinated histone H2A deubiquitination(GO:0035522)
2.4 19.5 GO:0071550 death-inducing signaling complex assembly(GO:0071550)
2.4 12.1 GO:0002349 histamine production involved in inflammatory response(GO:0002349) histamine secretion involved in inflammatory response(GO:0002441) histamine secretion by mast cell(GO:0002553)
2.4 7.2 GO:0046166 glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate biosynthetic process(GO:0046166)
2.4 7.1 GO:0051684 maintenance of Golgi location(GO:0051684)
2.4 106.9 GO:0050690 regulation of defense response to virus by virus(GO:0050690)
2.4 7.1 GO:0051083 'de novo' cotranslational protein folding(GO:0051083)
2.4 73.5 GO:0000027 ribosomal large subunit assembly(GO:0000027)
2.3 11.6 GO:1902410 mitotic cytokinetic process(GO:1902410)
2.3 6.9 GO:1901355 response to rapamycin(GO:1901355)
2.3 34.2 GO:0006293 nucleotide-excision repair, preincision complex stabilization(GO:0006293) nucleotide-excision repair, DNA incision, 3'-to lesion(GO:0006295)
2.2 24.6 GO:0060059 embryonic retina morphogenesis in camera-type eye(GO:0060059)
2.2 6.7 GO:0070837 dehydroascorbic acid transport(GO:0070837)
2.2 6.7 GO:0010730 negative regulation of hydrogen peroxide biosynthetic process(GO:0010730)
2.2 201.3 GO:0002479 antigen processing and presentation of exogenous peptide antigen via MHC class I, TAP-dependent(GO:0002479)
2.2 15.3 GO:1904885 beta-catenin destruction complex assembly(GO:1904885)
2.2 4.3 GO:0001923 B-1 B cell differentiation(GO:0001923)
2.1 30.0 GO:2000675 negative regulation of type B pancreatic cell apoptotic process(GO:2000675)
2.1 21.2 GO:0048290 isotype switching to IgA isotypes(GO:0048290) regulation of isotype switching to IgA isotypes(GO:0048296) positive regulation of isotype switching to IgA isotypes(GO:0048298)
2.1 114.3 GO:1900739 regulation of protein insertion into mitochondrial membrane involved in apoptotic signaling pathway(GO:1900739) positive regulation of protein insertion into mitochondrial membrane involved in apoptotic signaling pathway(GO:1900740)
2.1 6.3 GO:1903371 regulation of endoplasmic reticulum tubular network organization(GO:1903371)
2.1 48.6 GO:0043101 purine-containing compound salvage(GO:0043101)
2.1 16.9 GO:0006348 chromatin silencing at telomere(GO:0006348)
2.1 14.6 GO:0006983 ER overload response(GO:0006983)
2.1 8.3 GO:0032747 positive regulation of interleukin-23 production(GO:0032747)
2.1 49.3 GO:0046339 diacylglycerol metabolic process(GO:0046339)
2.0 36.7 GO:0007213 G-protein coupled acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway(GO:0007213)
2.0 89.7 GO:0007190 activation of adenylate cyclase activity(GO:0007190)
2.0 4.0 GO:0032759 TRAIL production(GO:0032639) regulation of TRAIL production(GO:0032679) positive regulation of TRAIL production(GO:0032759)
2.0 26.2 GO:0034244 negative regulation of transcription elongation from RNA polymerase II promoter(GO:0034244)
2.0 24.0 GO:0002315 marginal zone B cell differentiation(GO:0002315)
2.0 17.9 GO:0002418 immune response to tumor cell(GO:0002418)
2.0 11.9 GO:0070934 CRD-mediated mRNA stabilization(GO:0070934)
2.0 7.9 GO:0050653 chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan biosynthetic process, polysaccharide chain biosynthetic process(GO:0050653)
2.0 19.7 GO:1902455 negative regulation of stem cell population maintenance(GO:1902455)
2.0 25.5 GO:0097345 mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization(GO:0097345)
1.9 15.6 GO:0031666 positive regulation of lipopolysaccharide-mediated signaling pathway(GO:0031666)
1.9 9.6 GO:0006436 tryptophanyl-tRNA aminoacylation(GO:0006436)
1.9 1.9 GO:0034154 toll-like receptor 7 signaling pathway(GO:0034154)
1.9 7.6 GO:2000825 positive regulation of androgen receptor activity(GO:2000825)
1.9 11.5 GO:2000400 positive regulation of T cell differentiation in thymus(GO:0033089) positive regulation of thymocyte aggregation(GO:2000400)
1.9 87.3 GO:0010501 RNA secondary structure unwinding(GO:0010501)
1.9 5.7 GO:2000234 positive regulation of ribosome biogenesis(GO:0090070) positive regulation of rRNA processing(GO:2000234)
1.9 13.0 GO:0070601 centromeric sister chromatid cohesion(GO:0070601)
1.9 13.0 GO:0060124 positive regulation of growth hormone secretion(GO:0060124)
1.8 23.8 GO:0034975 protein folding in endoplasmic reticulum(GO:0034975)
1.8 23.7 GO:0031293 membrane protein intracellular domain proteolysis(GO:0031293)
1.8 5.5 GO:0035350 FAD transport(GO:0015883) FAD transmembrane transport(GO:0035350)
1.8 12.5 GO:0031087 deadenylation-independent decapping of nuclear-transcribed mRNA(GO:0031087)
1.8 1.8 GO:1902299 pre-replicative complex assembly involved in nuclear cell cycle DNA replication(GO:0006267) pre-replicative complex assembly(GO:0036388) pre-replicative complex assembly involved in cell cycle DNA replication(GO:1902299)
1.8 14.3 GO:0010032 meiotic chromosome condensation(GO:0010032)
1.8 15.8 GO:0006296 nucleotide-excision repair, DNA incision, 5'-to lesion(GO:0006296)
1.7 1.7 GO:0045359 positive regulation of interferon-beta biosynthetic process(GO:0045359)
1.7 12.2 GO:0070424 regulation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain containing signaling pathway(GO:0070424)
1.7 5.2 GO:0090135 actin filament branching(GO:0090135)
1.7 3.4 GO:0001812 positive regulation of type I hypersensitivity(GO:0001812)
1.7 34.7 GO:0000185 activation of MAPKKK activity(GO:0000185)
1.7 6.6 GO:0031118 rRNA pseudouridine synthesis(GO:0031118)
1.6 8.2 GO:0002634 regulation of germinal center formation(GO:0002634)
1.6 16.3 GO:0014894 response to muscle inactivity involved in regulation of muscle adaptation(GO:0014877) response to denervation involved in regulation of muscle adaptation(GO:0014894)
1.6 8.1 GO:0071460 cellular response to cell-matrix adhesion(GO:0071460)
1.6 8.0 GO:1901252 regulation of intracellular transport of viral material(GO:1901252)
1.6 4.8 GO:0090219 negative regulation of lipid kinase activity(GO:0090219)
1.6 9.5 GO:2000567 memory T cell activation(GO:0035709) regulation of memory T cell activation(GO:2000567) positive regulation of memory T cell activation(GO:2000568)
1.6 10.9 GO:1903715 regulation of aerobic respiration(GO:1903715)
1.5 13.8 GO:0071763 nuclear membrane organization(GO:0071763)
1.5 33.5 GO:0006465 signal peptide processing(GO:0006465)
1.5 24.2 GO:0006516 glycoprotein catabolic process(GO:0006516)
1.5 4.5 GO:0031536 positive regulation of exit from mitosis(GO:0031536)
1.5 23.9 GO:0000338 protein deneddylation(GO:0000338)
1.5 19.3 GO:0070863 positive regulation of protein exit from endoplasmic reticulum(GO:0070863)
1.5 19.2 GO:0045835 negative regulation of meiotic nuclear division(GO:0045835)
1.5 32.5 GO:0033120 positive regulation of RNA splicing(GO:0033120)
1.5 200.6 GO:0006613 cotranslational protein targeting to membrane(GO:0006613)
1.5 5.9 GO:0071802 negative regulation of podosome assembly(GO:0071802)
1.4 38.9 GO:0048025 negative regulation of mRNA splicing, via spliceosome(GO:0048025)
1.4 61.9 GO:1900026 positive regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading(GO:1900026)
1.4 4.3 GO:0045014 carbon catabolite repression of transcription(GO:0045013) negative regulation of transcription by glucose(GO:0045014)
1.4 11.4 GO:1903690 negative regulation of wound healing, spreading of epidermal cells(GO:1903690)
1.4 11.4 GO:1902969 mitotic DNA replication(GO:1902969)
1.4 4.2 GO:0071500 negative stranded viral RNA replication(GO:0039689) multi-organism biosynthetic process(GO:0044034) cellular response to nitrosative stress(GO:0071500)
1.4 19.6 GO:0070389 chaperone cofactor-dependent protein refolding(GO:0070389)
1.4 5.5 GO:0021691 cerebellar Purkinje cell layer maturation(GO:0021691)
1.4 15.1 GO:0043374 CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell differentiation(GO:0043374)
1.4 5.4 GO:0007096 regulation of exit from mitosis(GO:0007096)
1.4 9.5 GO:0006933 negative regulation of cell adhesion involved in substrate-bound cell migration(GO:0006933)
1.3 13.4 GO:0014067 negative regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling(GO:0014067)
1.3 116.2 GO:0006903 vesicle targeting(GO:0006903)
1.3 70.4 GO:0021762 substantia nigra development(GO:0021762)
1.3 75.6 GO:0018279 peptidyl-asparagine modification(GO:0018196) protein N-linked glycosylation via asparagine(GO:0018279)
1.3 17.1 GO:1900017 positive regulation of cytokine production involved in inflammatory response(GO:1900017)
1.3 11.7 GO:2000622 regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, nonsense-mediated decay(GO:2000622) negative regulation of nuclear-transcribed mRNA catabolic process, nonsense-mediated decay(GO:2000623)
1.3 14.0 GO:0002717 positive regulation of natural killer cell mediated immunity(GO:0002717) positive regulation of natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity(GO:0045954)
1.3 105.3 GO:0002223 innate immune response activating cell surface receptor signaling pathway(GO:0002220) stimulatory C-type lectin receptor signaling pathway(GO:0002223)
1.2 13.7 GO:0051601 exocyst localization(GO:0051601)
1.2 20.0 GO:0051437 positive regulation of ubiquitin-protein ligase activity involved in regulation of mitotic cell cycle transition(GO:0051437)
1.2 17.4 GO:0007029 endoplasmic reticulum organization(GO:0007029)
1.2 22.4 GO:0010569 regulation of double-strand break repair via homologous recombination(GO:0010569)
1.2 9.9 GO:0051386 regulation of neurotrophin TRK receptor signaling pathway(GO:0051386)
1.2 12.2 GO:0002726 positive regulation of T cell cytokine production(GO:0002726)
1.2 2.4 GO:0080009 mRNA methylation(GO:0080009)
1.2 7.3 GO:0035542 regulation of SNARE complex assembly(GO:0035542)
1.2 14.6 GO:0051382 kinetochore assembly(GO:0051382)
1.2 21.8 GO:0035641 locomotory exploration behavior(GO:0035641)
1.2 14.5 GO:0030238 male sex determination(GO:0030238)
1.2 2.4 GO:0051088 PMA-inducible membrane protein ectodomain proteolysis(GO:0051088)
1.2 6.0 GO:0007172 signal complex assembly(GO:0007172)
1.2 3.6 GO:0048213 Golgi vesicle prefusion complex stabilization(GO:0048213)
1.2 39.6 GO:0042273 ribosomal large subunit biogenesis(GO:0042273)
1.2 4.7 GO:1901804 glucosylceramide catabolic process(GO:0006680) beta-glucoside metabolic process(GO:1901804) beta-glucoside catabolic process(GO:1901805) positive regulation of neuronal action potential(GO:1904457)
1.2 4.7 GO:0009048 dosage compensation by inactivation of X chromosome(GO:0009048)
1.2 4.7 GO:0046477 glycosylceramide catabolic process(GO:0046477)
1.2 35.8 GO:0045737 positive regulation of cyclin-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity(GO:0045737)
1.2 6.9 GO:0031914 negative regulation of synaptic plasticity(GO:0031914)
1.1 4.5 GO:0036229 glutamine secretion(GO:0010585) L-glutamine import(GO:0036229) L-glutamine import into cell(GO:1903803)
1.1 7.9 GO:0046604 positive regulation of mitotic centrosome separation(GO:0046604)
1.1 10.0 GO:0009249 protein lipoylation(GO:0009249)
1.1 11.1 GO:0035562 negative regulation of chromatin binding(GO:0035562)
1.1 18.7 GO:0008053 mitochondrial fusion(GO:0008053)
1.1 1.1 GO:0061428 negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter in response to hypoxia(GO:0061428)
1.1 42.5 GO:0046329 negative regulation of JNK cascade(GO:0046329)
1.1 10.8 GO:0071578 zinc II ion transmembrane import(GO:0071578)
1.1 78.9 GO:0097031 NADH dehydrogenase complex assembly(GO:0010257) mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I assembly(GO:0032981) mitochondrial respiratory chain complex I biogenesis(GO:0097031)
1.1 9.7 GO:0045292 mRNA cis splicing, via spliceosome(GO:0045292)
1.1 32.2 GO:0035066 positive regulation of histone acetylation(GO:0035066)
1.1 3.2 GO:0048133 germ-line stem cell division(GO:0042078) male germ-line stem cell asymmetric division(GO:0048133) germline stem cell asymmetric division(GO:0098728)
1.1 28.6 GO:0043984 histone H4-K16 acetylation(GO:0043984)
1.0 7.3 GO:0006307 DNA dealkylation involved in DNA repair(GO:0006307)
1.0 30.0 GO:0090383 phagosome acidification(GO:0090383)
1.0 4.1 GO:0045048 protein insertion into ER membrane(GO:0045048)
1.0 15.3 GO:0032515 negative regulation of phosphoprotein phosphatase activity(GO:0032515)
1.0 20.3 GO:0007202 activation of phospholipase C activity(GO:0007202)
1.0 27.8 GO:0045948 positive regulation of translational initiation(GO:0045948)
1.0 12.7 GO:0060965 negative regulation of gene silencing by miRNA(GO:0060965)
1.0 89.6 GO:0006413 translational initiation(GO:0006413)
1.0 19.3 GO:0016254 preassembly of GPI anchor in ER membrane(GO:0016254)
1.0 10.5 GO:0045116 protein neddylation(GO:0045116)
1.0 7.6 GO:0035897 proteolysis in other organism(GO:0035897)
0.9 12.3 GO:0030150 protein import into mitochondrial matrix(GO:0030150)
0.9 84.6 GO:0048013 ephrin receptor signaling pathway(GO:0048013)
0.9 6.5 GO:0046836 glycolipid transport(GO:0046836)
0.9 16.6 GO:0016180 snRNA processing(GO:0016180)
0.9 8.3 GO:0090557 establishment of endothelial intestinal barrier(GO:0090557)
0.9 19.3 GO:1901741 positive regulation of myoblast fusion(GO:1901741)
0.9 10.1 GO:0010815 bradykinin catabolic process(GO:0010815)
0.9 9.1 GO:1904355 positive regulation of telomere capping(GO:1904355)
0.9 10.0 GO:1900028 negative regulation of ruffle assembly(GO:1900028)
0.9 15.2 GO:2001204 regulation of osteoclast development(GO:2001204)
0.9 8.9 GO:0071421 manganese ion transmembrane transport(GO:0071421)
0.9 5.2 GO:1903223 positive regulation of oxidative stress-induced neuron death(GO:1903223) positive regulation of oxidative stress-induced neuron intrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway(GO:1903378)
0.9 4.3 GO:0046203 spermidine catabolic process(GO:0046203)
0.9 5.1 GO:0018343 protein farnesylation(GO:0018343)
0.8 22.9 GO:0032480 negative regulation of type I interferon production(GO:0032480)
0.8 30.5 GO:0002260 lymphocyte homeostasis(GO:0002260)
0.8 19.3 GO:0046627 negative regulation of insulin receptor signaling pathway(GO:0046627)
0.8 47.1 GO:0030433 ER-associated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process(GO:0030433)
0.8 6.6 GO:0001783 B cell apoptotic process(GO:0001783)
0.8 2.4 GO:0044376 RNA polymerase II complex import to nucleus(GO:0044376) RNA polymerase III complex localization to nucleus(GO:1990022)
0.8 14.1 GO:0050930 induction of positive chemotaxis(GO:0050930)
0.8 14.8 GO:0035067 negative regulation of histone acetylation(GO:0035067)
0.8 0.8 GO:0032487 regulation of Rap protein signal transduction(GO:0032487)
0.7 3.7 GO:0000028 ribosomal small subunit assembly(GO:0000028)
0.7 12.6 GO:0007176 regulation of epidermal growth factor-activated receptor activity(GO:0007176)
0.7 5.9 GO:0002098 tRNA wobble uridine modification(GO:0002098)
0.7 9.5 GO:0090161 Golgi ribbon formation(GO:0090161)
0.7 10.8 GO:0043518 negative regulation of DNA damage response, signal transduction by p53 class mediator(GO:0043518)
0.7 3.5 GO:0001306 age-dependent response to oxidative stress(GO:0001306) age-dependent response to reactive oxygen species(GO:0001315) regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by acetylcholine(GO:0003068) vasodilation by acetylcholine involved in regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure(GO:0003069) regulation of systemic arterial blood pressure by neurotransmitter(GO:0003070) age-dependent general metabolic decline(GO:0007571)
0.7 2.1 GO:0015783 GDP-fucose transport(GO:0015783) purine nucleotide-sugar transport(GO:0036079)
0.7 2.7 GO:0006868 glutamine transport(GO:0006868)
0.7 3.4 GO:0034378 chylomicron assembly(GO:0034378)
0.7 12.7 GO:0032012 regulation of ARF protein signal transduction(GO:0032012)
0.7 22.6 GO:0000381 regulation of alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome(GO:0000381)
0.7 9.3 GO:0071340 skeletal muscle acetylcholine-gated channel clustering(GO:0071340)
0.7 11.2 GO:0048169 regulation of long-term neuronal synaptic plasticity(GO:0048169)
0.7 3.3 GO:0042985 negative regulation of amyloid precursor protein biosynthetic process(GO:0042985)
0.7 10.5 GO:0007077 mitotic nuclear envelope disassembly(GO:0007077)
0.6 33.7 GO:0048278 vesicle docking(GO:0048278)
0.6 12.9 GO:0048268 clathrin coat assembly(GO:0048268)
0.6 1.9 GO:1901896 positive regulation of calcium-transporting ATPase activity(GO:1901896)
0.6 11.9 GO:1902857 positive regulation of nonmotile primary cilium assembly(GO:1902857)
0.6 9.4 GO:0070534 protein K63-linked ubiquitination(GO:0070534)
0.6 0.6 GO:0072434 signal transduction involved in G2 DNA damage checkpoint(GO:0072425) signal transduction involved in mitotic G2 DNA damage checkpoint(GO:0072434)
0.6 5.4 GO:1902659 regulation of glucose mediated signaling pathway(GO:1902659)
0.6 24.0 GO:0006221 pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthetic process(GO:0006221)
0.6 7.8 GO:0051256 mitotic spindle midzone assembly(GO:0051256)
0.6 29.8 GO:0042100 B cell proliferation(GO:0042100)
0.6 1.8 GO:0014707 branchiomeric skeletal muscle development(GO:0014707)
0.6 6.9 GO:0006122 mitochondrial electron transport, ubiquinol to cytochrome c(GO:0006122)
0.6 9.6 GO:0034629 cellular protein complex localization(GO:0034629)
0.6 17.8 GO:0050435 beta-amyloid metabolic process(GO:0050435)
0.5 1.1 GO:0018317 protein C-linked glycosylation(GO:0018103) peptidyl-tryptophan modification(GO:0018211) protein C-linked glycosylation via tryptophan(GO:0018317) protein C-linked glycosylatio