Motif ID: FOX{D1,D2}.p2

Z-value: 2.345

Transcription factors associated with FOX{D1,D2}.p2:

Gene SymbolEntrez IDGene Name
FOXD1 2297 forkhead box D1
FOXD2 2306 forkhead box D2

Activity-expression correlation:


Activity profile for motif FOX{D1,D2}.p2.

activity profile for motif FOX{D1,D2}.p2

Sorted Z-values histogram for motif FOX{D1,D2}.p2

Sorted Z-values for motif FOX{D1,D2}.p2

Network of associatons between targets according to the STRING database.

First level regulatory network of FOX{D1,D2}.p2

PNG image of the network

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Top targets:

Showing 1 to 20 of 200 entries
PromoterScoreRefseqGene SymbolGene Name
chr8_-_29263714 5.003 NM_001394
dual specificity phosphatase 4
chr3_-_71196696 4.923 FOXP1
forkhead box P1
chr4_+_120167264 4.715 SYNPO2
synaptopodin 2
chr21_+_29439768 4.639 C21orf7
chromosome 21 open reading frame 7
chr14_+_85069217 4.484

chr1_-_177378801 4.438 NM_001136000

v-abl Abelson murine leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2

chr8_-_119192985 4.417 NM_000127
exostosin 1
chr2_-_162808123 4.286 NM_004460
fibroblast activation protein, alpha
chr7_+_1543644 4.281 MAFK
v-maf musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog K (avian)
chr10_+_47875229 3.944 NM_001040084
annexin A8-like 2
annexin A8
annexin A8-like 1
chr6_+_74462577 3.926 CD109
CD109 molecule
chr10_+_104525877 3.868 NM_017787
chromosome 10 open reading frame 26
chr6_+_74462226 3.757 NM_001159587

CD109 molecule

chr12_+_13240987 3.671 EMP1
epithelial membrane protein 1
chr12_+_13240868 3.605 NM_001423
epithelial membrane protein 1
chr12_+_13240983 3.531 EMP1
epithelial membrane protein 1
chr12_+_12935222 3.469 NM_003979
G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member A
chr6_+_134800533 3.437 LOC154092
hypothetical LOC154092
chr6_+_74462485 3.337 CD109
CD109 molecule
chr4_-_152368492 3.323 SH3D19
SH3 domain containing 19

Gene Ontology Analysis

Gene overrepresentation in process category:

Showing 1 to 12 of 12 entries
enrichment   p-value GO term description
4.08 2.83e-03 GO:2000027 regulation of organ morphogenesis
2.27 6.55e-03 GO:0001501 skeletal system development
2.22 1.93e-02 GO:0022603 regulation of anatomical structure morphogenesis
2.07 3.28e-02 GO:0043009 chordate embryonic development
2.05 4.29e-02 GO:0009792 embryo development ending in birth or egg hatching
1.91 1.74e-03 GO:0007167 enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway
1.88 1.05e-02 GO:0000902 cell morphogenesis
1.85 3.75e-03 GO:0009790 embryo development
1.81 2.57e-02 GO:0032989 cellular component morphogenesis
1.53 8.95e-03 GO:0009653 anatomical structure morphogenesis
1.37 4.43e-03 GO:0048731 system development
1.31 1.61e-02 GO:0007275 multicellular organismal development

Nothing significant found in compartment category.

Gene overrepresentation in function category:

Showing 1 to 3 of 3 entries
enrichment   p-value GO term description
1.73 9.24e-03 GO:0043565 sequence-specific DNA binding
1.65 2.01e-03 GO:0001071 nucleic acid binding transcription factor activity
1.65 2.01e-03 GO:0003700 sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity